Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 543 - Pauper Bandit Group (9)

Auron followed the bandit group, who were escaping in fear. Because all of them were in fear, they didn't have time to pay attention to Auron.

Auron occasionally threw one or two spells to scare these bandits off. He didn't have any intentions to chase them all the way and killed them all. It was because a cornered beast could become dangerous. Moreover, he was alone right now.

Auron chased them quite far from the village. When he felt it was enough, he looked in the bandit's leader and the young man's direction. Then, he estimated the direction they went and compared it with the base's locations that he had. From there, Auron got three base locations that got the most significant possibility for the leader and young man to visit.

After getting that information, Auron didn't continue chasing. Instead, he went back to the village. If he wanted to eradicate the Pauper Bandit group, he needed to do it in a single attempt. And, to do that, he could not do it alone. At least, he had to wait until the reinforcements came.

Not long after, Auron reached the village back. When Auron arrived at the village, he could see the crowd already surrounded the entrance. However, it was not a bad thing since the crowd was made of soldiers. It was the soldiers that the headmaster had sent.

When Auron arrived, he was stopped by these soldiers. However, he quickly got through after showing his military badge. Auron intended to find the village's head and the man who was in charge of these soldiers. 

It didn't take long before Auron saw the village's head was talking to the man in charge as well as his students. Auron knew that his students must have already shown their identity as a military academy's students.

When Auron was about to interrupt the conversation, he suddenly stopped. He found the man that was talking with the village's head and his students familiar.

Auron quickly moved over and greeted the man, "Teacher."

The man turned over and saw Auron. The man was Peter.

Peter said, "So, it was you."

Peter recognized Auron's face. During his day teaching Auron's class. Auron was one of the students that took his attention. However, he never cared about names. So, when he got brief for this mission, the headmaster already mention Auron's name, he didn't recognize it. Just after, he saw Auron's face that he knew.

When the headmaster received Auron's message, he immediately prepared everything. However, he was still worried. So, he was hesitating whether to ask for more troops or not.

Military resources were not something that could easily request. Moreover, it was not for war. Even someone like the headmaster could still be punished if he didn't have a good reason. Hence, he was hesitating for a bit.

Although the headmaster was someone from the military, he was not a cold person, especially his students. In the end, he took the responsibility to request more soldiers.

Unfortunately, the military could not grant his wish. However, the headmaster insisted and said that he was going to take full responsibility. Because of that, the military relent. But, they could only grant 50 more soldiers.

This new addition still could not make the headmaster's worries subsided. Hence, he asked for Peter's help.

Although Peter was only a teacher, the headmaster still had to ask for him politely. Peter's status was far from an ordinary teacher. He was actually a big shoot in the same generation as General Elbert. However, not many people knew about it, and Peter preferred to be treated as a nobody. Of course, the headmaster was one of the few people that knew Peter's true identity.

Peter didn't have anything to do, so he immediately accepted the task. After Peter took the job, the headmaster's worries were directly gone.

In the end, Peter went to this village along with 100 elite soldiers plus 50 ordinary soldiers.

After Auron joined the conversation, he didn't dilly dally. He immediately recounted everything he knew. He also shared the information about the enemy's bases that he found. Before Auron ended his story, he added his opinion and asked Peter about it.

"Good," Peter praised Auron. Locating bandit's bases alone was not an easy task. And, Auron could complete it. So, Peter praised him.

"I agree with your guess. There is something weird about this bandit group. They must have joined a large-sized bandit group because they braved enough to act like this."

Even for a medium-sized bandit group, it was strange for them to attack a village. So, there must be a large-sized bandit group involved. Moreover, the Pauper Bandit Group's growth was abnormal if they didn't have any backing.

Unfortunately, the information was not enough to determine which large-sized bandit group backed them. Hence, they could only put it into deciding factor for each of their decision.

After Auron told every information he had, Peter immediately took action. He gave a series of commands using Auron's information.

Peter was a decisive man. He had decided to attack the bandit group as soon as possible. From Auron's information, he found 8 bases. So, Peter divided everyone into 8 groups. The size of each group was different depending on the target assigned to them.

The group's allocation was quick. It only took them 15 minutes for 8 groups to be formed. Then, Peter instructed them to familiarize themselves with each other in 10 minutes. While everyone was familiarized with each other, Peter went to the village's head to settle the village's issue and calmed the villager.

Then, Peter let Auron's students stayed at the village and waited for the reinforcements that the village's head had called. Their task was to brief the soldiers of what happened as well as helping to calm the villager.

After everything was settled, Peter led the troops to destroy the Pauper Bandit Group. The groups split into 8 directions. Auron belonged to the group that attacked the bandit's leader's position.

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