Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1030: Mobilization across the city

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"Ah ?! How can it be good to be beaten ?! I can read a lot of books, don't lie to me, you old stuff!"

Seeing that the big shaman Gulama could still pay back, the soul of the monkey clan ancestor suddenly glared at him suddenly, and then seriously said:

"Ignorant kid! I'm too lazy to take care of you! But I can tell you that this person is very, very simple! From the point of view of the way he just hit you and the precise control of his strength, even if he has not yet reached the legendary level, he Not far away! "

"What, what ?! Again. Is it a legendary strongman ?!"

At this time, the mouth of the big shaman Gulama could be stuffed with a whole piece of black bread. He suddenly felt that he had been out of luck recently. Why was he always worried about the legendary strongman?

However, the next words of the spirit of the monkey clan ancestors made the great shaman Gulama really serious.

"It's not a legend! Actually, the guy's current strength is still far from the legend, but from the point of view of his ability, if there is no change, it should be able to impact the legendary level within ten years?"

"In ten years? How old is that guy?"

"It's not clear, but it should be the old man!"

"This ... okay okay! The downfall I've suffered is worth it. After all, within ten years of my Campas Orc Kingdom, there will be another legendary strongman. This is good news! "

"But the problem is ... I don't feel the slightest blood energy in this guy!"


Hearing here, the big shaman Gulama suddenly jumped up from the ground, but he just fell and fell to the ground with a cry.

"It's weird? It can't be so strong without blood energy, which is impossible at present! And I can be very responsible to say that the guy also has no grudge and magic power, do you think this person is right? Very strange? "

"Of course! It should be said that it is impossible at all!"

"Huh! It has long been said that you are an ignorant junior. The world is so big that there are so many things that people do not know. As far as I know, there seemed to be such a guy in ancient times ..."

"Then what do you mean?"

Seeing that the big shaman Gulama was still confused, the spirit of the monkey ancestor suddenly sprinkled a light green natural magic light on him, and then said lightly:

"Me? I'm boring! Just don't know anything! After all, the more you know about something, the easier it is to die!"

"Uh ... what do you mean? Did you die when you were younger, because you used [soul snooping] to see something you should n’t see?"

"Asshole boy! Don't ask!"


Zhang Yang, who left the residence of the Great Shaman Gulamama, really felt very happy! Although he was able to beat Gulama, he was relieved, but what made him really happy was that he found the pale blue stone with Plato's soul.

Zhang Yang is a person who likes to do what he says, so when he owed the favor of Berliss, he always made him feel that there was something in his heart.

If not finding a good enough solution now, Zhang Yang will definitely have to spend more time in the Campas Orc Kingdom after recovering his strength, instead of going directly to the human kingdom.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang had found enough to repay the human relationship. Now he only needs to send this light blue square stone back to the sunset canyon and give it to the old lady of the sheep tribe.

However, from Orsay City to Colosseum to the sunset valley at the other end of the barren Gobi, Zhang Yang even conservatively estimated that it would take at least a month, but now after experiencing so many miscellaneous things, he suddenly missed Nier Jie in his heart. Lena also has friends such as Sean and Charlotte.

Therefore, when he changed his position and left the Greenwood Manor, Zhang Yang thought of the Mill Caravan.

Although Zhang Yang had very little contact with this group of people, he believed that if he handed over this light blue square stone to them, and then entrusted everyone from the Mill Caravan to send it to the Sunset Canyon, even if Mil and others knew Knowing that this light blue square stone with the shaman's soul is very valuable, but will still help to deliver it.

Of course, this is not the only insurance. After all, people ’s greed is terrible. Once the benefits at hand are large enough, then pure transactions and guarantees cannot give too much expectation.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang had premeditated about this. Although he is not familiar with the appearance of Mill and others, but if he raised the name of "Miss Hess", he said that this thing was specially escorted by the "Miss Hess". Then, in terms of Zhang Yang's understanding of Mill, Munch, and others, even if the other party is to repay their gratitude, they will do their best to do this well.

Thinking of Zhang Yang's heart here, he directly and happily decided, but at this moment he suddenly felt that these people around him looked a bit unnatural!

