Countless creatures in the heavens and realms were extremely excited at this moment, because they heard a term from the mouth of the inventor: new inventory!

"What will be the new stocktaking?"

It turns out that the inventory hanging ratio is only part of the inventory, and after the hanging ratio, there are new other inventory.

The inventory hanging ratio is already so interesting, and what will be the new inventory.

As soon as the creatures of the heavens and realms heard that there was a new inventory, they all cheered.

The rewards of being counted must not be too rich, they have all seen it with their own eyes, and those who are counted are all one step to the sky, becoming a supreme existence of a plane, without exception.

They naturally envy the hanging ratio that has obtained such a rich reward, but it is a pity that the inventory is the hanging ratio, they are just ordinary people after all, and it is difficult to think that this is a reward belonging to the hanging ratio.

However, this new stocktaking gave them a chance.

Although they are not superiors, they also have their own strengths in other aspects.

"What if it's something they're good at?"

"In this case, wouldn't it take off directly?"

If you can get the rich rewards given by the inventor, you dare not think about it!

Don't dare to think, don't dare to think at all!

For a time, among the countless planes of the heavens and realms, countless creatures trembled gently because of their excitement.

The opportunity to change your life against the sky is just around the corner!

They had never touched such an opportunity so closely.

"Great, the hanging ratio inventory is finally over!"

"The top ten hanging ratios have finally come to an end, okay!"

"People are more popular than dead, these hanging ratios look really angry, but fortunately they have now been inventoried." "

"The new stocktaker did not disclose which aspect it was, which means that each of us has a chance!"

"The opportunity to send to the door, don't give it in vain, this is the opportunity for all living beings in the heavens and realms. "

"Hanging ratios are indeed rare, and it is uncertain whether a plane can appear or not. "

"But the new inventory is no longer an inventory hanging ratio, as long as it is not such an outrageous creature, all the creatures of the ten thousand worlds have a chance!"

"I hope to take stock of the top ten dicks, so that I will have a chance to be inventoried." "

"Then I hope to take stock of the top ten licking dogs, and I will definitely be able to overwhelm the crowd and successfully occupy a spot." "

"I hope to take stock of the top ten perverts..."

"Shhhhhh "

"Bull batch. "

Vast time and space, endless planes, I don't know how many people gave a thumbs up.

I have to say that since seeing the magic of this inventory, many creatures in the heavens and realms have actually fantasized that they can be selected to be a member of the inventory.

But it's a pity that the previous inventory was all hanging ratios, and the hanging ratios of the vast beings in the heavens and realms are still too few after all.

This time will open a new inventory, maybe it is their opportunity!

Countless creatures cheered and were very excited, and they might be able to change their lives against the sky.

Of course, there are also creatures wailing, because the inventory can only be opened after three days.

That is to say, the new inventory also needs to wait patiently for three days.

"Alas, after another three days, I really can't live, I can't live!"

"The days of waiting for the inventory are too boring, and the stocktaker begs you to open the inventory directly. "

"I can't live without inventory." "

Although each inventory is only a short three-day interval.

But for those who are obsessed with seeing the inventory, three days is also extremely long.

It is best to start counting the next one immediately after the inventory is done before they are satisfied.

But it's a pity that Li Xiaoyao has his own rules and will not change because of their ideas.

Therefore, no matter how difficult these three days are, they have to get through it.

Moreover, it is only three days, which is really nothing, even in those most ordinary ordinary worlds, three days is just a snap of the fingers.

Not to mention those mysterious planes, and even the supreme planes, taking a nap is thousands of years, and the time span of three days is almost negligible.

"Even if there is a new inventory, the previous questioning session should not disappear, right?"

"Yes, the question-and-answer session shouldn't be affected, right?"

The creatures of the ten thousand worlds suddenly spoke, and began to discuss.

"I think it should not change, inventory is inventory, asking questions is asking questions, and asking questions will not change because of inventory, it will definitely not change." "

"Well, asking questions is also our chance, but we must not cancel it." "

"What you said, even the saint took the initiative to ask questions, this forcing can be said to be full, how could the inventory canceled this link." "

"I don't know how the Tongtian Saint will respond after learning about the problem of the Intercept Sect, and will the Flood Desolation World change because of this?"

"It is estimated that there will be some phone calls, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect is a Heavenly Dao Saint, and now that he has known the crux of the defeat of the Sect, he will definitely make a move, and perhaps the outcome of the Sealing God Tribulation will change." "

"Speaking of which, buddy is really unlucky, from the first inventory to now the inventory has changed the type, buddy actually did not grab a single opportunity to ask questions!"

