Wa Imperial Palace.

A figure with a snake tail hovered in the palace, exuding an extremely powerful aura around it.

This figure is naturally one of the six saints of the Heavenly Dao, the Terran-Nuwa!

Seeing this scene, Nuwa couldn't help but sigh: "It's worthy of being an inventor, and it's a word that breaks the sky." "

Although the Sect of Intercept has the glorious power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Dynasty, it has been defeated and retreated in the Feng Shen Tribulation, and it is vulnerable to a single attack, and it is not an opponent at all.

How much power, even the Heavenly Dao Saint was helpless about this, but I didn't expect that the inventor Dao broke the heavenly machine.

Even, the inventor let the heavens break and stand up, completely destroying the operation of intercepting qi luck, so that many great powers did not understand.

But now it seems that I have to say that it is worthy of being an inventor, and it is really insightful and far-sighted.

Compared with the inventors, these Heavenly Dao Saints are indeed willing to bow down, far inferior.

Even, not to mention the Heavenly Dao Saint, even their Master Dao Ancestor Hongjun may not be the opponent of this inventor.

The inventor is too mysterious and powerful.

In one word, change the general trend of floods!

Such a mighty power, even the Dao Ancestor, a great existence who is in line with the Heavenly Dao and controls the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao, may not be able to do it.

The takers said it all easily.

It is enough to see the horror of the inventories.

Such an omniscient being, if only he could get the opportunity to ask a question and ask the inventor a question.

There was a faint sadness between Nuwa's eyebrows.

She also wanted to be asked questions, but not for herself, but for the Terrans.

Nuwa created the Terran with her own hands, she is the mother of the Terran race, and is respected by thousands of Terrans.

Although it is an ethnic group created by the Nuwa saint himself, the Terran race is weak, the flesh is weak, and there are no various innate abilities, which is far from the gods, demons, demons and monsters.

Therefore, for so many years, the Terran race has been weak and has been struggling to survive in the cracks of the flood and desolation clan.

As early as when the Lich was calamitous, the Terrans were the blood food of the two major races of the Lich, and even more demon races sacrificed hundreds of millions of people in blood in order to sacrifice the witch slaughter sword.

Now that the Lich Tribulation is finally over, the Terrans finally have a glimmer of hope for their rise.

The Terrans finally lived and worked in peace and prosperity for thousands of years, but they encountered the current God Tribulation.

Although the Feng Shen Tribulation was a contest between the Interpretation Sect and the Interception Sect, the battlefield was chosen in the human world.

The immortals of the two religions took the human world as the battlefield and the rise and fall of the dynasty as a bet, and each used its means to attack and kill each other.

Whether it is the victory of the Interpretation Sect or the victory of the Intercept Sect, the Terrans will suffer heavy losses, and countless clansmen will die tragically under the Feng Shen Tribulation.

In the midst of the Sealing God Tribulation, the Terrans have become the servants of the Immortal Gods.

After this calamity, the hope of the rise of the human 090 race is even more remote.

As the mother of the Terrans, she naturally did not want to see the Terrans fall into such a dire situation.

Of course, Nuwa wants to make the ethnic group she created with her own hands strong.

But she didn't know what to do to make the congenitally weak Terrans prosper.

Although the Terrans have cultivation methods, the Terrans have a huge gap in many aspects compared to the gods and ghosts, and they cannot be compared at all.

Even if Nuwa is a saint, she is helpless.

Now all she can think of is to ask questions.

If you can get the opportunity to ask questions and ask the inventors, you may be able to change the fate of the Terrans!

This is Nuwa's last hope and opportunity.

At the same time, the Second Saint of the West, who had been keeping a close eye on Jinao Island, naturally also noticed the change in the luck of the Sect.

"Intercept Sect Qi Luck, it's soaring!"

"This time, the Sect Intercept really turned into a dragon!"

