Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1195: Morning bell

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After hearing Al's words, Zhang Yang thought about it and found that he was speechless.

According to the information he has received in the past, this so-called temple of light should always be hidden in the huge system of temples of light. Mo said that ordinary people and even most professionals do not know their existence at all, even if they have heard of the temple of light I am afraid that this name will also be misunderstood as a kind of erroneous words in the Temple of Light.

And just as Al is concerned, if the other party does not actively recognize his own identity, it is really difficult for others to distinguish who is a member of the Temple of Light and which is a lunatic belonging to the Temple of Light.

So if Al ran to a church in a light temple to seek treatment, then she might be a bun and a dog.

So even if appearance is very important to a girl, compared with his life and even the hatred of Al, this scar seems to be nothing.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly understood why Aier would choose to abandon the goodness in his heart and choose to become the behind-the-scenes hand of a slavery mercenary group.

This is all because of hatred! Whether it is the hatred of the destruction of the home or the killing of the family, even the terrible scar on her face must be added! All these changes are to be able to survive and get revenge, for which Zhang Yang believes that Al can even do everything at all!

After all, Zhang Yang had experienced this feeling of despair before rebirth, and although he was crazy, he still had some bottom line, but in terms of what he did, he could also be regarded as a bad person in the ordinary population.

To be honest, Zhang Yang is really a little pitiful at the moment. He believes that this Druid girl must be very painful. After all, in addition to her loved ones and her hatred, she also has to bear the condemnation of her conscience.

So after a brief silence, Zhang Yang finally said again:

"So do you want to heal this scar? Or ... Do you want another way to live?"

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, he saw Al, who was originally stunned, suddenly looked up. It's just that in addition to a little hope in her eyes at this moment, she is more alert and fearful of the unknown. However, she didn't wait for Zhang Yang to answer at all, then shook her head and said disdainfully:

"Your demons just like to use this kind of longing in people's hearts, so let me guess, is it that you, the guy who always hides his head and his tail, is a male succubus? This is really strange!"

Speaking of the succubus Zhang Yang, he suddenly flashed the cruel abuse in the hands of the evil succubus women when he was captured in the demon world. Just counting his memories, but never seen any male succubus, then even if Aier said at this moment must not be a good word, but this still caused Zhang Yang a little curiosity.

"Why, have you seen male succubus before?"

"Of course not! So you will be curious about how you look!"

"Well, then you may be very disappointed. Because it is likely that you will miss a chance to be yourself and be able to take revenge."

If what Zhang Yang said before was just scratching the boot for Al, then what Zhang Yang said at the moment can really be poked at the other person's pain!

"What are you talking about ?! Did I hear it? Or did I just say it was not clear enough? To know that my enemy is a temple of light! In the face of this mysterious and powerful opponent, don't say you are just a stronger than me Not many demons, even if your demon world attacks our Orlando continent again, I am afraid there is no way to get others? "

At this moment, Al's emotions have become very excited again, but Zhang Yang has guessed not to say this, and even the connected rhetoric is ready.

"If you have to think this way, I won't stop you. But you should be clear that the so-called" Fengshen Mercenary Corps "that you spent a year before was just a joke! Not to mention those in front of the real strong. The 'temporary broken magic arrows' made of thorns are useless at all, and I am afraid that if they continue to develop like this, you can't even control them? And ... destroying others 'village homes, destroying others' families, or even selling children Strengthen your power with women, so that even if you can really get revenge, can you still face your own heart and survive afterwards? "

"I never allow them to operate in the French Empire. The targets of the Windmark Mercenary Corps have always been those orcs ..."

"Oh? Can your conscience be accepted if the goal is changed to Orcish people? Or is it that the hatred and more than a year of experience have completely swallowed your heart, and even now the Druid has followed Has the most basic way of nature been forgotten? "


If it is counted as the morning bell if Zhang Yang's previous success hit Al's pain, then what Zhang Yang said at this moment is enough for Al to wake her up.