I didn't get a chance to ask questions. "

"Upstairs, plus one. "

"If you can't grab the opportunity, it's the real perversion, and you're lucky." "

"Do your math, the creatures of these heavens and realms are like the number of sands in the Ganges, and there are hundreds of millions, but ten counts, only one person is drawn to ask questions each time, and each time can only ask one question. "

In other words, only ten lucky people will be able to stand out from the trillions of living beings. "

"This vast and boundless plane and time and space, only ten people can be selected, if we are selected, then it is hell. "

"If you say that, all this seems quite normal. "

"That's right, you don't want to think about it, let alone us, even those supreme, powerful, omniscient and omnipotent saints in the supreme plane flood world have only snatched it once. "

"If you think about it this way, don't you feel that you are okay, and the gap in your heart is not so big, right?" "

"That's right, you say so, I do have a lot of balance in my heart, the saint is still like this, let alone I wait?"

"Yes, that's the truth. "

"Asking questions is different from others, this is really luck, if you are lucky, you can grab the opportunity to ask questions, if you are unlucky, then it is completely insulated from asking questions." "

"Asking questions will not change because of people's status and status, in front of the inventor, this is the equality of all beings, this is the true equality of all beings!"

The creatures nodded to each other.

Although they didn't get the opportunity to ask questions, they didn't have much resentment.

Because they all know that they can't grab the opportunity to ask questions, the reason is not because of the black box operation of the inventors, but because their luck is really not good.

In the matter of asking questions, all beings are equal, everyone is the same, they are equal, and everyone's luck in getting the opportunity to ask questions is equal.

And the reason why I can't get the opportunity to ask questions is just because of lack of luck and no other reason.

All beings are equal, and they are unlucky, who can be blamed for this?

You can only blame yourself.

Therefore, even if many creatures did not seize the opportunity to ask questions, they did not gaffe and break their defenses.

At the same time, in the Flood Barren World, a voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, rolling like heavenly thunder, sweeping the nine heavens and ten lands, and spreading throughout the Flood Barren World.

"Wutongtian Saint, today re-suppress the Intercept Sect Qi Luck!"

The Dao Sanskrit sound, vast and magnificent, resounded through the flood wilderness in a blink of an eye, and the entire flood barren world from the nine heavens to the nine ghosts echoed this sage heavenly sound.

When the words fell, countless creatures were drunk like they were drunk on the head, their hearts were shaken, and they looked in the direction of the East China Sea in shock.

"Tongtian Sect Lord, want to suppress the Intercept Sect Qi Luck again?!"

"What is he doing?"

"Could it be that the Heavenly Saint has comprehended the meaning of the inventor?"

"The foundation of the Intercept Sect Qi Luck is decaying, this is what the inventor himself said, it seems that the Tongtian Saint has comprehended the deep meaning of this sentence, so he intends to abandon the existing means of suppressing Qi Luck and re-suppress the Intercept Sect Qi Luck. "

"The root of the problem lies in the Qi Luck of the Truncated Sect, so the Tongtian Saint wants to suppress the Qi Luck again. "

"However, this matter is extremely dangerous, and the slightest carelessness may lead to the annihilation of the luck accumulated over so many years." "

"The saint of Tongtian does this extraordinary thing, he is worthy of being a saint, he is really not ordinary, he has a grandeur!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the Flood Barren World, countless creatures, many powers, and even other saints all set their eyes on the direction of Jinao Island in the East China Sea.

Even the saints were shocked by what Tong Tian had done at this moment.

He actually wants to suppress Qi Luck again?!

Suppressing luck is not simple, it is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, the luck accumulated over the years will be lost.

If the luck of qi passes and is exhausted, then the sect is doomed to ruin.

In the past, the Ancient Demon Court was brilliant and brilliant, suppressing heaven and earth, but why was it a miserable defeat in the end, and almost all the high-level officials of the entire demon clan died.

That is because the demon court's luck passed, failed to suppress the luck, and blessed the ancient demon court.

Now that Tongtian wants to suppress Qi Luck again, how rich the Qi Luck that a Sage Great Sect has accumulated countless Yuan Guilds is, it has long been an unimaginable category.

Such a rich luck, if one carelessly passes through, the sect will definitely fail!

Unexpectedly, Tongtian really dared to do this and do such a dangerous thing, wouldn't he be afraid of intercepting the passage of luck?

It seems that the reason why Tongtian is doing this is because the general trend of the Sect has passed, so he wants to make a desperate bet?!

In the Jade Void Palace, the supreme being who was sitting on the cloud platform and was almost with the Dao, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the situation of the Sect Intercept is already so dangerous that it cannot be supported at all, so Tong Tian will act like this.

Acting like this is just nonsense.

However, it also happened to be able to see the panic in Tongtian's heart.

The defeat of the Truncated Sect is naturally great news for the Interpretation Sect.

The battle of consecrating gods, the interpretation of the teachings will win!

The Intercept Sect Qi Luck is suppressed by the Immortal Sword Formation Diagram, this object is the first killing formation, it is not the four saints are unbreakable, but it is a supreme and powerful thing that time can hardly find.

The luck of suppressing with such a supreme thing, Tong Tian is still not satisfied, and he has to suppress it again?!

Can't such a supreme formation enter the eyes of the heavens?

For a time, many flood and desolation powers were talking about it, and it was difficult to understand the behavior of Tongtian.