The faces of the two saints, Zhu Yi and Zhun Ti, were not very good-looking.

They originally thought of waiting for the Intercept Sect to be destroyed, taking advantage of the fire and robbing and making a fortune.

Now that the transportation of the truncated automobile has soared, it will naturally not be destroyed.

Their Western religion cannot make a big profit from this.

The two saints of the West naturally looked calm.

In addition, the two saints of the West are also shocking.

They really didn't expect that the words of the inventor were actually true!

He can really stop the flood and change the flood wilderness trend!

"A sentence that is not broken and does not stand, let the heavens make up their minds, and thus completely change the general trend of the flood and wilderness!"

"A good inventor, the flood desolation is inviolable, this is a well-known avenue, but he did not expect that he could even change the general trend of the flood desolation. "

Is the inventor really an existence beyond the heavens and realms?

Why does it seem to be even more terrifying than the one in the Zixiao Palace?

The two sacred hearts of the West are a little bottomless.

It was really the power displayed by the inventors was too outrageous, and they were shocked to this day.

Changing the general trend of floods and desolations is not just talk, what can do this step is absolutely unfathomable and unimaginable!

"Inventor, it's terrible. "

Jun Ti muttered solemnly with a solemn face.

I thought that as a saint, I was high, I knew everything, I knew everything, and I didn't need to care about the question.

Unexpectedly, it was the frog at the bottom of their well, sitting in the well and watching the sky.

This inventor is really unfathomable and difficult to fathom.

Asking questions is not useless.

Even the saint Tongtian got the answer he wanted in the question, and solved the problem that had been bothering him.

The rank of this inventor is far above the saint, and its strength is unimaginable and unbelievable!

Originally, the two saints of the West did not pay much attention to the matter of questioning, but now it is different.

This question is unimaginable even for a saint!

For a while, the eyes of the two Western saints looking at the sky suddenly became hot.

Even saints should be thrilled to ask questions!

The two saints of the West are fiercely moved!

If you can get the opportunity to ask questions, the West will definitely be happy!

This is a trust in the supreme power of your inventori, and the two saints of the West are excited.

"The great prosperity of the West is already doomed!"

The two saints of the West seem to have seen the picture of themselves grabbing the opportunity to ask questions and let the West rise, and they are naturally overjoyed at this moment.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms had a bitter face.

"Alas, this is the end, this is also too fast. "

"Don't, inventor, can you add an hour and directly open a new inventory." "

The creatures of the heavens and realms really can't stand the days without inventory, although there are only three days, but for them, the days without inventory are like years, three days is almost three years, or even thirty-three hundred years!

"There is no inventory, but it is too difficult. "

"It's three more days, and it's been too hard. "

"It's too difficult, I can't survive these three days. "

"Needless to say, brothers, I meditate for three days first, and as soon as I open my eyes, the inventory begins, isn't it beautiful?"

"Dao-friendly strategy. "

Meanwhile, the Wasteland Continent.

Li Xiaoyao slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a turbid breath.

"It's finally over. "

Unlike the creatures of the ten thousand worlds, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds do not want to let the inventory end, and Li Xiaoyao is looking forward to the end of the inventory.

Because after the inventory is over, he can get his own reward.

Now that the inventory is over, I can finally get the reward.

Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up, the rewards given by the system have always been rich, I don't know what it will be this time.

In my ears, a prompt came to mind.

[Congratulations to the host, obtaining 100,000 years of cultivation, a wisp of origin essence!]

Another 100,000 years of cultivation.

Although he had already received this reward more than once, Li Xiaoyao did not have the slightest disgust.

Who would dislike that cultivating this thing is bad?

One hundred thousand years of cultivation is enough for him to try to break through the limit of the Emperor Realm!

Li Xiaoyao nodded, with a satisfied expression, and then looked at the second treasure, the Origin Essence!

The essence of the origin is the essence of the origin of heaven and earth.

