When they heard that the question finally opened, the creatures of the heavens and realms had already broken down, and they all cheered excitedly, the sound moved the sky, resounded throughout the heavens, and the cheers rose and fell one after another, endlessly.

There is a reason why they are so excited, although the inventory is interesting, but the life experience of the comparison of the things they talk about, and the final reward is only the comparison that is inventoried, and these ordinary creatures of the heavens and realms are just watching a lively.

Looking at the hanging ratio, just one piece of music, it may even affect the Dao heart, but the inventory is different.

The question is true, all living beings in the heavens and realms, there is no threshold, and any living creature can obtain the opportunity for transformation.

Inventory is a carnival that compares to a person, then this question is the common opportunity of countless living beings in the heavens and worlds.

There is no threshold for asking questions, as long as you are a creature within the heavens and realms, you can ask questions, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

And as long as you ask, the all-knowing, almost omniscient, omnipotent inventor will answer your question.

In this way, the creature who asks the question has the opportunity to change his or her own destiny.

Although only one person can ask questions at a time, compared to the creatures in the heavens and realms as vast as the sands of the Ganges, it is really not worth mentioning.

But this is an opportunity that all living beings can see, touch, and touch, so this question is extremely attractive.

For them, asking questions is an opportunity, a supreme opportunity, and although the probability of getting the opportunity to ask a question is small, it is also their opportunity.

As for the inventory, hanging comparisons or something, it doesn't matter to them, anyway, looking at the life path of hanging comparisons will not bring them any benefits, at most it is to find them some fun.

Looking at those hanging ratios in the inventory will only make them feel envious, and in addition, there is no benefit.

But asking questions is different, and each of them has the opportunity to ask questions.

In addition, the answers to many questions can be used by all the heavens and all worlds.

In other words, the results of some people's questions are helpful to all living beings.

Even if you can't ask questions yourself, you can get insights and opportunities from the questions of others.

Who doesn't love such a question?

This is the opportunity of the heavens and realms, as for that inventory?

Sorry, it's really unfamiliar.

"I don't know which lucky one will get the opportunity to ask this question this time. "

"The creatures of the heavens and realms are like the sand of the Ganges, they can't be counted, and to be able to stand out from so many creatures and get the opportunity to ask questions, to be honest, this is not at all easier than becoming a hanger. "

"Fellow Daoists, I have a hunch that maybe the person who got the opportunity to ask questions this time will be me!"

"Daoyou, you are wrong, I think the person who asked this question may be me. "

"Lord Inventor, look at Xiao Lao'er, Xiao Lao'er is your most devout believer, give me a chance to ask questions. "

"Lord Inventor, imprison Kane, lower the opportunity to ask questions!"

"Fellow Daoists, let's not forget the previous appointment, if you can really get the opportunity to ask questions, don't forget to ask questions that are helpful to all the heavens and all worlds. "

Someone mentioned this agreement again, and the creatures of the ten thousand worlds naturally called it yes.

The last time he asked was Zhang Sanfeng, and Zhang Sanfeng is really a good person.

The two questions were both questions that could benefit the heavens and worlds, and the creatures of the heavens and realms were naturally very satisfied and grateful to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng was given the opportunity to ask questions, which could obviously be used to seek benefits for himself and make himself stronger, but people still selflessly asked about the method of ascension and the method of plane advancement, both of which were beneficial to the creatures of the heavens and realms, benefiting all worlds.

And the heavens and realms did benefit from his question, and naturally hoped that there would be another person like Zhang Sanfeng to think about the heavens and realms, benefit the heavens and realms, and not for their own selfish interests.

"The probability of us getting the opportunity to ask questions is very small, and now we can only hope that the person who gets this opportunity to ask questions is a person who has a heart for all sentient beings, like Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang DaoChang, who can ask some high-level questions to benefit the living beings of all worlds." "

"Yes, don't waste this precious opportunity to ask questions. "

Creatures of the Ten Thousand Worlds, you talked about me one by one.

"Huh, by the way, the plane improvement method mentioned by the last inventor, has the big guy tried it after going back, how is the effect, is it okay?"

"Is there a big guy who can give some advice, which is really important to me?"

"Of these three methods, the third is best, and unless you have a last resort, don't use the first and second methods." "

"However, even the third method may hide monstrous cause and effect, it's hard to say." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms speculated one after another, and many people were secretly praying, hoping that they could seize this opportunity to ask questions.

The opportunity to ask questions is extremely rare, and even those bigwigs in various planes are extremely eager for it.

If you can seize the opportunity to ask questions, it will also be an opportunity for transformation for those supreme powers who stand at the peak of each plane.

Maybe they can take that crucial step and become a great existence that has never been seen before.

As for those ordinary people, and the equal division of living beings, let alone that.

Of course, they also want to get the opportunity to ask questions, after all, this is an opportunity to change their lives against the sky, and this is the only opportunity they may have access to in this life to completely change their destiny.

