Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1121: Effect of Blood Dysentery Elixir

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In fact, Zhang Yang is also involved in herbal medicine. After all, I think that Wright ’s grandfather was a medicinal man and a doctor. In addition, Zhang Yang, who was still in the state of "soul", has also studied the elementary school seriously. Knowledge of herbal medicine.

Coupled with his practical skills in first aid, Zhang Yang once thought that once he can have a body, maybe just being a wandering doctor can also eat a meal.

However, since Zhang Yang came to the orc kingdom of Campas, he found that the knowledge of herbal medicine he had learned before was too shallow and general. Perhaps Zhang Yang already knows most of the herbs in the French Empire, and sometimes even collects and uses them.

But don't think that the Lan Empire and the Campas Orc Kingdom are on the same land in Orlando, but the plants and animals growing in it are almost completely different.

Therefore, Zhang Yang now has to admit that he has never heard the name of the herbal medicine "blood dysentery", so Zhang Yang also knows nothing about the bottle of blood dysentery.

However, the reason why Zhang Yang can say with confidence that Irene must be successful is naturally because he has [Thunderbolt Recovery] this card available!

Judging from Zhang Yang's experience of recovering with this trick after many births and deaths, [Lightning Resuscitation] can not only speed up the recovery of body tissues, but also greatly improve the body's various immune capabilities! Whether it is a toxin or a virus, as long as it is a matter of physical nature, [Thunder Resuscitation] has been able to solve it so far.

So Zhang Yang thought, since the blood diarrhea agent is only a kind of agent that stimulates the body's potential, then the effect should be like a powerful hormone that generally produces a huge stimulation to the body. As for why it is dangerous, Zhang Yang knows that even the body itself can produce The kind of adrenaline, once secreted too much, is also lethal to the human body.

Therefore, at least 70% of Zhang Yang's heart is sure that if he uses [Thunderbolt Resuscitation] to Eileen, it will be able to survive the stimulation of the blood diarrhea medicine on the body. As to whether the result can stimulate the blood gas, Zhang Yang is unclear, but saves Eileen's life Zhang Yang has more than 80% confidence.

So after Aileen drank the blood dysentery potion, Zhang Yang focused on the brave fox girl, so after a few moments, the blood dysentery potion began to take effect, and a violent excitement and pain instantly turned Aileen Her consciousness swallowed up, so that when she fell back straight, Zhang Yang's hands with the power of thunder and lightning had already pulled it back.

Then Zhang Yang was a bit worried. After all, according to Aileen's performance at the moment, Zhang Yang's previous speculation should be inseparable.

In fact, Eileen's consciousness should have fallen into obscurity at this time, otherwise she wouldn't twitch all over her eyes, and her eyes would turn white. It seemed to be a symptom of excessive reading.

However, the medicine for blood dysentery should only be a powerful hormone rather than reading materials. After all, as far as Zhang Yang knows, he has not seen reading materials on the Orlando continent, and it can make people become hot and involuntarily. As if Fachun had wrapped around Zhang Yang, everything looked like hormones.

But the problem is coming, Zhang Yang is now pulling Elin's arm with one hand, and the other is leaning on Elin's waist. In fact, this posture can certainly prevent Eileen from falling down, but when Eileen's face is abnormally flushed, the whole person suddenly burst out a force and turned to Zhang Yanggong, Zhang Yang wanted to avoid it can be a bit difficult .

You should know that he is using [Lightning Resuscitation] ability to Eileen at the moment, so that he can temporarily strengthen Eileen ’s physical quality and resistance with the power of lightning. It's just that Zhang Yang had to touch the target's body with both hands at the same time when releasing Thunder Resuscitation, so he really couldn't free his hand to stop Irene's move for a while.

So feeling the fact that Aileen couldn't hurt herself at all, Zhang Yang simply couldn't avoid being prepared to resist the next attack. However, when Eileen was really fiercely hit, Zhang Yang was suddenly dumbfounded!

At this moment Zhang Yang's imagined attack did not appear. Just when Eileen hit his chest, the little girl of the Fox family, who had just been less than a day old, even issued a series of blushing ** and murmurs, and At the same time, her delicate and thin body was also desperately rubbing against Zhang Yang's body!

How did Ren Zhangyang anticipate the enemy's foresight, he couldn't think how could this blood dysentery make the user spring? !

Is his approach wrong? What went wrong?

However, there is not much time left for Zhang Yang to think at this moment. Unless he gives up [Thunderbolt Resuscitation] to protect Aileen, he will not be able to get rid of Aileen ’s hotter body for a while.

And because Zhang Yang just grabbed one of Elin ’s arms, the other hand of the fox family girl, at this moment, began to unscrupulously touch Zhang Yang's body! At this time, if Zhang Yang doesn't do anything, he will lose his clothes after half a minute!

