Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 542 - Pauper Bandit Group (8)

"If you want to continue like this, then I have no other choice," The Pauper Bandit Group's leader shook his head. He began to move.

Seeing this, the village's head quickly said, "Wait! Did you mean the young man who we capture today?"

The village's head said this like he was pondering something serious. Then, he looked at the guard beside him and nodded his head.

The guard already knew what to do. He turned around and went into the jail to bring the young man out.

Meanwhile, the leader stayed silent when he saw that the village's head started to do something.

Not long after, the guard came back with the young man in custody. Then, he went and stood next to the village's head with the young man in his possession.

"Do you mean this young man?" The village's head enquired politely.

The leader kept on silent and didn't take any action. On the other hand, the silence made the village's head became nervous. He wanted to stay put and wasted more time. However, he didn't know what would happen if he did that.

Few seconds passed. The bandit's leader didn't answer the village's head's questions and kept on staring at him. On the other hand, the village's head's forehead was already filled with sweat because of his nervousness.

Three minutes passed in silence. The village's head was growing more nervous. In the end, he could not hold anymore, the village's head handed over the young man.

After the young man moved over to the bandit's leader's side, the bandit's leader started to move. He turned around and moved back, followed by the young man.

Seeing this, the village's head breathed a relieved sigh. He thought that the bandit's group would leave.

After walking several steps, the bandit's leader abruptly stopped. Then, he turned around once again and shouted, "Destroy them!!!"

With that shout, the bandit around the bandit's leader charged at the villagers. The village's head and the villager became panic. The guards frowned.

Auron knew that this would happen. He knew that this would happen. However, Auron knew that there was no other choice.

"Prepare for battle!" Auron said lowly to his students.

A wave of bandit immediately entered the village. The guards and the villager raised their weapons.

There were only 15 guards in this village. The guards' average level was 120. Although their level was high, their equipment was not that good since they were only assigned to a small village like this.

When there was a wave of bandits like this, the guards were a little bit panicked. However, as they were already trained, they could somehow control their nervous level. On the other hand, the villagers were the one that panicked. Their hands trembled in fear.

The guards moved forwards and swung their weapons. It was their duty to protect this village. Unfortunately, the bandits dispersed and surrounded the guards.

The guards were attacked from all sides. Fortunately, the bandit's vanguards were low-level. The guards could kill a few of them before being surrounded.

However, it didn't last long. After the guards were surrounded, they felt hopeless. Cuts and wounds started to appear on the guards' bodies.

Slowly, the guards lost their advantages. One of the guards was in danger as he lost his weapon. Although the guard had lost his weapon, he still fought bravely using his fist. But, it didn't last long until he was at his end.

A bandit kicked him on the stomach and went to stab him. However, before the dagger could reach the guard, an [Earth Spike] sprung and stabbed the bandit. This [Earth Spike] immediately killed the bandit.

This newly appear [Earth Spike] took everyone's attention, especially the Pauper Bandit Group's leader. He was frowning. 

Pauper Bandit Group's operation area was around this place. So, they had already investigated the village's capabilities. And, in their investigation, there was no mage among the guards.

Even there was an outsider mage traveled to this place, they usually would not have a high level and could kill the bandit with a single spell. A variable had appeared on the plan. How could the bandit's leader didn't frown?

Several spells from Auron reaped some of the bandit's life. These sudden spells that appeared made everyone looked at the caster, Auron.

When the guards and villagers saw that it was Auron, they cheered. They already knew who Auron was. Their fighting spirit rose up.

On the other hand, the bandits froze. Fear swept through the bandits. Several of them even dropped their weapon. 

Even though Auron was strong, he could not prevent these many bandits from harming the villagers. Fortunately, bandits always were bandits. They were not united at all. 

With their experience, the guards were the first ones who used this moment to attack the bandits. The villagers immediately followed suit.

The tables slowly turn around. Moreover, the bandits were already at a disadvantage because of their level.

The first one among the bandits that regained their sense was the leader. There were still 75% of the bandits left from the original number. He gritted his teeth and looked beside him towards the young man. The young man was also frowning.

The bandit's leader immediately shouted, "Hold the ground, you morons!!! We have more numbers! Don't be afraid!!"

Although the bandit's leader said this, he was also not confident that they could defeat Auron and the guards. 

With the bandit's leader's shout, the bandits slowly gripped tight their weapons and fought back. However, Auron's power in this place was like a wolf among the sheep. He used several areas of effect spells.

The bandit's numbers were slowly going down. When the number reached 50% of the original number, the bandit's leader gritted his teeth and shouted, "Retreat!!!"

With that command, all of the bandits immediately threw their weapons and ran for their life. The guards wanted to chase them. However, Auron stopped them. "Don't chase them!"

Then, he started to take command and said to his students and the guards, "Tend the wounded. I will follow them to ensure they move far enough from the village."

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