Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 573 - War Started (1)

The noble's son's corpse was left alone when Smite moved back towards his comrades. He was felt a little bit disappointed since he preferred to get the ransom rather than got nothing like this. However, Smite could already guess that the result would be like this when he saw the outpost's commander.

Since the enemy already knew that the war would happen soon, Smite had to adjust the strategy. Smite began to explain his revised plan. Previously, Smite relied heavily on the surprise attack. However, that element was now gone.

After 30 minutes later, Smite finished his explanation and looked towards the outpost. He could already see the enemies were ready for him. 

"Attack!!" Smite said.

With that command, all of the soldiers on Gaia's side started to march forward. Smite was at the most front and led everyone. However, they stopped when they were almost entered the enemy's ranged and magic unit's attack range.

The enemy's archers were already ready at the wall and pulled their bowstring. They only needed to release the bowstring to attack. However, since no enemies entered the attack range yet, the archers were nervously held their bowstring. 

Time seemed to pass slowly. The Regalia's archers still hadn't launched their arrows yet. Meanwhile, Gaia with Smite at the very front also didn't make any move. It seemed the time was stopped. 

Due to the pressure of the war, one of Regalia's archers was so nervous and mistakenly released the arrow. The arrow flew upward and fell down to the ground. Of course, the arrow could not hit anyone since the enemy was still out of range.

The archer, who made a mistake, quickly reloaded his arrow and pulled his bowstring. He was ready to release another attack.

The outpost's commander frowned. It seemed Gaia wanted to fish them out of the outpost. However, the outpost's commander stayed still and waited.

Another 5 minutes passed by. During those 5 minutes, the Regalia's archers were already released several arrows by mistake. The number was still not that much. However, the outpost's commander could see where this would go on if this continued.

The outpost's commander quickly changed his strategy and commanded half of his archers to rest. Although it was a rest command, actually, they were still standing at the front. It was to reduce their pressure and prepare them in case the enemies really attacked them.

This strategy was a success. Although there were still some mistake arrows, the number had reduced a lot, and the commander could see that the pressure on his soldiers had lessened.

Now, it came back to Smite. They could do things like this all day long. However, Gaia's side could not waste any more time, or the enemy's reinforcement would come.

Smite smiled. He could see that the outpost's commander was worthy of his name. Out of all the Regalia's outpost, the outpost's commander in front of him was actually the best. 

"Start the attack!" Smite shouted.

With that, several people, including Smite, went forwards and entered the attack range. As soon as they entered the attack range, they immediately launched their attack. The archers used their most potent attack, while the mage also used their most powerful spell. All of them used their most powerful single target attacks.

A single target attack had more range compared to an area of effect attacks. That was why they used the single-target attacks and not the area attacks.

Of course, the Regalia's side also didn't stand idly. As soon as the Gaia's side moved, the enemy's soldiers, who already prepared, immediately released their attacks. Also, the archers who were resting beside them joined and launched their attacks.

The number of people that moved from Gaia's side was only around 10 people. Compared to the soldiers on the Regalia's side that attacks, the number was vastly different. 10 Gaia's attacks were covered by the Regalia's rain of attacks.

When the sky was clouded by the rain of attacks, several attacks were launched from the Gaia's side. However, the attacks were not aimed towards the enemies. Instead, the attacks were aimed towards the Regalia's attack.

It was pretty challenging to aim towards a flying projectile or spell. However, since there were only 10 targets on Gaia's side. Most of the attacks were concentrated properly.

With two or three mage or archers backing each people, it was easy to fend off the Regalia's attacks. Of course, the danger level was still high for Gaia's soldiers. Hence, they didn't stop there.

After launching an attack, Smite and the others quickly went back and replaced by other people randomly. This way, they could raise the safety and also confused the enemies. The enemies had to properly read the Gaia's soldiers' movement or only hit an empty place.

Unfortunately, although this strategy could ensure Gaia's soldier's safety, the firepower from this strategy also not that high. Several Gaia's attacks could not even reach the enemy's place. Meanwhile, several of them hit the outpost's wall. Only a tiny amount of the attacks could get the enemy's soldiers properly. However, those attacks were quickly blocked by the enemy's soldiers.

Fortunately, there was still a benefit for the Gaia's side from this strategy. The enemies' ammunition and supply significantly reduced because of this, especially their archers and mages.

The outpost's commander could not let this happened and called several shield-bearer soldiers up to the wall. Then, he commanded to cease the attacks and wait for Gaia's soldiers to move deeper into the attack range.

The shield-bearer soldiers were used to protect the archers and mage at the top of the wall from the enemies' attacks.

When the attacks from the Regalia's side died down, Gaia's side still continuing this strategy. After several minutes, Smite ordered a stop for this entirely. 

Inwardly, Smite sighed. It was tough to battle against a clever commander. Smite actually wanted to minimize the casualties by using hit-and-run strategies like this. However, it seemed he could not leisurely doing that.

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