Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 541 - Pauper Bandit Group (7)

Auron saw an ocean of people in front of him. And, these people were bandits.

As far as Auron saw, the number of people in front of him right now was more than 300 people. Even the number of people in the village right now was not more than 100 people, including the outsider and passerby.

At the very front of the bandits, Auron recognized the person who led them. It was the Pauper Bandit Group's leader.

Auron frowned. There was no way Pauper Bandit Group could grow this big. 300 people were way more than the small-sized bandit group's limit.

After killing the entrance's guard, the bandits didn't immediately charge. Instead, they stayed right at the entrance and blocked it. Meanwhile, the guards and all of the people inside the village started to move towards the entrance.

When the village's head knew that the bandit had attacked his village, he immediately sent a request to the military using a secret tool. Still, it would take time for the reinforcements to arrive. Moreover, it was in the middle of the night. Hence, he needed to stall some time.

Unfortunately, along the way, the village's head moving towards the entrance, the villagers already panicked. The man took anything that could be used as a weapon. On the other hand, they kept the women, children, and elderly away.

There was also an outsider that didn't want to be involved in this mess, trying to find a way out by currying favor to the bandits.

Sadly, the bandits ignore these outsiders. The village's guards had all gathered around the village. However, the number was far from enough.

The village's guards combined with the village's men only amounted to 50 people. It was already counting the barely legal teenager.

The village's head said politely, "What business do you have in the middle of the night like this? I will help you as long as it is within my capabilities."

The village's head was trying to curb the bandits, so they didn't do anything crazy and caused casualties.

Meanwhile, Auron was observing the bandits in front of him carefully and calmly. He discovered that not all of them were members of the Pauper Bandit Group. Auron could see two different emblems belonging to two other bandit groups.

What was surprising, these two bandit groups should have enmity to each other, so they should not be working together. There must be something more about this. 

"Did Pauper Bandit Group already subdued the Cassava Bandit Group?" 

Auron could not believe this. Cassava Bandit Group was actually slightly stronger than the Pauper Bandit Group. So, suppose the Pauper Bandit Group subdued the Cassava Bandit Group. In that case, they should be weakened instead of becoming stronger like this. However, the proof was already in front of him. Auron could only put those things aside.

Then, slowly, Auron spotted the third and fourth bandit group's emblem. These two bandit groups were smaller than the Pauper Bandit Group, so it was not a surprise that the bandit group could subdue these two groups.

"Did Pauper Bandit Group subdued these two bandit groups and used it to conquer the Cassava Bandit Group?" Auron thought.

It was another possibility. However, it seemed that the Pauper Bandit Group didn't subdue the other three. It was because they still used their old emblem. They should be wearing the Pauper Bandit Group's emblem if they had been subdued.

These 300 bandits had a varied level. Their level was ranging from 20 up to 200. All of them were weaker than Auron, who had level 322. However, their number made Auron had a headache.

Although Auron could defeat all of them, it would still take some time. Also, Auron could not guarantee the bandits would not attack the villager. Auron could survive, but he didn't know about the villager.

If Auron really caused a great casualty because of his egoistic move, he would be punished by the military.

Auron just escaped from one trial. He would not want to be trialed for the second time in such a short time. Because of that, Auron waited at the back.

Auron knew what the village's head wanted to do, stalling time. And that was the best way to handle this case.

"Ha... Ha... Ha... You want to help me?" The Pauper Bandit Group's leader laughed loudly.

"Even if I want to ravage your village, what could you do?" The leader grinned.

All of the villagers and guards shuddered when they heard the leader's statement. What the leader had said was right. The bandits could destroy the village anytime they wanted.

"Hand me over the young man?" The leader commanded.

"Who? What young man? I didn't know what did you mean?" The village's head replied. Actually, everyone who heard the leader knew who was the young man.

Meanwhile, at the back, of the crowd, a middle-aged man was shrinking in fear. It was the caravan's owner. He didn't know that the bandit group who attacked them was this big. Moreover, he was afraid that the leader recognized him and wanted to kill him. Hence, he moved away from the entrance to his crew and hid in fear.

"Stop wasting my time! I know you are stalling time for the reinforcements. Give me the young man, or I will raze your village." The leader declared.

Auron frowned. It was strange, very strange. The young man didn't want to expose his identity when everyone had already known his identity. On the other hand, these bandits came here and demanded the young man who showed that the caravan's raid was their doings.

These two things were conflicted with each other. Auron believed there must be something more in the story.

The village's head still acted innocent as if he didn't know what the leader meant. While watching this, Auron's cloth was pulled. He turned over and spotted his students were already behind him.

Auron motioned the silence gesture. He didn't want to expose his military identity yet.

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