Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 569 - Commence (4)

Out of 45 Regalia's soldiers, half of them already dead. Meanwhile, one-fourth of the soldiers managed to escape safely. Of course, they escape with some injuries on their body ranging from minor to medium wounds. The other one-fourth was either surrendered or captured.

On the other hand, Gaia's side only suffered one casualty and several minor injuries. It was an excellent win for Gaia. Moreover, the man from the Sparrow Family was captured once more. All of the four elites that accompanied him died.

During this trap, Smite and Jeffrey tacitly understood each other. So, when the plan was commenced, both of them only had one target on their mind, the Sparrow Family's man.

The two of them brought several soldiers with them and chased the Sparrow Family's man directly. When the Sparrow Family's man's group saw they were being targeted, they ran immediately.

However, it was difficult to shake Smite and Jeffrey. In the end, a battle was inevitable. The four elites showed their loyalty by not running away even though the man from the Sparrow Family had already escaped leaving them alone.

Overwhelmed by the number, Smite and Jeffrey quickly eradicated the four elites and chased their primary target. Fortunately, they finished the four elites rather quickly, so the man had not run too far away yet.

In the midst of panic, the man was tripped by another soldier's dead body and fell down. This made Smite and Jeffrey could surround the man. When Smite and Jeffrey had surrounded him, the man could see that both of them grinned evilly towards him.

After the dust of the battles had settled, the Gaia's side gathered near Smite and tallied their casualty. 

It was quite a big win for Gaia, with only one-fourth of the enemies escaped. The strategy was worthed it even though they had to show Auron's and Julia's groups' presence. Moreover, they had gained another high leveled prisoner.

While settling down, Auron looked towards Smite and Jeffrey, who kept on grinning non-stop to the man in front of him. The latter was kneeling and begging Smite and Jeffrey to release him.

Auron looked at the man pathetically. It was so pathetic that Auron wondered whether the man was really someone from Rochbeich Family, Regalia's secret weapon.

In the end, Smite ordered some soldiers to tie the man properly and kept the man's mouth shut. After properly looking at the prisoners, Smite and Jeffrey went to the next topic. They gathered all of the Absurd team's members and some of the higher-ups. They had to decide whether to continue the mission or go back.

Both of the options were not that good. If they chose to continue, the enemies would already prepare well. There would be a lot of casualties to capture the stop area. On the other hand, if they chose the other options, it would be worse. The Regalia's side obviously would not lay down looking at this humiliating result. They would amass a lot of soldiers. Moreover, the Sparrow Family's man was captured once again.

Although the man's value would drop because of this capture, the man still could be a bargaining chip. This time, Smite intended to exchange this man for something else since he knew the man already had no more valuable information.

The discussion was pretty hectic. Almost all of the Absurd team's members opted to continue to attack while the rest chose to abstain. However, there was opposition from the other party that joined their group. They wanted to go back and made another thorough plan instead of recklessly charging towards the enemy's fort.

Smite was pondering quietly. It was a difficult decision, but he had to choose one of them.

10 minutes later, the Gaia's side had prepared to charge. Yes, Smite had decided to continue the mission. His reason was the enemy was already in a chaotic state with this loss. He didn't want to miss this opportunity and let the enemy regain their position back.

There should be less than 80 people left in Regalia's stop area right now with this loss. Meanwhile, with around 150 people, Smite felt that they could win the battle even though the terrain would advantage the enemy.

Unlike the previous days, this time, the soldiers marched quickly. They had to strike the iron while it was still hot. This time, Auron was not detaching from the main group. As the vice leader of the Absurd team, Auron got his own soldiers to command.

After several more hours, Gaia's soldiers arrived at their target's perimeter. They could see the Regalia's stop area from their location, and they also could see the Regalia's soldiers that already aware and prepared for battle.

The stop area was built between two high rocky cliffs. It would be difficult and a waste of time and energy to climb the rocky cliff. Moreover, after they had successfully climbed the cliff, they could do nothing because the Regalia's side already built up a watchtower that could reach the top of the cliff. This watchtower also would be able to disturb them during the climbing process. They would suffer a massive casualty with nothing in return if they insisted on climbing the rocky cliffs.

Meanwhile, between the two cliffs, there was only one way in and exit. Also, it was an open field without any trees or big boulders that could be used as a shield from arrows or magic.

Smite stared at Regalia's rest area. Then, after a minute of staring, he raised his hand. This was a signaled to start marching. However, they didn't advance fast. Instead, it was one step at a time.

This action would be considered a stupid move. They would be the target of arrows and magic easily. However, Smite led the process and moved one step at a time. When Smite was about to enter the arrows and magic attack range, he quickly dragged a man and put it in front of him to act as a shield. The man was the same man who came from the Sparrow Family.

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