You know, Angela told Zhang Yang that from the first moment of becoming a druid, her parents kept telling her: For a druid, the most important thing is to follow the way of nature. The so-called way of nature, in addition to integrating into nature and protecting the inherent circulation of nature, the most important point is to understand that there is only strength and weakness between various creatures, but no distinction between good and cheap.

Druids can eat meat and kill other lives. But that premise is only for survival and self-preservation. This does not violate the way of nature. After all, the struggle and death between creatures, eating and being eaten, are also part of the natural cycle.

However, fighting and killing for food or self-preservation is essentially different from enslaving and slaughtering other creatures. Therefore, it can be said that everything Al has done today deviates from the way of nature she has always believed in since her birth. From then on, she wants to continue to improve her strength through the heart of nature. impossible.

So after Zhang Yang said this, Al even fell to his knees and fell to the ground! At the moment, her eyes were full of confusion and remorse, and she even started talking to herself at last ...

Fortunately, Al's chaotic state only lasted for a while, and when she finally woke up, Zhang Yang found that the druid girl in front of him had a fundamental change in both the look and the eyes.

It's a feeling of unclear ambiguity. If you have to find a word to describe it, then Zhang Yang feels that the phrase "renewed vitality" is more in line with the actual situation. However, while Zhang Yang was looking at Ayre, Ayre stood up suddenly and solemnly gave Zhang Yang a salute, and then said with gratitude and respect:

"Thanks to the Master for mentioning! Ai Erzong remembers the Master's kindness forever!"

"Oh? So quickly I was promoted from" Damn Demon "to" Master "all at once? This seems to change a little bit faster."

Zhang Yang's ridicule made Al's face flush instantly, but instead of staring at Zhang Yang with her beautiful eyes this time, she saluted again with apology, and she answered with emotion:

"Before I was blinded by hatred, if you are not a master, you wake me up, I am afraid that I will not only revenge, but also become an evil devil! In fact, I have been in Campas since this year. The orc kingdom has committed too many crimes, but fortunately it ’s not too late to stop now. After my revenge, I will definitely go to the orc kingdom in Campas to spread the way of nature to pay for the crimes I have committed. fault!"

(Is this the legendary epiphany? I did n’t expect myself to have the ability to wake up others ...)

The changes in Ayr also made Zhang Yang sigh, but Zhang Yang has been quite content to achieve this effect. After all, even if Ayr can only be regarded as the countless mercenaries that looted the Campas Orc Kingdom around the frontier of the blood war A very small part of the adventurer, but this still indirectly saved the lives of countless orc villages that may be looted and destroyed by the looting in the future, and some poor orc people.

Therefore, Zhang Yang felt that he was still very worthwhile as a **** stick. Even with a better mood, his tone to Al slowed down.

"It's not easy for you to figure out, not everyone can climb out of the abyss of hatred."

"Thanks to the master, you wake me up in time, otherwise I may not be able to wake up on my own until I die ..."

"Hate ... when stimulating power, it brings more destruction, whether it is others or yourself ... Okay, then again, do you want to heal this scar and return to the Druid? What about life? Of course, your hatred will have the opportunity to be reported, but to do this requires not only accumulation of strength, but also patience. "

"I understand that during this time, I will always be by your side, please ask me how to do it!"

To be honest, this feeling of being praised as a master is really enjoyable, but for Zhang Yang, who has an indifferent mind, this feeling of being worshipped is not very attractive. It ’s okay to just pretend for a while, and if you continue to play like this for a long time, I ’m afraid Zhang Yang will feel very tired.

In addition, his original purpose was just to grasp this druid and ask a few questions, but later to wake up the point is just incidental, if such a young and beautiful woman, who admires herself very much By his side, Zhang Yang still has to pretend to be a "master" while he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

This kind of surface is bright and self-satisfied, Zhang Yang does not want to do it, so after Al said, Zhang Yang directly answered:

"No need to be so troublesome, I will tell you a place. After you get there, you only need to mention a person's name to get what I promised you. Of course, the premise is that you need to be careful not to be found along the way.

"Good master, please say it!"

"Remember, among the northern provinces of the French Empire, there is a small town named Balxus ..."

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