Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 568 - Commence (3)

The next day came. Auron's group had already moved back to match Smite's and Jeffrey's groups' position.

When the sun rose, Smite's and Jeffrey's groups had prepared their position. Their task today was to hold their position and lured as many enemies as possible.

Meanwhile, Regalia's side already dispatched several more small groups to harras Smite's and Jeffrey's groups.

"Prepare for battle!" Smite shouted.

Everyone in Smite's group had already aware of the strategy, but not the enemies. When the close Regalia's small groups heard Smite's shout, they immediately backed out. They increased their vigilance towards Smite's group.

When the Regalia's groups saw that Smite's group was not moving, they were confused. Several groups even looked at the other groups asking their opinion. However, none of the groups knew what Smite's group was doing.

One group tried to attack Smite's group just like what they had done all the previous time. After launching one attack, they immediately backed out. 

After this one attack, they frowned. The feeling was different. This time, Smite's group's vigilance was high. The attacking group had suffered minor injuries while his attack missed the target. It was difficult to attack unscratched.

The ranged and magic unit from Smite's group had been protected completely, and it was difficult to attack them.

After several tries, Smite's group was stood still. They were not bothered with these small attacks. On the other hand, the small groups confused about what to do.

If they attacked, they would only suffer the injuries. In the end, they decided to surround Smite's group. They wanted to prevent Smite's and Jeffrey's groups from escaping. However, they also didn't attack and just kept on observing Smite's and Jeffrey's groups from far away.

Actually, by waiting here, Gaia's side would become disadvantaged. So, Regalia's side didn't have to do anything. 

1 hour passed by and there was still no sign of movement from Smite's and Jeffrey's groups. Meanwhile, on Regalia's side, more and more small groups gathered around here. During this time, they had sent a messenger back to the stop area to ask for the commander's further command.

The commander of the Regalia's side saw this as an opportunity to stop Smite's and Jeffrey's groups from escaping. He intended to surround the groups and waited for the reinforcement and annihilated them at one go. Hence, he sent several more small groups to Smite's place.

Another hour passed by, Regalia's small groups had already surrounded Smite's and Jeffrey's groups. Smite counted that there were more than 10 groups of three people. There should be almost 40 people from the Regalia's side.

It was quite a big number considering the total amount of Regalia's soldiers only amounted to around 100 soldiers. Of course, the number would have already increased since some of the reinforcements had already arrived.

Another hour passed by and there was no more movement from the Regalia's side. Smite thought that Regalia had already spent all of the soldiers they could use. 

Smite wanted to get the maximum amount he could kill. Seeing there was no more coming from the Regalia's side, he wanted to give the signal. Surprisingly, before Smite could give the signal, he saw one more group coming.

When Smite saw the newcomer, he was surprised and smiled brightly. The newcomer was the same man he saw previously, the enemy's leader who was captured before. Smite looked at Jeffrey and smiled. Meanwhile, Jeffrey also looked back at Smite and smiled. It was like they had tacitly understood each other.

The man who was coming from the Sparrow Family came with another four people. And, everyone who saw these four people could see that they were elites. These four people were Sparrow Family's people that had been dispatched to search the man when the man was missing.

Smite saw the man was really furious. He talked to the four elites besides him. And, from his expression, Smite could see that the man was really furious. The four elites besides him tried to calm him down, so he would not destroy the commander's strategy.

The man's group was at the most back from all of the Regalia's groups. He was still furious and, from far away, Smite could see that the man furiously shouted at the four elites and pointing at Smite's group.

Then, the man glanced at Smite's group and saw Smite. The latter saw this and smirked.

When the man saw Smite was smirking at him, his rage erupted. He immediately dashed towards the people and intended to kill Smite. Fortunately, the four elites around him saw this and could hold him back. The four elites tried to calm him down.

After several seconds passed, the man gradually became calm. He along with the four elites walked towards the perimeter and intently gaze at Smite.

Smite saw the man and smiled brightly. Then, he raised his hand and shot a big [Fire Ball] to the air. The [Fire Ball] flew to the air before exploded several seconds later. It was the signal. 

The Regalia's side who saw this frowned. They were confused with what Smite had done and instinctively raised their guards. 

With the signal from Smite, his group and Jeffrey's groups immediately charged towards the enemies.

The enemies who already wary were not surprised and they immediately moved back wanted to avoid the fight. However, before they could back out, from behind them, two groups were coming towards them from the left and right. It was Auron's and Julia's groups.

Although there were only a few people among Auron's and Julia's groups, in this situation, the enemies could not clearly see this. They were in the middle of a pincer attack and had already fallen into traps. 

Their mind had completely filled with looking for a way to escape. Hence, they could not think straight and scattered around.

The scattered people made it easy for Auron's and Julia's small groups to defeat them. However, as the people had scattered around, they could not defeat all of the people here.

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