(Unexpectedly, this fox girl is so enthusiastic ... it's too much to eat!)

In his busy schedule, Zhang Yang didn't forget to secretly sigh and sigh, in fact, how can a living person let urine suffocate? Don't look at Zhang Yang's two hands, but want to deal with such a thin fox girl like Elin, Zhang Yang may have some tricks!

So when Eileen went crazy trying to arch into Zhang Yang's arms and tried to get his hands up and down, Zhang Yang suddenly put a little force on his feet, and the whole body dragged Aileen to jump without saying, and then it was more accurate. The ground fell on the big bed covered with thick animal skin behind him!

Zhang Yangben is a character who has a very strong control over power, and now he has a super strong control over the power [into the micro], so that like falling on the bed and pressing Aileen underneath, Zhang Yang Naturally, it is extremely easy to do ... unpleasant!

Because I used to hold Aileen and used the Thunder Resuscitation relationship, Zhang Yang still maintained the position of holding Aileen's arm and holding the other's waist with one hand at the time of the initial contact.

This was nothing, but now the situation has changed, when the two changed from standing to ... uh ... to the position of stacked Luo Han general Lei on the bed, Zhang Yang now completely ridden the other in order to prevent her from groping. Next, so plus the previous posture ...

If they are seen by outsiders, they must think that Zhang Yang and Eileen are preparing to do an intimate move!

However, the problem is that Zhang Yang doesn't mean that!

First of all, as an innocent old virgin who has lived two lifetimes together for more than 40 years, Zhang Yang's love concept is not open to those guys like mercenaries and adventurers around him.

Thanks to the deep brainwashing education of the last life block and Guojia, Zhang Yang, who was born in the army, always believed that love and marriage are sacred, so he always felt that it was not suitable to study together before he became a lover. A big deal.

And the artificial man career without love as a premise, Zhang Yang is simply unacceptable.

Besides, as a man, Zhang Yang is not completely cold, he just has a strong sense of self-control. Coupled with his strong and keen sense, Zhang Yang has a tortured feeling because of such close contact with Danfan.

That is the collision of faith, reason and primitive impulse! It is the confrontation between persistence in your heart and the temptation of the senses! This feeling is too tormenting. Even if Irene is as thin as a rubbing board, Irene, who is completely sprouting under the stimulation of drugs at the moment, naturally emits a strange fragrance like blue musk from her body!

Even though Zhang Yang has never encountered such a thing, he still instinctively understands that this is a body fragrance that a woman may emit when she is in heat, and for this taste, few men or even few male creatures can resist this This most primitive and instinctive temptation is unimpressed!

So Zhang Yang's mouth and nose were full of sweet fragrance at the moment, and the Eileen under him was still unconsciously twisting, which made Zhang Yang's head stand after just a minute. See Khan.

You have to know that even with Elmont, the war lizard orc strongman, who hit the outside of the city from the city, Zhang Yang did not see a trace of sweat! From this we can see how Zhang Yang is suffering ...

Fortunately, the effect of the blood dysentery potion is really strong and swift. After drinking the bottle of bright pink potion from Eileen, it only leaked in two minutes, and she had a fire-like energy in her body!

Of course, the reason why Eileen can excite the blood gas energy in the body in such a short time is all because Zhang Yang is using [Thunderbolt Resuscitation] on her. Otherwise, with Eileen ’s original physique, this process will likely pull When it grows to more than a dozen leaks, it is even close to a day or so.

In this way, it is really unknown whether Eileen's small body can stay in this state for so long at this moment. To know the talents of each warrior in the Campas Orc Kingdom, in addition to their own agility and other qualities, it also depends on the total amount and time spent awakening blood energy!

Generally speaking, the more the total amount of awakening in the early days, the greater the future achievements. In terms of awakening time, whether it is natural awakening or drug awakening, the less time is used, the better!

Therefore, what Zhang Yang did not know is that, just when he was suffering, the little girl of the Fox family that he inadvertently shaped under him, both in the amount of blood energy awakening and the time, was better than the original one. The female warrior Termish of the royal family is slightly better!

From this point of view, as long as Erin can work hard and can save her life before she has enough self-preservation strength, as long as her luck is not too bad, her future achievements are likely to surpass Termish, or even move in one fell swoop. It is not impossible for the ranks of the seventh-level legendary strong!

However, all this is something to say, Zhang Yang naturally does not know at this moment. He was just fortunate that after the blood energy of Aileen was successfully stimulated, the little fox girl in Fachun finally calmed down.

So in this hotel room shining with colorful moonlight, Zhang Yang, who was already sweating, was finally able to leap from Eileen, who was also sweating and gasping, and finally after a sigh with inexplicable relief, Silently left his room ...

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