Who wouldn't want such an opportunity?

Changing one's life against the sky, becoming a hanging ratio, and then becoming a strong person in these heavens and realms step by step, this is the most simple wish of countless ordinary beings.

At the same time, the primordial flood world.

There are many flood worlds, distributed in the heavens and realms, and even in different times and spaces.

And this primordial flood world is the flood world at the very beginning, without any living disturbance, no traversers, and no comparison.

Primordial Flood World, Jinao Island in the East China Sea, Biyou Palace.

The Tongtian Sect Lord was full of thoughts, sitting on the cloud platform with a solemn face, his face was low, obviously worried about something.

He also prayed in his heart that he would be able to seize the opportunity to ask questions.

Speaking of which, who would believe that the supreme and omnipotent Lingbao Tianzun, the Lord of the Truncated Sect, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect, would actually pray that he would get the opportunity to ask questions.

But at this moment, the Tongtian Sect Lord had no other way but to pray that he could seize this opportunity.

This may be his last chance.

Now, it is time to seal the gods and measure the calamity.

If the Sect is defeated and retreated, if it cannot reverse the decline, the Sect is in danger and will surely be destroyed!

As the leader of the Sect Intercept, he naturally didn't want to let the Sect that he had worked so hard to be destroyed, and he didn't want to see his disciples die tragically in front of him.

And in the previous inventory of Li Changshou, the Tongtian Sect Lord also saw that the end of the Feng Shen Liang Robbery Sect was not good.

Even if he, the saint, personally took action, the side of the interpretation would certainly not be indifferent.

Although the Tongtian Sect Lord had some hole cards in his hand, there were also saints on the opposite side, and there was even more than one.

That shameless person in the beginning of the Yuanshi Yuan, in order to overthrow the Intercept Sect and win the Mandate and victory of this God Sealing War, actually colluded with the two shameless people in the West and Taiqing.

The four saints, even their own Immortal Sword Array could not stop it.

The Tongtian Sect Lord really had no other way, although he still had means such as the Ten Thousand Immortal Array and the Immortal Sword Array to try.

But in the eyes of the Tongtian Sect Leader, there was little hope.

Unless the earth, fire, water, and wind are reconnected, and the entire flood and famine are wiped out, the sect will definitely fail.

Tongtian is a saint, and the thought is immediately deduced.

But even so, among the countless endings, he did not see a single ending in which the sect triumphed.

It seems that the defeat of the sect is a foregone conclusion.

Even he, the Heavenly Dao Saint, had no choice, so he could only pin his hopes on asking questions.

He hopes that he will be able to get the opportunity to ask questions, face the omniscient and omnipotent mighty being, and obtain from the inventors a way to free the interception.

This was the only chance for the Tongtian Sect Lord, and it was also his last chance.

Tong Tian's gaze slowly firmed, for this last chance, he, the saint, must give it a try!

But as soon as he thought of this, Tong Tian couldn't help but think of another thing.

This inventory opportunity is naturally rare, so it will attract countless creatures to chase and compete.

Looking at this heaven and earth, if you want to get the opportunity to ask questions, why not trillions?

Although he is a saint, he does not have any special advantages in this kind of thing.

If he wanted to get the opportunity to ask questions, he could only compete with countless other creatures on an equal footing to get the opportunity to ask questions.

This feeling of not being in control of one's own hands is really bad.

The corners of Tongtian's mouth inevitably showed a little bitterness.

Even though he was a Heavenly Dao Saint, there was no way to influence the outcome of this question.

The great power of the inventor is magnificent, and it is difficult to see the details of the saint, even if it is the ancestor of Hongjun Dao.

The questions held by such a being, even if he can do it, he does not dare to do it.

Moreover, he can participate in the questioning and seize the opportunity to ask questions, can't other saints do it?

The probability of getting the opportunity to ask a question is too small, even for saints. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Tong Tian sighed helplessly.

Being a saint is almost omniscient, but who wouldn't want to go further?

Like the Dao Ancestor, even a saint could hardly guess the truth of the Dao Ancestor.

And in Tongtian's view, the horror of the inventor is even above the Dao Ancestor.

If the inventor can point him to a thing or two, make him stronger, or point out a way out for friendship, that's enough!

The inventor must be an existence that is beyond the heavens and realms, and this being will definitely be able to find a way to survive for the Sect in a desperate situation.

And that will also be the only hope for the Truncated Sect.

The creatures of the heavens and realms all looked at the heavenly curtain expectantly, hoping that their figures could appear on the heavenly curtain.

Because that means they get the opportunity to ask questions.

At this moment of great anticipation, Li Xiaoyao's magnificent voice fell from above the nine heavens.

[End of preemptive questioning.] 】

When the words fell, a figure appeared in the sky.

I don't feel it yet, you are too fast. "

0 for flowers 0

"Is this the end, damn it, who snatched the opportunity to ask questions, damn it!"

