Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 570 - Negotiation (1)

"No... No... No... Don't shoot!" The man from the Sparrow Family cried out as loud as he could. He was terrified. 

All of the Gaia's soldiers were wondered whether this pathetic man was the same man who acted so highly and mighty previously at the Gaia's stop area. It was so weird that the same man turned 180 degrees in just several days.

The man from the Sparrow Family had his hands and legs tied tightly. Even his head had been positioned and locked so that he could only look to the front. He could not turn his head downwards or sideways. It was so uncomfortable just by looking at the man. 

When he saw that there was no sign of movement from the Regalia's side, the man kept on shouting. He was afraid that the Regalia's soldiers could not hear him.

After several steps, the soldiers behind Smite stopped following him. There was only Smite walking alone slowly while using the man from the Sparrow Family as a human shield. The man from the Sparrow Family was wriggling his body tried to break free from Smite's clutches. However, it was futile. Smite had helped tightly to him.

Meanwhile, at the Regalia's side, a pretty high-ranked soldier asked the commander who was standing beside him, "What should we do, commander?"

Seeing this scene, the commander was also stunned. He cursed, "That stupid noble son!!!"

Actually, the commander didn't like a noble son like the man from the Sparrow Family. That was why, when the man first came to this stop area, the commander didn't belong to the group that fawned over him. However, the commander could not just ignore the command from his superiors. Hence, he could only turn a blind eye towards this noble son.

The commander knew something wrong could happen if this man was capture or missing. Hence, he tried to assign some of his soldiers to act as guards to the man's team before. Unfortunately, the man rejected and rebuked harshly. He said that he didn't believe other soldiers besides the one from his family.

The commander was so furious by this mock. However, he could do nothing and just comply with the noble's son's wish.

And, the thing which the commander was afraid of happened. The man from the Sparrow Family was captured for the first time during his mission to guard the delivery supply.

The commander sent several search parties. He also tried to cover the news. However, he could not hide it for too long. The next day, the news reached the Sparrow Family, and just like what he had thought, the Sparrow Family sent their soldiers.

The Sparrow Family also cursed and mocked him for his incapability to protect their son. The commander could only accept the curse and mock towards him. 

As the search parties didn't give a good result, the situation at the stop area tensed. The Sparrow Family's representative kept on cursing and mocking the commander. He also even reported it to the Regalia's military to have the commander fired and executed.

However, the Regalia's military rejected the Sparrow Family's appeal as they had deemed the commander had quite big contributions. The military said that they would not fire or execute the commander unless it was a royal family command.

Of course, it was not easy to request to the royal family. As a noble's family, if they ask something from the royal family, then it would be the same as they owed a favor to the royal family. Moreover, just like what the military had said, the commander had quite a significant contribution to Regalia. Furthermore, the other faction inside the Sparrow Family that didn't like the captured man prevented this. An internal struggle was inevitable inside the Sparrow Family.

The commander was so furious. When the man from the Sparrow Family had safely returned back to the stop area the last time, the commander had implicitly ordered him to return back to his family in Regalia. However, contrary to the commander's wish, the man didn't return back. Instead, he asked the Sparrow Family to leave and ask for more reinforcements from the family. He wanted to take revenge.

The man also asked for several elites to be left here. Of course, preparing for reinforcements from the family was not easy. Moreover, there were other factions inside the family that prevented this from happening.

When the commander sent out harassed parties, the man had requested to be one of them. However, the commander rejected it flatly. The man from the Sparrow Family didn't give up and asked several times more. Unfortunately, the commander was firm with his decision and rejected it flatly. 

After several rejections, the man didn't request the commander. The latter had thought that the man had known his positions. Because of this, he could focus more on the upcoming battle. However, who could have known, the troublemaker, right now, was in the hand of the enemies and used as a human shield. 

The commander was torn by the decision. He wanted to give an attack order. However, he knew the repercussion of the act.

If the commander tried to save the man, he also knew that Gaia's side would not let go of this opportunity to extort Regalia to the fullest. And, the repercussion of this choice could result in the loss of the stop area.

The commander got a headache because of this one person. While the commander was pondering which decision he should make, Smite had already walked halfway towards the stop area. 

In Smite's hand, the man from the Sparrow Family cried non-stop. Meanwhile, the other soldiers at the stop area were waiting for the commander's decision.

When the commander was still in deep thought, the gate in the stop area opened. Two people departed from the stop area and charged towards Smite. The commander cursed, "This damned noble family!"

When Smite saw this, he immediately raised his weapon towards the man's head.

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