Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 558 - Supply Raid (5)

A man was facing two people in front of him. He held his right arm as it was already full of blood.

Even though the man was injured heavily, he was still standing straight and looked at the two enemies in front of him with fierce eyes.

The man was the newcomer swordsman that came along with Auron. He was an independent player that didn't join any guilds. With all of his effort, he managed to reach level 612 with his own effort. It was difficult without any guild behind him. He even didn't have any fixed party to join a dungeon. 

Usually, the man would avoid everything related to the military. However, this time, he had to admit that the royal family's reward was enticing enough for him to join the expedition.

The man was careful. So, when he first decided to join the expedition, he began exploring the military's team that he could join. He did his research thoroughly for 5 days before choosing which team to join. And, his choice fell to the Absurd team.

The man's expectation rose when he knew that the selection process was very thorough. He believed that this was the sign of an elite team.

The man didn't know why the leader, Smite, chose Auron to lead this mission. Moreover, with such few members. On the way here, the man saw Auron's leading skill. Although it was good, it was not great. However, the man could not refute Smite's decision, and he could only follow it.

However, currently, the man was regretting his decision. If only he questioned Auron's decision to attack, maybe he would not in this state.

Currently, the man was in a dire state. While in front of him, two enemies were ready to pounce at him. He had managed to hold off the two enemies in front of him for such a long time, and he was already at his limit.

The two enemies in front of him charged towards him. The man had already given up. He just wanted this to end and closed his eyes. He had tried his best, but he could not fight against the two enemies in the end. Moreover, behind the two enemies, the supply delivery group had arrived and followed the two enemies behind.

The man sighed. Although he was a player that could revive even he was dead, the penalty was still harsh for an independent player like him. Since this was a war state, he would lose two levels and lose two pieces of equipment.

During this state, the man wondered whether Smite would reimburse his loss of equipment. Actually, there were no such rules. However, the man felt that Smite was a kind and rich man. So, there was a chance that would happen.

The charging sound was getting louder and louder as the enemies approached him. He had already resigned to his fate and accepted his death. However, the moment that he waited didn't come. Instead, he heard a pained shout, "Enemies incoming!"

A heal also fell upon the man and reinvigorated him. He opened his eyes and saw the two enemies in front of him had looked to the side. However, these two enemies immediately looked back at him and attacked him.

Feeling confused with the current condition, the given-up man raised his sword. Although he had not fully recover because of a single heal, he had regained some of his energy. The man was pushed back, but he could hold on.

From behind him, there was a voice that asked him, "Are you okay?"

The man looked behind him and found Auron was already beside him and took on one of the elites in front of him. The man was shocked and could not think straight. However, the man instinctively helped Auron and took the other enemy.

"The situation was turned?" The man asked inside his head.

"No... No... This was not enough. There were still more enemies behind these two, and with only 6 people, it would not be enough," The man denied his own idea.

The man didn't know that the number of enemies was not as much as he had thought. With the enemy's cleric and three other people died under Cedric's hands, the enemy's number only amounted to 11 people. Then, three more elites died under the combined effort of Auron and the backline people. So, there were 8 people at the end. Not only that, but Cedric managed to kill another person and brought the amount to 7 people.

6 vs. 7 was not a big gap. Moreover, there was a cleric on their side and none at the enemy's side. It was only a matter of time before they could eradicate all of the enemies. However, time was not really on their side. So, they still had to hurry up before the enemy realized and sent reinforcements.

The two elites were bombarded by Auron and the backline. Meanwhile, the enemy's attention also split because Cedric kept on attacking them from behind. Although Cedric was alone, he was a slippery one and hard to catch.

With the tide turned around, the enemies began to die one by one until there was only one person left, the supply delivery group's leader.

The supply delivery group's leader kneeled, and he roared furiously, "Who are you guys?"

It was a stupid question from the leader. Cedric answered with a laugh, "Are you stupid? Who else that want to attack you?"

"Quick! Kill him! We don't have much time! Then, burned the supply!" Auron commanded. They had wasted time. They should be used this precious time to escape as soon as possible to increase their chance to live. 

Cedric nodded and killed the leader. Then, Auron's mage started to burn down the supply. Since they could not bring the supply, they could only burn it down.

After making sure that the supplies were entirely on fire, under Auron's lead, the group escaped immediately from the scene.

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