Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1122: Dave's plan

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The night in Red Rock City is always a bit cool. After all, this is a city built on a rocky mountain, so even the roaring night winds are more rapid and colder than on the plains.

Therefore, it is always good to open a tavern and hotel in Redstone City. After all, as long as it is not the kind of guy who is too poor to even eat, otherwise no matter whether it is a bounty hunter and adventurer passing by here, or a merchant of all ethnicities who come here to run a business The team will choose to spend a little money to find a hotel to hide from the disturbing cold wind, and eat some hot things to take a break.

Of course, some people do not live in the store to simply shelter from the wind and rain or to have enough wine and food. For some rich and powerful orc nobles, eating in the store is part of the enjoyment, and the appearance is super handsome. Dave, the lion prince, is one of the most representative of them.

However, at this moment in the quiet night, Dave, who was in the most luxurious room in the most expensive hotel in Red Rock City, did not take advantage of the night to do something 'happy'.

On the contrary, although he was still accompanied by two delicate and beautiful female slaves, Daier and Lier, and there was exquisite and rich food on the wide dining table in front of him, but he looked like he was sitting on his forehead and sweating. How happy it is.

As for the culprit that caused all this ...

"What the **** are you planning? You should be very clear about the risks you face when you leave Wangcheng, how can you make this choice desperately? Do n’t you know how many people want your life? Again you Where to go is not good, why do you have to go to the front of the **** battle? Can you explain it to me, my little cousin! "

At this moment, Dave, who was honestly sitting on the chair and made a smile, knew that he could not hide at last. Knowing that his cousin, besides being good at saying questions as affirmative, once answered that she was not satisfied, she liked to speak with her fist. It is a very bad side of his character, at least Dave thinks so.

However, Dave had to admit that Telmish was always very effective in this way. At least Dave glanced subconsciously at the fist that seemed to be bigger than his head, and inexplicably shuddered. .

"That didn't hide anything from you, Master Cousin! I just don't want to be confused, so how far can I run ..."

I don't know if the guilty conscience or other reasons, Dave said later that the voice is getting smaller and smaller, so that anyone can see that he can't help it at this moment. However, this should not be the case! With Termish's knowledge of his cowardly and extremely shrewd cousin, even if he lied in his own face, he would never reveal such a big flaw.

So Termich frowned slightly, and then continued to ask:

"Oh? Just because of fear of death?"

"Of course! Cousin, you know I'm so scared of death! Besides, it's nothing shameful. After all, who can't be afraid of death?"

It seemed that to strengthen his persuasion, when Dave mentioned that he was afraid of death, he even shook his shoulders with a few hands. However, the next sentence of Termish made him really tremble from the heart.

"Did you say that you are not afraid that I am just afraid of death? It seems that it is time for you to recall the games that we two often played as a child ..."

Speaking of the word game, the tiger female warrior Termish's face even showed a look that was both nostalgic and eager to try. Dave who saw this scene, the whole person almost slipped out of the chair and fell to the ground. If it was not at the critical time that Lier on the side helped him, fake Dave with a fifth-order advanced blood power, maybe this time has already been Knelt down to Termish!

"Cousin Rao Fate! I said I said! I said everything!"

"Finally, as the seniors progressed, I thought you would still be like before. You had to play with me for a while before you learned to obey. It's a pity ..."

(Unfortunately, my sister! If I were to be played twice by you again, my life would have to be played by you! When I achieve the purpose of this trip, I will definitely let you taste what it is like to be beaten by people indefinitely! Humph!)

Although secretly ruthless in his heart, Dave had to pretend to be afraid at the moment, and then he heard his head depressed and said:

"Actually, I came here because I have found in the classics somewhere north of the Red Rock City near the front line of the **** battle now, there is a relic of the strong lion from the ancient times! And according to the classics Judging from the content described in it, as long as I can find the ruins, it is likely that I will get the inheritance power left by my ancestors, so that I can directly advance to the seventh-tier legendary level! How much power the talent can exert. Just becoming a legendary seventh-level strongman is enough to let me enter the Presbyterian Church and get rid of my original destiny! "

At this moment, not only Termesh was stunned after hearing Dave's words, but even Dale and Lier, who were the closest to Dave, looked surprised and did not seem to be falsified. I heard about this matter.

