Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 998: Healing Chain

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When Ambis and Great Shaman Gulama appeared together in front of Zhang Yang and others, everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

At the moment, Ambiance's clothes were too exposed, and the shy color on her face that could not be erased anyway was extremely tempting.

No, the boy Tbe, who was already in love with Ambis, looked dumbfounded, and his face, which was pale and extremely pale due to excessive blood loss, even showed two blushes.

It's just that when everyone focused their eyes on Ambis, Zhang Yang looked at the big shaman Gulamama with a smile on his side and frowned slightly.

Although Zhang Yang hadn't been in contact with cat girl Ambis for a long time, he felt that Ambis was definitely not the kind of girl who would take the initiative to wear such exposed clothes.

Moreover, it was very suspicious that she went to find the big shaman Gulamama alone. Is there any unspeakable secret between her and this seemingly thin horse clan big shaman?

(Ambis is a student of Great Shaman Guramar? So even for his own reputation, there should be innocence between Great Shaman Guramar and Ambis. And from the previous performance, Ambiance Sz should like his boy than Tbie? But what about this dress now?)

Before the situation was unclear, Zhang Yangshi was not good to say anything. Furthermore, it seemed that Ambis himself did not mean to be forced except for being embarrassed. So even though Zhang Yang was already skeptical in his heart, he didn't say anything except for the good shaman Gulamama.

In fact, because Ambis wanted to quickly finish the treatment for her companions, so that she could quickly leave the relationship of everyone's sight and ran away, the big shaman Gulamama who had not been able to sit down shortly after entering the house was killed by Ambis. Urge to quickly treat everyone.

In fact, after so many days of delays and tossing, although Ambiance has done its best to treat everyone, the injuries of Terby and Dunkel have been somewhat worse. So when Ambis took the shame with Alice's help to remove the bandages on the wounds of Dunkel and Terby, the **** wounds were now ulcerated and purulent.

This made Ambis and Alice see tears together.

"Okay, okay, the injuries that haven't hurt, have already reached my land, and they will soon return to their intact appearance!"

Do n’t look at the big shaman Guramar, who is greedy and lustful, and is still a big fetish pervert, but he ca n’t watch girls cry, especially cute and beautiful girls like Alice and Ambis As soon as their tears fell, the great shaman Gulama softened.

"Woo ... Grandpa Shaman, will my grandpa get better? Woo ..."

Seeing Alice's big, tear-filled eyes, the heart of the big shaman Gulama was almost sprouted. So he deliberately pretended to be kind and sincere, gently squeezed Alice's little face and then comforted:

"Relax, I'm a big shaman! I have healed a lot more serious injuries than he has done countless times, and he's wounded on me now! Ambiance, take the unrelated person back and need treatment People can stay here, I will start now! "

Hearing that everyone here was waiting for Ambis to open their mouths, they pulled back a long distance, and at the same time, from the big shaman Gulamama who seemed to be smiling, suddenly a burst of fullness was released. Vague waves of vitality!

At this time, Zhang Yang already felt a power that was homologous to the healing magic released by Ambis, but looking at the appearance of the big shaman Gulama at this moment, he seemed to be preparing a senior who could recover injuries for many people. magic.

In response to this, Yang Yang laughed at the bottom of the big shaman Gulamama's true love, but he moved back slightly.

Zhang Yang's heart is very clear. If he stands at the front, in terms of the strength of the big shaman Gulamar but only fifth-order senior, even if he consumes the magic of the whole body, he may not be able to completely cure him.

Moreover, the injuries of Dunkel and Tirby can no longer be delayed. Furthermore, healing them will not consume much of the magic of the Great Shaman Gulamama, so Zhang Yang decided to retreat first and wait for Dunkel ’s injuries. After he recovered, he continued to "squeeze" the magic of the Great Shaman Gulama.

In an instant, under the eyes of Zhang Yang and others, the big shaman Gurama and his hands together suddenly appeared a yellow-green light like a wave of water! It's just that everyone hasn't seen the shape of the light in his hand. With the deep shaman Gulamar sipping low, a soft yellow-green band of light came out of his hands in an instant, and then The son connected Dunkel, Derby and Zhang Yang together!

"Look at me ... [chain of treatment]!"

