In his heart, he was surprised by the vast power of the inventor, but Tong Tian quickly adjusted his mind, staring at the Immortal Sword Array in front of him, as well as the magnificent and mighty Sect Intercept Qi Luck brought out by the Immortal Sword Array!

The Sect's luck was mighty, turning into a golden dragon, roaring and roaring above the nine heavens, shaking the entire flood wilderness, and the four seas and eight wastes trembled because of this dragon groan!

However, on the body of that brilliant and mighty golden dragon, which should have been extremely sacred, there was a mixture of blood red and pitch black that lingered.

The golden dragon is polluted by that bad qi!

The dragon groan shook the heavens and the earth, and the mighty spread between the heavens and the earth, while the gaze of the heavens fell on the golden dragon of qi luck that had almost turned blood-black.

Unexpectedly, the luck of the intercept sect has been polluted to such a point, no wonder the intercept sect has come to this step, and it is dangerous.

Take a deep breath and look at the mighty Qi Luck Golden Dragon in front of them, to be honest, Tong Tian is also a little unbearable, this is the Qi Luck that they have accumulated for countless years.

But when he thought about it, he remembered the answer that the inventor told him in the question.

If it doesn't break, it won't stand!

The root of the decay of the Intercept Sect is because of the corruption of the Qi Luck Foundation, and if this Golden Dragon of Qi Luck that has been polluted by the Intercept Sect is not cut off, the Intercept Sect will still be destroyed after all!

In any case, the Intercept Sect cannot be destroyed!

His disciples can't be on the list of consecrated gods!

As soon as he thought of this, Tong Tian's gaze suddenly became cold and firm, he took a deep breath, and then a voice shouted out from his mouth, and in an instant, it swept the heavens, resounded throughout the flood barren world, and swept the vast universe!

"I go to heaven, today I will cut myself off and teach luck!"

The holy sound fell, swept between heaven and earth, and spread wantonly.

When the words fell, the Hong Desolate creatures were all in disbelief and looked in the direction of Jinao Island in shock.

"Tongtian Sect Leader... Self-cutting teaches luck?!"

For a while, countless creatures were all stunned.

Tongtian Sect Leader, actually did this?

Is he crazy?

Intercept the Sect's luck, that is the accumulation of hard work over countless years of the Intercept Sect.

Before the Great God Sealing War, the Sect was actually the most prominent of all the Great Saints Sect.

Because the Tongtian Sect Master recruits disciples and has no class, there are not too many harsh rules.

Therefore, there are countless disciples of the Intercept Sect on Jinao Island, and it is precisely because of this that the Intercept Sect has the reputation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Dynasty.

Naturally, the luck of the Jiao Sect is also extremely rich, and it is unimaginably large.

But now, the Tongtian Sect Lord actually ruthlessly wanted to cut off the Qi Luck of the Intercept Sect, and cut down all the Qi Luck that the Sect had accumulated for so many years?!

He's crazy?!

Does the Tongtian Sect Lord really want to seek his own death?

For a time, countless creatures looked at me and I looked at you, all of them were stunned.

They didn't expect that the Tongtian Sect Lord would actually do this.

He actually had such courage to cut off the luck that he had accumulated with great difficulty in consuming countless Yuan Hui!


"What a heaven, it has such courage!"

"No, this is no longer courageous, he cut himself off luck, isn't it?"

"That is, self-cutting luck, looking for death, this is! It's over, the saint is crazy!"

"Cao, worthy of being an inventor, is really extraordinary, and a word drives a saint crazy. "


For a time, countless creatures were talking about it, and people were panicked.

The matter of self-slashing luck in the sky really shocked everyone, and for a while, almost everyone was stunned in the entire flood barren world.

Even those great powers who had achieved cultivation, only under the saint, and were only a line away from the saint, were stunned at this moment, opened their mouths, and stared at the figure in disbelief, staring at the Tongtian Sect Lord.

"I'm holding Nima's, no, don't you want to be so outrageous!"

The disciples of the Sect were completely numb.