Meanwhile, the Western religion, Mount Meru.

In Mount Meru, two golden lotuses bloomed, and two old men in Taoist robes sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, one with a thin face, like the old skin of a dead tree, with a bitter face; the other was a fat Taoist man with a round body.

These two old men, one fat and one thin, are the two sage leaders of the Western Sect today, and they are the Taoist Yu Zhun Tiren.

When Zhuan Yin and Zhun Ti saw the picture of Jinao Island hundreds of millions of miles away, they were both dismissive and smiled coldly.

"Tong Tian is really crazy, and he actually wants to suppress Qi Luck again. "

"With him alone, dare to re-suppress Qi Luck?"

"If you are not careful, the luck that the Sect has painstakingly accumulated countless Yuan Guilds will all dissipate and completely dissipate between heaven and earth. "

"At that time, the Sect will not only be destroyed, but even he will die because of the addition of cause and effect, bearing boundless cause and effect. "

"Although I and other saints will not die or die, if Tongtian falls because of this, even if the teacher wants to save him, it will be quite tricky. "

"Tongtian was really faint, and he actually walked out like this, it seems that he is really in a hurry, Tongtian is already anxious, and the destruction of the Intercept Sect is not far away. "

Speaking of this, Zhuyi and Jun Ti looked at each other, and their faces showed a satisfied look.

All right!

It is good that the battle of sealing gods should have a result as soon as possible, and it is good that the Intercept Sect should be destroyed as soon as possible.

The chaotic the East, the better.

The more chaotic they are, the more they can fish in troubled waters.

If the Sect is defeated, their Western Sect will naturally drive straight into the East, and all the disciples, spiritual treasures, and other mysteries of the Sect will be involved in his West.

Although this consecration of the gods is a dispute between the interpretation of the religion and the Taoist system between the sect, the Western religion has long been ready to move and salivate.

100 The two saints of the West are always paying attention to the battle between their feet, always ready to strike, after all, they want to take advantage of the fisherman.

Then the opportunity of the gods to measure the calamity made the Western religion grow.

Meanwhile, on Jinao Island.

The figure of the heavens cut through the long sky and stood above the sky, and his background was the entire firmament, vast and boundless.

He stood in mid-air, and Zhou Shen exuded a strong aura of sainthood, swept wantonly, and surged like a tidal wave.

On Jinao Island, many sect disciples gathered together, which was already extremely shocking.

"The sect leader really wants to suppress Qi Luck again?!"

"Now what we suppress Qi Luck is the Immortal Sword Array, the first killing formation of the Heavenly Dao, with such supreme treasures to suppress Qi Luck, we can intercept the sect to be able to come to the Immortal Dynasty." "

"Now that the sect is mainly suppressing qi luck again and abandoning the Immortal Sword Array, if what the inventor said is wrong, our sect will fall into a situation of irreparable disaster!"

"Sect Leader think twice!"

"Master, don't be like this!"

"Sect Leader..."

For a time, countless Sect Intercept disciples were calling, terrified, they were really afraid that the Tongtian Sect Lord would suppress Qi Luck again.

After all, the Immortal Sword Array is a great array of apologetics, and the sea area intercepts the qi and luck, if they are a little careless, they all have to finish playing.

Therefore, the disciples of the Sect were naturally anxious.

However, Tongtian, who was the party concerned, did not care at all, but instead looked indifferent.

He believes in stocktakers.

Having seen so many inventories, he has long believed everything that the stocktaker said.

Everything that the inventor said was more reliable than what the Dao ancestor said, and the credibility here in Tongtian was higher.

Moreover, the inventor is an unimaginable existence, and the great power is even above the Dao Ancestor, and he has no interest entanglement with such an existence at all.

Therefore, Tongtian was convinced of the words of the inventor and was ready to suppress Qi Luck again.

Now that the sect has reached the point of life and death, there is no other way.

He also knew that this method was dangerous, but there was no way but to give it a shot!

After thinking about it, Tong Tian made up his mind, and his eyes showed determination.

Immediately afterwards, he directly played the magic decision, and the Immortal Formation Map was summoned, breaking through the void, and came to the front of the Tongtian Buy.

In an instant, the fierce wind was everywhere, murderous, swept the heavens, rolled up the monstrous white waves in the East China Sea, the white waves turned over the sky, and the dragon roared up!

The four divine swords, the cold light, the sword qi is intertwined, the sword light is vast, and the killing qi seems to be able to cut the heavens and the earth!

Countless sect disciples stared at the four divine swords in shock.

This was really the first time they had seen the Immortal Sword Formation.

It's extraordinary!

And Tongtian discovered the clue, and the luck of the interception was actually full of anger!

The Tongtian Sect Leader's brows furrowed tightly, "No wonder. "

This is because the killing qi is too heavy, polluting the qi luck, and intercepting the qi luck will be so.

The stocktaker is right!

Tong Tian couldn't help but be shocked.

It's really scary to be an inventor, and to really understand everything.

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