Zhang Yang ’s eyesight can actually see every detail of this magic from formation to release, so he clearly saw that the light strip first hit Dunker in the front, and then was taken by that light in Dunker The energy attached to it was completely encapsulated before it reflected Derby behind Dunkel.

It was basically the same as what happened to Dunkel just now, when the light belt completely wrapped Terby before finally linking to Zhang Yang.

But at this time, Zhang Yangminrui felt that when the light link between Dunkel and Derby reached him, Zhao Bi had been weakened by at least 40% when it was originally sent from the big shaman Gulama. !

Zhang Yang speculates that this "chain of treatment" magic that can treat multiple wounded people at one time is likely to be the magic that decreases in sequence as the number of treatments increases!

In addition, Zhang Yang also thinks that this magic is likely to be a kind of magic with different treatment numbers and powers as the strength increases. For example, now in terms of the strength of the fifth-order Great Shaman Gurama, he uses the chain of treatment 】 The number of extreme treatment is likely to be five people.

After all, if calculated according to the law of deduction, if the treatment effect of the first person to be treated is 100%, then the second one is likely to bear 80% of the treatment effect. By analogy, the third Zhang Yang is naturally 60%, the fourth is likely to be 40%, and if the fifth person to be treated finally exists, then he may only be able to withstand the initial treatment 20% of the amount!

It sounds like the effect of this magic is very attenuated, it seems that it is not very powerful, but the well-known Zhang Yang understands that if there are multiple shamans on the battlefield using this magic at the same time, then in the big army During the battle, the survival chance of the orc warriors will definitely be greatly improved!

After all, from the point of view of magic signs, [Healing Chain] should be at least mid-to-high-level magic that can be used only by a fourth-level or higher strength. Therefore, unless it is an absolutely fatal injury, in terms of the orc warrior ’s super-strong physique, even if it is only With 40% or less of the total treatment effect, they can quickly recover and exert their powerful fighting and destructive power!

Imagine how shocking the scenes when dozens of shaman priests used [Healing Chain] together when thousands of violent orc warriors charged with human bows and arrows and magical powers!

Even if most of these shamans are only about 4th order, if the limit number of [Healing Chain] is only 4 times, then even if there are only 20 4th order shamans casting spells together, then 80 beasts can be instantly treated. Clan warriors provide treatment!

In contrast, as the light priest and the light priest who are the main healing power in the human kingdom, no one can heal many people by counting all the light magic from the first order to the fourth order!

Even the light priests who have advanced to the fifth rank of gold level are mainly used to counter and dispel negative energy magic when using the magic of the [Light of the Light] range. In addition, they can cause some damage to dark creatures. It can recover a little bit of injury for most human warriors, but overall, it is not a magic dedicated to group healing.

While the Light Priest's Enchantment of Light has the ability to bless, dispel negative energy, weaken dark creatures, and heal companions, this fifth-order magic is an enchantment magic that cannot be moved! Unless it is a city guard or released in a specific position, otherwise in terms of practicality, it can only be considered ordinary.

Only light magicians who have advanced to the sixth-order purple gold level can use the light magic [Holy Nova], which is really a combination of healing and harming dark creatures.

It is a pity that even in the human kingdom with a large population of talents, the number of light magicians capable of reaching the sixth-order purple gold level is still quite rare. Therefore, even if they appear on the battlefield, they will never go to the front with a large group of ordinary soldiers.

However, even if the light magician with the seventh-level legendary strength fully uses [Holy Nova], its range will not exceed ten meters at most!

Zhang Yang is still not clear what the effective distance of the "Healing Chain" magic released by the Great Shaman Guramar is, but he has a feeling that this magic is definitely not as simple as it can only be applied within a few meters! And once the effective distance of this magic exceeds 20 meters ...

Then the significance of this magic to combat is really extraordinary!

However, when Zhang Yang was alone and thinking about his own thoughts, the big shaman Gulamama who was continuously releasing the [chain of healing] magic was a bit puzzled!

In fact, as long as about half a minute ago, Dunkel and the special injuries were completely healed by the vibrant yellow-green light of the [chain of treatment]. At the same time, after they recovered completely, they could no longer continue to receive treatment and were excluded by the yellow-green band of light.

This is good. When Zhang Yang came back, he was the only one standing in the middle of the house and still standing firmly on the other side of the yellow-green light belt. At this moment, Zhang Yang, who was in the light, suddenly realized Some black things on his face are peeling and drifting!

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