"Qi luck! Qi luck that we intercept teaching!"

"We have worked hard to accumulate countless Yuan Guild's luck, this is going to be gone?!"

"Lying groove, my luck!"

"No, what does the sect leader do?

"Do you have to make trouble this far?"

"Just because of the words of the inventor's family, does the sect leader have to do this?"

For a while, it was difficult for the disciples of the Sect to accept it.

Although they didn't want to be cut off by the Sect's luck, they could also see that the Tongtian Sect Lord had already made up his mind, and it was definitely not something they could change.

"The Sect Leader's mind has been decided, and I can't shake it. "

"I just hope that what the inventor said is true, and that he can succeed after cutting off his luck." "

"I hope that the sect leader will suppress Qi Luck again, and everything will go smoothly and be done." "

For a time, many Sect Intercept disciples no longer hobbies, but turned their faces full of worry, and their eyes fell tightly on that Sect Qi Luck.

This is the last hope of the Truncated Sect.

If the sect leader can suppress the qi luck again after cutting off the qi luck, then there is still hope for the intercept sect, but if it can't, then the sect will really collapse.

The former glorious and supreme Saint Great Sect will completely collapse and dissipate in the dust.

Countless disciples were worried, staring nervously at the heavenly curtain.

If it succeeds, it is fine, but if it fails, the Truncated Sect will cease to exist, and their home will be gone.

These Intercept Sect disciples naturally hoped that Tongtian could re-suppress Qi Luck and successfully let Intercept Sect find a glimmer of life in this desperate situation.

If Tongtian can succeed, then everything still has a chance.

Tong Tian stood proudly in the air, with an incomparably terrifying aura around his body, wanton agitation swept away, time and space collapsed, and the universe shattered!

This is the Heavenly Dao Saint, the supreme existence, the power of killing spreads, and it can almost destroy the entire flood waste.

And with just one move, a divine sword instantly cut through the long sky, turning into a touch of blue, sweeping and shattering the void!

That divine sword fell into Tongtian's hand, and in an instant the sword light rose, the sword light was mighty, dazzling, sweeping the heaven and earth, the nine states, the eight wastes, and the six seas!

The terrifying sword swallowed, condensed on the tip of the sword, the blade was unparalleled and incomparable, as if it could cut down the heavens.

But seeing that Tongtian stood in the long sky, the divine sword in his hand was only gently waved, and there was a terrifying sword radiance that tore through the long sky and cut everything, as if it could shatter heaven and earth, cut open the universe, and directly cut down!

And this Flood Barren Great Sword Immortal's powerful sword was aimed at the Guardian Sect Array that guarded the friendship, and it was also the biggest hole card of the Tongtian Sect Lord-the Immortal Sword Array!

If the cause and effect are not clear, any flood creature who sees this scene in front of him is estimated to be confused and shocked in his heart.

Why did the Tongtian Sect Lord make a move against the Immortal Sword Array!

That monstrous power pointed directly at the Immortal Sword Array!

In an instant, the fierce sword qi fell, and all the pollution above the Sect Qi Luck, all the bad qi, and everything that was pitch black and scarlet were all extinguished!

"Shhh-Master was so resolute that he didn't hesitate at all, and he fell down directly?"

"Is the Sect Leader so decisive, this sword came out, without any hesitation, so decisive!"

"It seems that the sect leader has already firmed up the idea of killing the luck of the sect in his heart. "

"Everything is traceable. "

When they saw that the filth on the Intercept Sect's qi luck had been cut off, for a while, the Intercept Sect disciples all became nervous, and the string in their hearts was already tightened at this moment.

They nervously awaited their next fate.

Next, whether the Intercept Sect will take off again, or whether the accumulation of countless years of the Great Sect of Saints will fall short and be destroyed, and it will soon be clear.

At this time, countless great powers were also stunned and extremely shocked.

"Tongtian actually cut off his own qi luck and cut off his qi luck?"

"Is he so decisive, not even hesitant at all!"