"I see that this figure on the sky screen doesn't seem to be me, how can I say, did I miss the opportunity to ask questions again?"

"Damn it, such a good opportunity to ask questions fell to others?"

"I envy these lucky days, it's good to be able to grab the opportunity to ask questions." "

"Damn it, I didn't get the opportunity to ask questions! Who?! Let me see which one didn't have a long eye steal the opportunity to ask questions?"

"Which lucky man got the opportunity to ask questions, and I don't know what questions this lucky man will ask this time, I hope he can benefit our heavens and realms like Zhang Sanfeng." "

"Yes, if he really can do this, although we don't get the opportunity to ask questions, but we are almost the same." "

While the creatures of the ten thousand worlds opened their mouths enviously, they looked at the sky curtain, at the figure that appeared in the sky.

It was a young Taoist man with a long figure, dressed in a Bagua fairy robe, with colorful golden light on his head, stepping on a red lotus, and holding a sword in his palm.

The young Taoist's eyes were wide, the sword light between his eyebrows was fierce, and he was stirring wantonly, as if he could cut open the heavens and the earth, and the snow-white sword light bank found the heavens and realms, Kyushu and all directions, throughout the ages!

He was dressed in a gossip fairy robe, with a detached supreme style, and the immortal qi around him spread wantonly.

Needless to say, at a glance, you can tell that this must be an extremely extraordinary existence.

And around him, there was a sound of rhyme, flying wantonly, and the sword qi was as mighty as the blue underworld, flowing between nine days and ten lands.

This Daoist is a Sword Dao Venerable, a well-deserved Great Sword Immortal.

This person's body is extremely mysterious, just by looking at it, people are in awe, and they can't help but want to bow down.

Even, many living beings were in awe, afraid of this figure that appeared on the sky.

It's just a figure, but it's in awe!

Obviously, this is not mortal.

This person is not a bystander, it is the Lord of the Truncated Sect, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect!

Seeing the Tongtian Sect Leader, the creatures of all the worlds were stunned and shocked.

"Who is this, and what a terrifying, unimaginable existence?"

"A good appearance of immortal wind Dao bones, a huge and unparalleled sword qi, so amazing, so terrifying, that rhyme almost swept the heavens, the sword qi is vast, this... Could it be an immortal?"

"It must be the Supreme Venerable, and among the immortals, there is also a saint and ancestor existence!"

"Shhh—I didn't expect such an existence to come and grab the opportunity to ask questions. "

"In this way, the fact that I didn't seize the opportunity to ask a question is suddenly nothing, and it seems all at once. "

At the same time, the primordial flood world.

Countless living beings, even saints, were shocked and shocked.

"It's actually the Tongtian Sect Leader?!"

"This is Master?!"

"Heavenly Saint?!"

"Unexpectedly, the opportunity to ask questions was actually grabbed by him!"

Hearing this, it was naturally shocked and unbelievable to the ten thousand worlds.


"This is actually a saint?!"

"No wonder it's so terrifying. "

All the heavens and all the worlds have seen the inventory, especially Li Changshou's inventory, so the creatures of the ten thousand worlds know the horror of the saint and the unparalleled supreme power.

Unexpectedly, even the saint came to ask questions.


I wonder what this sage will ask?

"The level of the saint's question should not be low, right?"

"Perhaps, this time we can get a chance with the saint's question!"

All sentient beings in all worlds are extremely excited.

At the same time, the flood desolation plane was already full of discussions.

Countless creatures were shocked and unbelievable.

"The Tongtian Sect Lord seized the opportunity to ask questions, and right now it is the Feng Shen Tribulation, he is likely to ask about this!"

"If there is an inventory person to help, hiss - maybe the sect will turn over against the wind!"

"Who would have thought that the Tongtian Sect Lord's luck was so good. "

At the same time, Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi Tianzun's face was solemn, and it was not good-looking.

How can this opportunity be grabbed by the sky?"

Now, it's a bit troublesome.

Originally, the general trend of this robbery and interception of the sect had passed, and the victory of the sect was a foregone conclusion.

But he was still uneasy, because asking questions is the biggest and last variable.

Now that Tong Tian has seized the opportunity to ask questions, if you ask about the amount of robbery, all this will become variable!

Could it be that the outcome of the Feng Shen Tribulation is going to change?

Yuan Shi's face changed, and then he calmed down again.

Of course, the inventor is a supreme existence, but this is a flood and desolation!

The flood and desolation are unchangeable, and those who take stock can't stop it!

At the same time, Zixiao Palace.

The tall old Dao raised his eyes to the sky, looking at the divine eagle in the sky curtain, and also sighed helplessly.

In his heart, he was even more curious about what kind of existence the inventor was.

Even he couldn't see through it.

For a long time, Hongjun was most concerned about the identity of the inventor, but unfortunately he never grabbed the opportunity to ask questions.

Otherwise, perhaps he can unlock the mystery of the inventor.

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