You have to know that Zhang Yang had been in the middle of the night when he came to the Green Forest Manor. Now that it's midnight, how can these plains gathered outside the Green Forest Manor not sleep?

And Zhang Yang is quite sensitive to looking at him. Although these people around him are already trying their best to restrain themselves, but at the moment he appeared, there are still more than ten eyes focused on him!

This problem is coming, if you hear Zhang Yang ’s footsteps and then turn her head to look around, you can still use vigilance to explain, but now Zhang Yang will no longer make a noticeable noise when walking after recovering his strength, even if it is over the wall, the landing The sound will not be much louder than the sound of the leaves falling.

But even so, those people can still look at him for the first time. Although there is no relationship that Zhang Yang can hide, it still shows that these ordinary people seem to have some problems!

(Are these hundreds of people specially arranged to catch me? That scene is a bit big! But there is no strong breath around here, is it too sensitive for me?)

Zhang Yang had no clue about this for a while, but for the sake of caution, after leaving the sight of the civilians, he immediately found a shadowy corner in the laneway to hide. He wanted to see if any of these civilians would leave the newspaper, or would anyone come to join?

It's just that the changes after the next few leaks made Zhang Yang look a bit big. Just after he came out of the wall and it was about very leaky, the orc people who gathered outside the Green Forest Manor seemed to have all been appointed. All People packed up their belongings and left directly!

This situation is completely beyond Zhang Yang's expectations and plans! He can't follow them one by one? Besides, even if he had this idea, he didn't have the power to realize it!

(It ’s weird! If this is really a trap that someone deliberately arranged, this person can be quite clever and not easy to deal with ...)

Fortunately, Zhang Yang was able to confirm that the orc people who were leaving were not malicious to him. As for the curiosity in those eyes, this was normal.

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang saw that the last few civilians had also left. After pondering for a while, he also joined the evacuated stream, and his figure disappeared completely in the eastern part of Colosseum ...


"Adult! Just now I received the news from Green Forest Manor that the mysterious man who had crossed the wall into Green Forest Manor had already left. And from the descriptions of the civilians who had seen the man, Gree could already confirm this guy It was the suspected wolf clan robber who had dealt with him. "

"Really? Sure enough, I was guessed ... This guy is definitely related to Kishi Wuai!"

Hearing the return of his follower soldier Mitchell, Ted Turk suddenly stood up from his seat. At the same time, because he was too excited, he accidentally squeezed the delicate golden wine glass in his hand. A ball!

Ted Turk didn't realize his gaffe until he felt the wine splashing out of his hands. Fortunately, there was no one other than Mitchell around him at this moment, and gaffe in front of them was not a big deal.

"Sir, what shall we do next? Should we search again and again in the city, or continue to monitor the soldiers?"

"You do n’t need to hunt around the city. After all, although this guy does n’t have much strength, he is a guy who can hide. And now the other party should not know that we have found him, at most it is a little suspicious. So you wait The guards on the other side of the city wall were reminded to give me the spirit to closely monitor their area. Once someone crosses the wall and exits the city, I will send out a fire alarm first. "

"Yes! Master! Then we also go to the gate to guard?"

Hearing this, Ted Turk suddenly showed a meaningful smile, and then only listened to him:

"The guarding power of Colossus City is already good. After all, there are elephant warriors guarding each city gate. Their strength is not as bad as yours. Some are older, and their combat power is higher than yours. There are a lot of them. Now that the city gate is closed after nightfall, anyone who wants to exit the city gate will have to go through the level of Xiang warriors, so you do n’t have to go in this regard. "

"Adult means ... do we still act as planned?"

"Basically yes, but now we need to make fewer changes. The monitoring staff on the side of the Colossus Inn should not move. As for your side, unless you receive a signal that the target has been found on the side of the Colossus Inn, do not go into the Greenwood Manor to understand the situation Full of grass and scared snakes. "


Seeing that the Leopard tribe Mitchell saluted and turned away quickly, Ted Turk, who was standing on the terrace of the second floor of the hotel, refilled a glass of wine and suddenly hesitated.

(I still have a hunch that the guy is not ready to leave, even if he really wants to cross the wall out of the city, he will choose when the sky will light up instead of now. And he will probably appear on the side of the Giant Elephant Inn ... then this Once, do I have to wait for him in person?)

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