"Self-cutting luck, this is not self-seeking death? The luck that was condensed with great difficulty was directly cut off?

For a time, countless creatures looked at everything that happened on Jinao Island in a daze, and deep down they couldn't understand why Tong Tian did this.

At the same time, on Jinao Island, the luck of the Intercept Sect plummeted wildly.

Because of the self-defeating luck, the unimaginable luck that was originally and Ao Na Xiong has quickly fallen and collapsed at this moment at an unimaginable speed.

Countless flood and desolation powers, at this moment, were extremely shocked, staring at Jinao Island, and their hearts were full of shock.

Sure enough!

However, Tongtian actually cut his luck and was so courageous!

Just because of a word from the inventor, he acted like this?

What a heavenly one, what a decisiveness!

These great powers naturally also looked at Tongtian's inventory, and naturally knew why Tongtian's was so decisive, and in the face of the luck accumulated by his own hard work and painstaking efforts, they could directly cut down.

Just because of the words of the inventor - do not break and do not stand.

Now that the situation of intercepting the sect has been completely rotten, there is no way to save it, unless it is broken and then established.

This may be the meaning of the inventor.

And Tongtian acted according to what he said, since the inventor said that the problem was in the foundation of qi luck, then he cut off qi luck! (read violent novels, go on Feilu novel network!)

I don't know what the result will be when Tong Tian does this, can there really be a turnaround?

Countless powerful people were staring at Jinao Island with burning eyes, and they were all looking forward to it.

To be honest, they didn't really believe that this matter could turn around again.

Because the theory of luck is extremely mysterious, even saints have not fully understood it.

Now that Tongtian Trade has hastily cut down the Qi Luck of the Intercept Sect, looking at the speed of the loss of the Intercept Sect's Qi Luck, it is too terrifying to imagine.

Intercepting Qi's luck is losing wildly at an unimaginable speed.

Looking at the scene, it won't take long for the Sect Intercept Qi Luck to be completely consumed and completely collapsed, and it seems that there is no possibility of recovery at all!

Relatives and enemies fast!

Seeing such a scene, on Kunlun Mountain, in the Jade Void Palace, Yuan Shi Tianzun had already smiled crookedly, and his face was excited.

Good, good, good!

Unexpectedly, Tongtian actually did this!

At the beginning, Tongtian said that he wanted to cut off qi luck, but he thought that Tongtian was just to say hi, and he must be reluctant to cut off the qi luck that he had accumulated with great difficulty.

But I didn't expect that Tongtian would be so decisive this time, and without saying a word, he directly cut off the Jiao Jiao Qi!

Hahaha, Tong Tian is really crazy!

You know, now on the battlefield of the Feng Shen, the Intercept Sect has been defeated step by step.

Without the blessing and protection of the luck of the Sect, the situation of the Sect Interception will inevitably become even more rotten.

This is undoubtedly even worse for the Intercept Sect.

It's amazing.

It seems that the victory of the interpretation has been decided.

The intercept sect was vulnerable, and in the end, Tongtian actually believed the words of the inventor and made such a dizzy choice.

Isn't this a godsend?

Doomed to the extinction of the Sect!

It seems that the destruction of the Intercept Sect is really the general trend of the Heavenly Dao, and even if it is all-knowing and all-powerful, the unfathomable unimaginable inventor is difficult to change the fate of the Sect Interception.

Intercepting the teaching, there is no doubt that there will be no turnaround!

A satisfied smile appeared on Yuan Shi Tianzun's face.

This is his most satisfying ending.

The destruction of the Sect is the general trend of the Heavenly Dao, and everything is already doomed.

Even if you really grabbed the opportunity to ask questions and learned the reasons for the decline of the interception sect from the inventors, but so what?

After all, it is still difficult to change the decline of the truncated religion.

The collapse of the Truncated Sect has not changed at all!

A smile appeared on Yuan Shi Tianzun's face, and he was in a good mood.

Meanwhile, Western Elysium.

The Second Saint of the West sat on the golden lotus, and he was also excited at the moment.

