Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 999: Treatment and critical point

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"What, what is this?"

Originally the Great Shaman Gulama was still strange, and the two who apparently seemed to be the most injured had recovered. How could the guy who was standing at the end of the suspect orc be treated? Is his injury more serious than others?

However, as the Great Shaman Gulama continued to instill magic power into the [Healing Chain], he suddenly discovered that there was more black things around the "half orcs" in the yellow-green light.

When the big shaman Gulama took a closer look at him, he was surprised to find that the black thing was clearly the hair falling off the face and hands of the ‘half orc’! It's just that under the magic chain of [Healing Chain], they are being stripped away from each other a little bit!

(Does the [Healing Chain] still change the physique of the Orcs? This kind of thing is unlikely to happen? So what is going on now ?! And the green color on this guy ’s face is getting more and more The lighter it is?)

In terms of the strength of the Great Shaman Gulama, maintaining the consumption of the [Healing Chain] in a short period of time is not a big problem, and he also wants to see how much healing energy this mysterious "half orc" can absorb, After all, even Dunkel and Terby's injuries were so severe that they only recovered with less than half a minute under the magic of Big Shaman Gulamama.

But with the passage of time, bit by bit, after the continuous release of the Great Shaman Guramar [Chain of Healing] for about two minutes, he was surprised to find that the orc in front of him had completely changed its appearance!

The original strange and ugly guy has now turned into a stunning beauty of Meng clan! The Great Shaman Gulama swears to the sky that he is the first time he has seen such a cute Meng Orc.

From the characteristics reflected in her, Gulama quickly judged that this was an extremely rare black fox beauty! It's a pity that this beauty doesn't seem to have developed much. As far as the body is concerned, the height is not much different from the height of Embis.

(But why is she still absorbing the energy released by [The Chain of Healing]? Can this magic really turn an ugly orc into a stunning beauty? Or ...... the way it was, it was her disguise at all?)

Although the old shaman Gulama is old, he is not stupid at all! Not only that, it may be more appropriate to describe him as a mature man. Therefore, after the initial surprise and even the stunning feeling passed, Big Shaman Gulamama's brain suddenly turned, he felt the strangeness in it, so he continued to release a dozen instant magic powers, and filled up a full three-point leak. After the [Healing Chain], the big shaman Gulamama stopped, and then he turned to Ambis and asked:

"Kitty, who is she? Is there something you didn't tell me?"

"Uh ... this, actually, Sister Hess has also been seriously injured, and you also see that if she looks in the city of Colosseum in Orsay, it may cause a sensation in the whole city. ? "

"Anything you answered, little cat! But you are right, so that means she was disguised as before?"

"That ... is also something that can't be helped ..."

Speaking of this, the Great Shaman Gulama has fully understood, but this time he did not get angry because of concealment, but instead caused him a strong curiosity. Obviously a stunning beauty, but how can he absorb so much healing energy and nothing happens? Isn't she a warrior?

At this moment, Zhang Yang standing in the center of the house finally opened his eyes with a long sigh of relief. He is quite happy at the moment. After all, the overloaded and weak state that has troubled him for several months has finally reached a critical threshold!

Three hundred percent overload! This is the exact state of Zhang Yang at the moment!

Great Shaman Gulama's healing ability is very good. Although his rank is not as good as that of the sixth-order sheep clan big shaman Bailis in Sunset Canyon, but he has the ability of deep treatment for him like Ambis Compared with Ambis, a first-order little shaman, the strength of the big shaman Gulamama is many times stronger. Therefore, the injury that originally required Ambis to treat for a long time alone has now recovered to this level in advance!

However, Zhang Yang has already felt that 300% overload is actually a stumbling block. In fact, the continued treatment just now can not make him recover more, but it can basically cure his trauma. So he generally understood that the shaman's healing magic did not allow him to rush through this ridge, and he would need to use other methods to rush through it.

At this time, Zhang Yang was very fortunate that he had luckily bought those pieces of demon essence from the old Peter before, with the body of Ere and the powerful bitterness, as long as he could absorb the demon contained in those pieces of demon essence Power, then Zhang Yang believes that he can definitely rush through this hurdle immediately!

Even if luck is good enough, and the power contained in these demon essences is strong enough, it is very possible for Zhang Yang to return to his best condition in one fell swoop. As for the tyrannical consciousness that may exist when absorbing the essence of the devil, it needs the suppression of its own powerful soul force.

