Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 559 - Arrived Back (1)

Five people arrived at the scene riding on horses around 5 minutes after Auron's group left the scene.

The leader of these five people looked at the burned supplies and gnashed his teeth. With one glance, the leader knew that the supply delivery group had been ambushed. He looked at the trail and saw that the people were gathered inside the forest to their left.

This means that the enemies were coming from the left, and it was apparent that they would leave using the same path.

These 5 people were elite soldiers from the Regalia side. The stop area commander already knew there was a high chance for the Gaia to attack the supply delivery group. Hence, the commander assigned several elite soldiers as reinforcements.

The 5 elite soldiers who fought with Auron's group previously were the first reinforcements. The commander also arranged several checkpoints and stationed elite soldiers there.

And, these new 5 elite soldiers were the soldiers stationed at the next checkpoint. When the first 5 elite soldiers were battling against Auron's group, these 5 people still didn't realize it. These 5 elite soldiers just realized what happened when they saw the smoke rising from this place. Hence, they paced their horses towards this place.

Unfortunately, these 5 elite soldiers were too late. When they arrived at the scene, Auron's group had already fled.

The leader of these new elite soldiers didn't dilly dally. He quickly commanded one of them to report back to the commander while the rest would chase Auron's group.

Unfortunately, the forest path was not suitable for horses. So, they had to get down from their horses and used their own feet. Then, the chase began.

Auron's group didn't know that there was a chaser behind them. However, Auron didn't relax. Instead, he wanted their group to maintain the lead and escaped at full speed.

5 minutes on the lead was not a big gap. However, since Auron's group had passed through this place once, they already knew most of it. Hence, their speed increased. On the other hand, their chaser was still unfamiliar with the forest path and stumbled at several places.

5 days passed by since Auron escaped. Just like when they went to the supply delivery group, they also only rest for few times. Meanwhile, their chaser also didn't rest. They knew that they were already behind Auron's group. Hence, they didn't have the luxury to rest.

During these 5 days, the news that Auron's group successfully destroy the supply delivery group had already reached Regalia's stop area commander. When he first knew the news, he was furious and slammed the wooden table in front of him.

However, it didn't last long. The commander quickly regained his sense back and immediately gave several commands.

Several soldiers were sent out from the stop area in small groups. Their only goal was to punish the one who destroyed their supply delivery group, Auron's group. Meanwhile, on Gaia's side, they still didn't know about Auron's news since the commander had kept the story tightly. It was only just on the third day that Gaia's side knew about Auron's news. They immediately sent reinforcement to help Auron and to stop the enemy's chaser.

Unfortunately, Auron's group didn't know about all of this. Currently, there were resting near a waterfall inside the forest. After escaping for all this time, Auron believed that they had widened the gap and could rest for a little bit longer. Moreover, he saw that his members' conditions were not that great either.

Auron's group members besides the swordsman and cleric who were player, was grateful with this news. They were already tired. While resting, Auron and the new swordsman took the watcher position to ensure their safety while the others were resting. 

Auron used this chance to get to know this new swordsman player. Actually, during these past days, Auron had been curious about this man. However, since they had to escape, they didn't have any chance to leisurely taking like this.

Auron knew about the swordsman's background, who was an independent player with no backing at all. He also knew that the swordsman was not a weak player since Smite had recruited him.

What made Auron curious was the swordsman's fighting capability. Auron had faced the elite soldiers and knew their strength level. So, when he knew that the swordsman was capable of withstanding two elite soldiers for quite a long time, he knew that the swordsman was above the average.

Auron had observed the swordsman's level and equipment. The swordsman's level was relatively high, considering he was a lone wolf without any backing. On the other hand, the swordsman's gear was only on the average level. Hence, with this kind of level and equipment, to withstand two elite soldiers showed that the swordsman's fighting capability was not average.

If the swordsman wanted, Auron could even introduce him to the [Dragon's Den]. Auron believed with some help, the swordsman could soar quicker.

Although Auron had that thought, he didn't voice it out yet. He knew right now was not the time. They were currently on escape. Moreover, with more time, Auron could understand if the swordsman was the real deal or just a fluke.

Auron had an hour conversation with the swordsman. Although the swordsman was a lone wolf, he was also a chatty man. So, it was easy for Auron to know about the swordsman.

When Auron asked about why he became a lone wolf, the man told Auron a lot, from his reason until he played this game. And, in that one-hour conversation, Auron already got a lot of information.

Unfortunately, the time was tight. They had to continue their journey, so Auron stopped the conversation. Both of them went back to the group.

As soon as the two swordsmen arrived at the group, Auron quickly said, "Get ready! We will continue our journey. It is only less than one day before we get back to the base!"

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