Fortunately, Termish was a strong man with a sixth-level advanced strength, so after spending the first moment of surprise, she quickly recovered. But Termish's next performance was completely different from the excitement Dave had expected.

At this time, Termish was actually frowning, but after a little hesitation, he honestly persuaded Dave to give up the plan.

"No matter where you got this message, I suggest you not to go."

"Ah? Why cousin ?! As long as I can get the power of inheritance, I will be able to solve all the problems now, and even more than a hundred years of life out of thin air! A good thing without harm, how can you persuade me to give up? Could it be that your cousin is afraid that I will become a seventh-level legendary superpower at once? After becoming a legendary superpower, I will not retaliate for you because you have been bullying me for so many years! Hahaha ... uh! Well, you did n’t hear anything in the last sentence, did n’t hear ... "


If he had n’t been feeling uneasy recently, he would have to fix Dave ’s words on Dave ’s words at the moment. But now she is always uneasy and always feels like something big is going to happen, so she has no mood to deal with Dave's own behavior.

"Little cousin ... Dave, what do you think is the power? Is it the gold treasure in the treasure chest? Or just drink some potion and get the admiration of the people directly in the sky? No! Many in this world Things are fair, and power is even more so! As you have always done, there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to obtain a legendary level of powerful power, you have to work harder than ordinary people and corresponding dangers. So I think that the ruins are either deceptive or nonexistent, or a huge trap at all! "

At this point, Termish looked a little excited. Although she always bullied Dave from an early age, she still regarded him as her "active vault", but for this handsome, timid and cunning cousin, Termi He really regards it as his loved one. Otherwise, if it is replaced by other royal peers, she will only sit on the sidelines, absolutely lazy to say a word.

In fact, Dave seemed to be moved at this time, but the emotion only flashed in his eyes, and then he shook his head fiercely and said to Termish in a rare and firm tone:

"Do n’t talk about cousin, now that I ’ve reached this point, it ’s pointless to say anything else. Do I want to watch the opportunity to change my destiny that is about to be sent to me and slip away and go back to the City of God of War, etc Are you dead? No! I ’m not willing! I will find that relic no matter whether life or death, find the inheritance that will change my destiny! "

"But I have never heard of any power that can directly lead people from level 5 to less than level 6 to the level 7 legendary level! That's the level 7 legendary level! How many people dream of it The pursuit of life ca n’t be achieved. Do you think you can inherit it casually? How smart you are, how can you not even see this! "

Speaking of Termith's words here, there is already a taste of hating iron and steel, but at this moment Dave is not just crazy or enthralled by his power. He even looked at Termith with a strange vision. Then suddenly said in a suspicious tone:

"Cousin Termish ... now that you know the significance and secret of my trip, how can you persuade me to give it up? Isn't that cousin you ... ready to persuade me to go back and find the hidden legend Is it the remains of power? "


"Master! Don't misunderstand Lord Termith!"

"Yes, Master! Master Termish is totally in good faith. She is really worried that you will say so, don't think too much!"

Although Termish is a tiger and Dave is a lion, she has always regarded Dave, who is also a royal, as her own younger brother.

He likes to take him to play with him, and of course sometimes bullies him, but more often, Termish is like a sister, protecting Dave, taking the lead for him, and even fighting to help him fight others ... too Too much ...

So for so many years, Termish never thought that Dave would use what he said to himself! He would think so! He didn't believe her!

why? Is this some kind of curse? Is it necessary to pay such a price in order to gain power that is likely to not exist at all? ! why!

Thinking of being as strong as Termith here, I felt that my eyes were a little sour, and my heart was terribly blocked! However, she did not end up furious as Dyer expected, but instead took a deep breath and opened her eyes dullly:

"Since you think so, then I have nothing to say. As ... I will protect you for another day today, and take care of yourself in the future."

After saying this, Termish didn't even wait for Dave to speak and then turned and pushed the door away. At this time, Daier accidentally glanced at the table in front of her, and she was shocked to find that on the table in front of the seat of the founder Termith, a handprint deep into the wood appeared out of thin air!

At the same time, the apology in Dave's eyes was not discovered by anyone ...

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