Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1031: Meet again and commission

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Dunkel hasn't worried about anyone other than his granddaughter Alice for a long time, but for the past two days he has been upset about a girl who hasn't met her for long.

This is not to say that Dunkel, a man in his fifties, is about to regain his second spring, but that since he saw that Miss Hess was taken away by himself, it was always difficult for him to calm down.

If it was not because Alice was held hostage by the **** horse traitor, and then threatened Hess not to leave, otherwise Judging by Dunkel ’s knowledge of the mysterious Miss Hess, the other party was facing the legendary strong There will be a slight possibility of escape from the hunter ...

This sounds incredible, after all, there is a hint of possibility in Dunkel's mouth, to be precise, not even 5%. After all, the tiger family is a legendary superpower with Tier 7 strength! This seems to Dunkel, who knows the strength of the sixth-order strong Taura in the village, with Miss Heath's strength less than the fourth-order strength, there is already a chance to escape under the legendary strongman. .

"But can't we really find a way to rescue her? After all, you also said in person, Miss Hess has a life-saving grace for your Mill Caravan, how can we watch him being robbed and indifferent! "

At this moment Dunkel is holding Alice and Mill, Munch and others talking. In fact, this is the ninth time he has discussed the matter with Mill and others.

It's just that Dunkel's proposal, whether it's Munch or the Mills, can only bow his head or sigh. They also wanted to rescue Miss Heath, but they knew more about their abilities!

For them, the seventh-level legendary super powers are simply the existence of the legend. If you want to find such super powers, it is simply that your life is not long enough!

However, Mill and others did not do anything. They have heard about who was arrested and where they were caught in the past two days.

In fact, if the Ted Turk, the seventh-order legendary superpower, can be distracted, then they are not a chance to save people.

Unfortunately, the strength of the members of the Mill Caravan is too low. Even if Dunkel is added, not to mention the legendary super power Ted Turk, even if he meets the other soldiers under the opponent, he is completely abused. Copies!

Dunkel did n’t think of hiring one or two Tier 5 strong men to help, but not to mention the high commissions for hiring Tier 5 strong men, only mentioning that the target is a legendary strong man. Look at Dunkel and others.

So it has been two days since Dunkel took Alice away from Greenwood Manor and returned here, but I still couldn't think of any way to save people ...

"Really ... I thought that Miss Hess was risking her life to save us. If we don't do anything now, wouldn't it make her chill? Although Miss Hess is a bit mysterious and a little cold, she is really a good person! Why can't this good person be a bit rewarded ... "

"Uncle Dunkel, you can put out the fire! Are we trying to figure it out?"

"I'm thinking of a way, but I still have no way to think about it!"

"This ... our strength is too bad, even if we go, it's just death! If we can rescue Miss Hess, it's okay to give this life back to her, but the problem is that we can't save even if we go to death. She ’s coming, is n’t it pointless! "

"It's really impossible for me to spare this old life and rush to find the legendary strongman theory, at least let me know whether Miss Heath is currently dead or alive, whether she has been ... was ... hey!"

When Dunkel said this, he couldn't talk anymore and could only sigh. In their view, such beautiful beauty as Miss Hess fell into the hands of the nobility, can it be better?

"Uncle Dunkel, you can't be impulsive! Don't say anything else, don't you think about Alice !? She's just such a loved one!"

"This ... hey!"

Neither left nor right, nothing can be worse than feeling helpless. However, when Dunkel and others gathered in the oversized room of the Colossus House Hotel to discuss what to do, a vocal sound suddenly made from behind Dunkel suddenly scared everyone at the scene!

"I have a big deal here, I don't know if you can pick it up?"


"Who's there!"


Although the matter discussed by Dunkel and others is not an unspeakable secret, after all, this matter involves the legendary strongman in the city, so if there is any news, will the people present have trouble? It's more difficult to get things done.

So at the moment of hearing the voice of the person, not only the soldiers such as Dunker and Munch pulled out their weapons, but also others subconsciously picked up the things around them and became nervous.

The ideas of Dunkel, Munch and others are straightforward and simple. Those who can sneak into this room silently may not have the strength that everyone can compete with, but it is the same thing. But if they are allowed to catch their hands, the **** orc warriors can't do it!