Zhang Yang didn't have much research on the power of the soul, but he got the memory of a half-lich anyway. It is important to know that every lich is a double material master of the undead department and the soul department. Therefore, although Zhang Yang is not a master, he is not ignorant.

What's more, he is uniquely equipped with the power of thunder and lightning. He can purify evil spirits and replenish his own ability. If he is known by other legendary powers, he may be envious of half death.

It happened that Zhang Yang had found a strange charm from the wolf clan's old lady. If he didn't guess wrong, it should have sealed an evil soul!

After all these coincidences, Zhang Yang, who had been depressed for several months, saw the dawn of recovery. How could he be unhappy?

Because from the treatment to the moment Zhang Yang has been standing in the center of the house, his natural change in his expression naturally fell into the eyes of everyone around him, and once he used the fraudulent orb to change the appearance of the fox family, once he showed a heartfelt smile, that In the eyes of everyone, Zi Zi can only be described as stunning.

In fact, at this time, the big shaman Gulamama was completely stunned. He suddenly felt that there were other things in this world that could make him enamoured, except for the **** and **** enchanting figure.

"Yeah! What's your name, this beautiful lady? Where is your home? You ... If you don't have any reliance on wandering, then Green Forest Manor welcomes you!"

The Great Shaman Gulama clearly saw his head turned upside down, so that in front of so many people, he even said what he said!

But fortunately, he said half of the reaction, if he had spoken his heart completely, he tried to pretend to be a tall image of the shaman in front of outsiders, fearing that it would be destroyed in a flash!

Even so, Ambis, who had come back, guessed what he was thinking, so when everyone turned to Miss Hess, who was smiling in the field, turned to Big Shaman Gulamama, Ambi Si choked Big Shaman Gulamama to death in one sentence!

"Grandpa Shaman said yes! If Sister Sis really didn't have a place to go, it would be nice to stay with me at Greenwood Manor! There are food and accommodation here, Grandpa Shaman is also very kind, he will definitely guarantee you It ’s safe, you wo n’t be hurt a little bit! Right, Grand Shaman? "

"Uh! Cough cough! Cough cough! Right ... right ..."

The meaning of Ambis's words can't be heard by others, but for the Great Shaman Gulama, it can't be more understood. Originally, Ambis called him a teacher, or got angry and called Grand Shaman Gulama. Now suddenly he changed his word to tell his grandfather not to say, then the word "grandpa" and the word "sister" when he was called Hess definitely emphasized!

Now being robbed by Ambis has almost directly solidified the identity of the two. Even if the old Shaman Gulamama is strong and wants to rejuvenate again ... I don't know how much spring, he can't speak directly.

Zhang Yang ’s original plan was to find something that could restore his strength in this colossal city of Orsay. After all, when there is no strength in danger, he would always scratch himself and say that he wanted to go back to the **** with the existing strength. In the words of the empire, its hopes are minimal.

Now that I am lucky enough to complete the predetermined goal just here, the next step is to find a safe place to study the bizarre rune and find a way to absorb the demon essence for recovery.

Zhang Yang does n’t know what kind of messy Ambiance and Great Shaman Gulama have in private, but in his view of the entire city of Colosseum in Orsay, there is really no place where he lives more than Great Shaman Gulamama. This green forest manor is more suitable.

Although Zhang Yang felt that the skinny old Ma shaman was a little strange in front of him, in terms of Zhang Yang's acute perception, he didn't feel any maliciousness from him at present.

So when he heard the words of Great Shaman Gulamama and Embis, he thought a little and then nodded and answered:

"I'm sorry Lord Shaman. Although the Green Forest Manor is beautiful, I still have a lot of important things to do, so ... I am grateful for your kindness. I can't stay here."

"Ah ... this ... this ..."

After Zhang Yang's remarks, the mouth of the big shaman Gulamama suddenly drooped down. The disappointment on his face was such a title that even if Ambiance didn't say anything, he could not hold back a smile!

"Hey ~! Yeah, Sister Hess, are you leaving?"

"I shouldn't leave for the time being. After all, I was a little tired during this time. At the moment, I want to find a quiet place to rest for a while. By the way, I will take a good tour of this huge city. After all, this is the first time I came to Orsay What about Colossus City? "

(Hey? There are doors!)

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