Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 572 - Negotiation Broke

"Quick! Pack everything up. Bring that thing there!" The representative from the Sparrow Family started to take command.

The soldiers started to look at each other. They didn't want to do the command. However, they were afraid of the family's wrath. Hence, they stopped their activities and looked at the commander.

"What are you doing? You stupid bring those things. We don't have much time." The Sparrow Family's representatives hurried all of the soldiers.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The vice commander started to take action. They could not let this family do what they wanted.

"Just stand there! Do you dare to offend the Sparrow Family's orders?" The Sparrow Family's representatives threatened the vice commanders.

The vice commanders didn't want to fight against these people. However, he could not let these people rob all of the things here.

"What are you doing? Hurry, bring the things! Will you take the responsibility if the young master died?"

The soldiers who seemed freeze started to take action. Without anyone obstructing, the items gathering went quickly. However, to the side, the vice commander was gnashing his teeth. He held his anger inside.

The vice commander knew that the Sparrow Family didn't care at all about this outpost. The outpost could be considered half important and half not. If they had it, they would treasure it. However, if not, then it didn't matter.

Time passed by. And, 90% of the ransom had been gathered. There was only a little bit left. However, almost all of the things inside the outpost had already been collected. There were only important things left inside the outpost.

The Sparrow Family's representative didn't care about what's important and what's not. They started to order to gather the things.

At this point, the vice commander could not hold on anymore. He exploded with rage and shout, "You animal! If you take those things away, this outpost would 100% fell down. Do you want to sacrifice all of the people here just for that stupid son?!!!"

Hearing this, the representative was offended. He quickly rebuked, "Oh, you dare!!! Okay, fine. Look after all of this matter had done, you will be the first person to feel the family's wrath."

"Ignore him! Bring those items here. I will personally take the items there!"

The soldiers could not do anything and complied with the representative. Meanwhile, during this collecting phase, the outpost's commander only looked at what unfolds before him. He didn't react or comment on anything.

Not long after, all of the ransom had been gathered. The representative excitedly recalculated everything. They didn't want to mess with their young master's life. After everything had been recalculated, they were about to depart when the outpost's commander stopped them, "Wait!"

The Sparrow Family's representative stopped and turned around. He said, "What? We don't have much time left. We can talk after all of this are over."

The outpost commander was approaching the two family's representative. When he was close to him, the outpost's commander attacked the two representatives directly without wasting any more time.

The two representatives tried to dodge the surprise attack. However, they could not avoid it entirely and were injured by the outpost's commander's attacks.

"What are you doing?" The Sparrow Family's representatives furiously shouted.

"Capture them! If they fight back, kill them!" The outpost's commander coldly commanded.

However, the soldiers didn't immediately take action. They were stunned by this sudden attack. All of this time, the commander only silently watching everything going on. They thought that the commander had agreed with the Sparrow Family.

However, it didn't long as the commander continued, "I will take the responsibility! Now, do as I say!"

The soldiers quickly woke up from their daze. They immediately complied with the commander's commands. The soldiers were more fond of the commander than of the Sparrow Family's representatives. Moreover, the representatives had ignored their life and liked to use the family's name to threaten them.

Very quickly, all of the Sparrow Family's men were captured. The ones who fought back were killed without any mercy.

After this short while internal struggle, silence descended to the outpost. All of the soldiers were waiting for the commander's following command.

The commander sighed. He could not turn back now. He looked up to the sky then he looked at all of the soldiers in his surrounding. Then, he flatly said, "Prepare for battle!!!"

"YES, SIR!" All of the soldiers answered in unison.

Some of the soldiers quickly took back the ransom while some of them went up to the wall. The vice commander approached the commander. However, before he could say anything, the commander said, "Accompany me for my last battle!"

What the commander means was clear. After he looked at Smite, he knew that the upcoming battle was not easy. He could die in the forthcoming battle. Even if somehow he could survive, the Sparrow Family would not let him alive. Hence, he already concluded that this would be his last battle.

The vice commander looked straight towards his commander. He could not say anything. He nodded and tried to encourage the commander, "This will not be your last battle!"

After saying that, the vice commander turned around and started to give several orders.

Meanwhile, on Smite's side, the noble son was waiting excitedly. He was glad that he was saved. 

Suddenly, Smite smiled and said, "What are you smiling at?"

"No... Nothing..." The noble son answered. When he was about to continue, Smite interrupted him, "It seemed they don't want to save your life anymore."

"Wait, what?" The noble son was confused, then he looked in the direction where Smite was looking at. At the outpost, he could see all of the soldiers were already preparing for the war.

The noble son was scared and quickly pleaded, "Wait... Wait... Wait... There must be some kind of misunderstanding here. We can talk when my family's representatives are here."

However, Smite ignored the man's words. And, he quickly stabbed his weapon towards the noble son's head. He threw the noble son's body to the ground before giving another stab.

Then, Smite shouted, "Prepare for battle!!!"

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