However, just as everyone in this big house was nervous and ready to fight, as Dunkel turned around, a tall mysterious man in a dark gray cloak suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Seeing that the man stood empty-handed at the moment seemed to have no intention to start. The head of the caravan, Mir, who was the most active in the center of the crowd, suddenly laughed and threw away the big iron spoon in his hand, and then said:

"Stop! Stop! Stop it! Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! This er ... this gentleman is here to talk about business, what are you so nervous about doing! Everyone is calm! Calm to know!"

After hearing Mill ’s shouting, Dunker, Munch and other soldiers hesitated a little, and finally put away their weapons. But even so, the people are still tightly packed together, and it doesn't even cut the score by half.

But it didn't matter to Zhang Yang. Even when he hadn't recovered his strength before, everyone was not her opponent. Now, with his strength fully restored, Dunkel and others are completely without threat in front of him.

"Sure enough, Mr. Mill is more determined. In this case, I don't worry about the non-human."

Hearing Zhang Yang said, Munch suddenly turned his head to look at Mill, but after the latter shook his head slightly to deny it, Munch suddenly became more puzzled.

Because he knew what Mil meant by shaking his head, this person did not know him at all! But the other party was able to call Mir's name all at once, and they were able to sit in the seats without any difference. So what is the origin of this person? What did he intend to appear suddenly in the middle of the night? Is it really like doing the business as the other party said? Regarding the goods in their caravan, what can get into the eyes of such a person?

But now that Mir has spoken, he will naturally solve the remaining negotiation problems. And Munch also has a plan in mind, once the other party really wants to do harm to everyone, even if he fights this life, he must protect the Mir family! At least if this mysterious guy wants to hurt Mir, he must first walk over his Munch's body!

So, under the intense gaze of Munch, Mill stepped forward a little, and then he said:

"This gentleman knows the name of the contemptible person? It's a great honor! It's just embarrassing to hear that you have business, I don't know ..."

Zhang Yang naturally knew very well about the actions and styles of Mill and others. It is not easy for small people to survive in the Campos Orc Kingdom of Nuo Da. In the face of this sudden stranger, you cannot be too careful.

Moreover, Zhang Yang was not just here. He had listened to the conversations of Dunkel and Mill, and so on. Therefore, if these **** orcs were known for their kindness, it would be false if Zhang Yang did n’t feel moved. So when Mill asked carefully, Zhang Yang replied:

"Yes, it is indeed a big deal. And I can tell you clearly that there is a thousand gold coins for the sale, how?"

"Sale of one or one thousand gold coins ?! This ... can we not do it?"

To be honest, Mir ’s answer surprised Zhang Yang. He was surprised but he still wanted to refuse so simply, how could it not be puzzling. However, when I thought about it, Zhang Yang suddenly understood that Mill and others have always been just businessmen who have kept themselves safe.

For the merchants in the orc kingdom of Campas, huge benefits represent the same great danger! You have to pay as much as you want. This is the rule that Mill and others have always believed in.

One thousand gold coins was not a big amount for Zhang Yang. Besides, he just made a fortune. If he was n’t worried that too much payment to Mill and others would make him suspicious, he might give them two thousand. Gold coins are even more. Therefore, Zhang Yang threw a bait like a thousand gold coins as soon as he opened his mouth, and it was strange that Mil and others were not afraid!

Counting the pure gains of Mil and others going to and from the barren Gobi at most is only a few hundred gold coins. Zhang Yang figured this out and realized that Mil was still afraid.

"Don't want to do this business? That's a pity. In this case, I can't explain to the lady. After all, this business is named by her to ask you to take it!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Mill's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly thought of a very bold possibility, so after hard swallowing a spit, Mill asked nervously:

"This ... Can I ask the lady in your mouth who named us to take this business? Who is she?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang smiled suddenly. He was very happy that he didn't read the wrong person and did not save the wrong person!

"You shouldn't be unfamiliar with the name Heath?"


"It turned out to be Miss Hess !?"

"Where is she now? Is she okay?"

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