It is the purest essence of heaven and earth.

Even if the Great Emperor wanted to obtain this object, it would be difficult to ascend to the sky.

And if you can absorb the essence of the origin, you can sublimate to the extreme, break through the limit of the plane!

100,000 years of cultivation, plus the essence of the origin.

Li Xiaoyao secretly thought in his heart, these two are treasures for improving cultivation.

After receiving and using it, maybe your cultivation can rise again?

Now Li Xiaoyao's cultivation is already the peak of the Emperor Realm, and if it rises again, it will be a legendary immortal.

And if he can become an immortal, Li Xiaoyao can completely crush a group of old monsters and become the supreme existence of this direction.

Now Li Xiaoyao, as the peak of the Great Emperor, is already the existence of the Desolate Continent at the apex.

As long as those old monsters buried in the depths of the years, such as those distant ancestors of the Holy Land, do not come out, he is an invincible existence in the world.

And if he used a hundred thousand years of cultivation and the essence of the origin, his cultivation would definitely go one step further, and he would definitely be able to become the first person in the Desolate Continent!

Even those incomparably ancient, longevity with the sky, hidden in the depths of the years, I don't know how many old monsters (cjff) things have experienced, are not Li Xiaoyao's opponents.

The only thing that is doubtful is that he can rise up into the sky with this reward and directly become the Red Dust Fairy in one breath.

Red Dust Fairy, Wonderland!

It has already transcended the imperial realm, completely reborn, and faded into mortal dust.

Although the Great Emperor is powerful and powerful, he is only a mortal body, but if he can become a red dust fairy, he is a supreme immortal.

The Desolate Continent does not need to be like the Sky Covering World, and it needs to live backwards for nine lifetimes to become the Red Dust Immortal.

The world of the heaven-shading plane is broken, so there are rules for becoming immortals.

But the Desolate Continent is not like this, as long as the cultivation is achieved, it can achieve the Red Dust Immortal, the power is magnificent, and the suppression of eternity!

Achieve the red dust fairy, invincible in the world, immortal, the years do not add to the body, and the heaven and earth live the same life, and the same geng!

Li Xiaoyao also hopes that he can become a red dust fairy in one breath with this reward.

Although this world does not have the restriction of living against the ninth life to become a red dust fairy like covering the heavenly plane, it is not simple to hit the realm and become a red dust fairy.

The realm gap between the Red Dust Immortal and the Great Emperor is so large that it is unimaginable.

Without any hesitation, Li Xiaoyao directly received the reward and began the retreat.

His cultivation was originally the peak of the Great Emperor, and after absorbing 100,000 years of cultivation, his terrifying energy instantly exploded, like a violent wind, sweeping across the horizon, wantonly raging between heaven and earth. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The incomparably terrifying momentum did not have any reservations, and it spread out into a hurricane between heaven and earth, suddenly stirring, and swept the entire Desolate Continent.

At the same time, coupled with the Origin Essence of Heaven and Earth, it was condensed into the Origin Essence.

Li Xiaoyao's whole body has undergone earth-shaking and mysterious changes.

With the essence of the origin of heaven and earth, Li Xiaoyao's body was shining with incomparable light.

His whole person seemed to turn into a jade man, sitting cross-legged between heaven and earth, exuding a powerful and mysterious aura around him.

A steady stream of vitality surged in his body, and the breath of life stirred wantonly, entwining the heavens and the earth.

The powerful momentum spread around him, magnificent shore, boundless.

There is also a wisp of fairy aura in the middle.

In the majestic momentum, there is also an ethereal fairy spirit, which spreads out.

Endless vitality emerged, and Li Xiaoyao's life level also seemed to change and change under the backlog of this vitality.

This also means that he is about to step into the Red Dust Fairy Realm!

Red dust fairy, fairy!

Reborn, faded into mortal bodies, and escaped between heaven and earth, supreme, magnificent to the unimaginable immortal.