"Hahaha, good, that fool in the sky actually killed himself, and from now on the sect will be doomed!"

"Unexpectedly, since Tongtian was so angry, he didn't think much about it at all, and he directly cut off the luck of the Sect, which is really stupid. "

"But it's also a good thing for us in the West. "

"Only when the sect is defeated can we have more opportunities to fish in troubled waters and seize enough benefits." "

"Looking at this situation, the overall situation has been decided, the exposition of the teachings will win, and the truncated teachings will not be able to return to heaven." "

"The opportunity for my Western prosperity has come!"

At the same moment, Zixiao Palace and Hongjun Daozu were also shocked.

However, he was not shocked by what Tong Tian had done.

In fact, he is very aware of Tongtian's personality, to the point of affection, and even a little irritable, and it is completely expected that he will do such a thing.

What really shocked Hongjun Daozu was the inventor.

He didn't expect that the inventor was so insightful about the Qi Luck of the Intercept Sect.

The inventor actually knows about this, and he is worthy of being an inventor!

What kind of existence is the inventor?

Hongjun's eyes condensed slightly, his gaze fell in the sky curtain, and he sighed a little in his heart.

What a terrifying existence that inventor was, and he could know such a secret.

Inventors, unfathomable.

Hongjun Dao Ancestor's heart suddenly fell silent, that unfathomable and mysterious inventor, Wei Li may still be above his Dao Ancestor.

Hongjun's eyes narrowed, and a hint of darkness appeared between his eyebrows.

Inventor, such a mysterious and powerful existence made Hongjun indeed feel a lot of unease in his heart.

Such an existence is extremely mysterious, if he really has some plans, even if he is a Dao ancestor, he may not be an opponent.

At the same time, the entire flood world had already been completely shaken.

Almost everyone thought that the number of Ji Jiao Qi (Zhao) had been exhausted, and this battle of the gods, the Sect Interception would definitely be defeated.

Even, the practice of self-defeating luck in the sky accelerated the demise of the Truncated Sect.

The Truncated Sect is doomed to die and completely dissipate between this heaven and earth.

Almost all living beings believe that the number of intercepted qi has been exhausted and must perish.

Intercept the teaching, and there is no power to return to the sky!

"Alas, in the past, when ten thousand immortals came to the dynasty, the extremely powerful Intercept Sect has also come to an end. "

Sure enough, at this moment, the Sect Intercept Sect weakened after all. "

"The Tongtian Sect Lord was really faint, and he actually cut his luck, which undoubtedly sent the Sect to a broken road. "

"Eh, that's a shame. "

However, at this moment, the abnormality suddenly appeared!

Inside the Immortal Sword Array, the already declining Qi Luck of the Sect Intercept actually skyrocketed in an instant!

That mighty luck was like a gushing river, suddenly soaring, wantonly flowing, mighty!

The luck of the Sect Intercept Sect suddenly became a Jedi, and it skyrocketed again, and it was even increasing, even better than before!

For a while, everyone in the entire Flood Desolation World was stunned, staring at the changes on the sky dome in disbelief, and was shocked beyond belief.

Jiaojiao's luck has been restored, even better than before!

In an instant, countless creatures in the entire Flood Desolation World opened their mouths wide, their faces were full of shock, and they couldn't say anything.

What just happened?"

"Did I just blind me? Is it so outrageous?"

"Is it an illusion?"

The change came so fast that everyone couldn't believe it.

Everyone's perception was subverted by the scene in front of them.

Kunlun Mountains.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's scalp was numb, and he couldn't sit still at all when he saw this scene.

When he probed it, he was immediately shocked.

How is this possible?

Jiao Jiao Qi Luck has not declined, but even stronger?!

Better than ever!

Can the inventor really change the general trend of the Heavenly Dao?!

Not good, if it is a revival of the teachings, it will be a disaster for the teachings.

In any case, Tsuten, must be stopped, and he cannot be allowed to continue!

Otherwise, the teachings are in danger!.

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