In an instant, thousands of gods and elephants resonated, gods and elephants roared, shaking down the sky, blue falling universe, and the whole heaven and earth shook at this moment because of the sound of the gods and elephants.

The unparalleled horror was mighty and unbridled.

An immortal is being born!

Above the boundless heavenly dome, a mighty purple qi suddenly swept over, as if it was pouring down from the thirty-three heavens.

Mighty purple qi, 30,000 li east, endless.

At the same time, there is a more chilling breath rolling, like an endless blade, wantonly spreading the heavens and the earth.

On the dome of heaven, there are all kinds of visions.

There are dragons and phoenixes in good fortune, the heavens of the divine palace will bow down, and there are ancient trees in the world that shake down.

Endless visions arise between heaven and earth, mysterious.

A supreme mysterious aura fell between heaven and earth, giving birth to countless mysteries.

And this vision of all kinds of visions, all mysteries, in fact, exists only because of one person, that is, Li Xiaoyao, who is breaking through the realm of the Red Dust Fairy.

Red Dust Wonderland is really amazing.

Such a shocking vision swept the entire Desolate Continent, and countless creatures all looked up at the sky in amazement, their eyes shocked, and muttered to themselves.

"My God! What happened here?!"

Under this vision of heaven and earth, I feel that the shackles of cultivation that have not been loosened for hundreds of years are faintly showing signs of being broken!

"Shhh-such a vision of heaven and earth, this is the strange birth of the Red Dust Fairy!"

"Our Desolate Continent, is someone attacking the Red Dust Immortal Realm?"

"This is a strange scene of the birth of immortals, is there really a red dust fairy in heaven and earth about to be born?"

"The Red Dust Fairy... Red Dust Fairy!"

"Unexpectedly, in my life, I would be fortunate enough to witness the birth of the Red Dust Fairy!

"Shhh-our Desolate Continent, is a red dust fairy finally going to be born?"

For a time, between the entire heaven and earth, countless cultivators were talking about it, and there were different opinions.

However, without exception, everyone is looking forward to the birth of immortals.

"I don't know which supreme being wants to achieve the Red Dust Immortal, who has such great power, there is no doubt that it is definitely not an ordinary person. "

"The Red Dust Immortal is an invincible existence, a reborn immortal, how can ordinary people achieve. "

"Only those existences who have long been based on the Emperor Realm, or even the peak of the Great Emperor, and have been immersed in this realm for countless years, can achieve it. "

"Could it be some Holy Land Ancestor?"

"It seems that only the ancestors of several holy lands have the possibility of achieving the Red Dust Immortal. "

"Taoist friends are right. "

"Only with such an existence can it be possible to take that step and become a red dust fairy." "

"It must be based on the existence of countless years at the peak of the Great Emperor to become the Immortal of Red Dust. "

At the same time, in the midst of the discussion of all living beings, a figure rose up into the sky, slowly walking from heaven and earth, the divine light reflected the continent, the momentum was monstrous, magnificent, majestic and boundless, sweeping the heaven and earth.

And that mysterious and powerful Dao Yun instantly spread all over the heavens and earth, sweeping the entire Desolate Continent.

Li Xiaoyao has set foot in the Red Dust Wonderland!

In an instant, it caused a shock in the entire continent!

Countless creatures all looked at the figure shrouded in endless divine light, feeling nervous and expectant.

"I don't know which one exists to make the Red Dust Wonderland. "

Who is this person?

What kind of great existence can take that step and achieve the existence of the ancient and the present?

"Could it be the emperor who destroyed the Shaking Light Holy Land?"

"Unlikely, that emperor, who has not been famous before, it is estimated that it will not be long before the new achievement emperor, how long will he break through to become the Red Dust Immortal?"

"If I were to say, it can't be. "

"This is the Red Dust Immortal, such a strong person, already an immortal, reborn, extremely powerful, unheard of!"

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