Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1196: Touch of destiny

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If someone told El before that she would change from hating a person to death in a short day, and then instantly become very grateful to this person, then in terms of El ’s temperament at that time, not only would n’t I believe that if you don't get it right, you will use his thorn venom whip to pump him hard.

However, reality can always surpass any kind of script. Its changes are varied and its strangeness is unpredictable. Once it occurs, it will not only make the party dumbfounded, but even when the story is spread, no one may believe it.

Al feels that she has encountered such a terrible situation, but fortunately, the things she encountered are eventually moving in the good direction, which makes her very happy, and very much hopes to know the other party's true identity. So when Zhang Yang left an address and a name, and turned to leave, Ayre turned his eyes and suddenly shouted Zhang Yang again.

"Master, please wait!"

"Why, didn't I make it clear enough just now?"

"No, no! Master, I heard every sentence you said very clearly and memorized it exactly in my heart!"

"Oh, what are you gonna do with me?"

In fact, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little ... not very good. This is not something wrong with his body, but it happened by chance that he felt like he was about to encounter trouble again!

It is said that Zhang Yang seems to have very slight symptoms every time when he is in trouble. In the past, he also vaguely discovered this, but because he used to be in trouble every time, the surrounding environment was so chaotic that the tiny point Changes are hard to find.

However, this time it was different!

I don't know if it is because of Zhang Yang's special position at the moment, so that he, who is in the front line of the **** battle, really feels such a pulsation!

Although that feeling is only a short moment, for Zhang Yang, who has extremely strong control and perception of his body, the heartbeat, blood flow speed and the movement of the moment are more expensive than usual. A slight change of force cannot happen without the influence of external forces!

In addition, it is likely that it was affected by a special substance in the front line of the **** battle, so that at that moment Zhang Yang even felt that there was a certain misalignment between himself and the surrounding environment!

It's a pity that all of this is just a shadowless and invisible feeling, so that Zhang Yang couldn't even talk about looking for Ayre to prove.

However, perhaps Zhang Yang has had more experience, and he already has experience. He thinks that the troubles he will encounter this time are likely to be related to fighting, and Zhang Yang can still make him trouble in terms of his current strength. The enemy is very deadly for Al.

So even if it is just for Al who has just reinvented himself and rediscovered his own life path, Zhang Yang has to be separated from her as soon as possible. It ’s just that another magical part of fate is that it always has a way to make something that you ca n’t stop, so much so that you know that there is a pit in front of you and you have to jump into your heart!

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who knows this in his heart, will have a more rigid tone when he speaks, but fortunately, Al is already very respectful of him now. Not only is he not angry because of his roar, but he also feels that the other party is quite masterful!

So after Zhang Yang turned around, Aier smiled and said:

"I was a little nervous a while ago and found that there is a very important thing that I forgot to say. I think you are so interested in the matter of the Temple of Light, Master, should you be interested in this matter?"

Zhang Yang, who heard this, knew that he should not be able to go away, except that he looked at the little fox's smile on Al's face as if he had stolen a chicken, and suddenly understood where the other party had forgotten before. This news is right!

However, the news obtained through torture and coercion is like this. Compared with Liyou, many key parts are likely to be removed. Fortunately, Zhang Yang is now respected by Al, otherwise she may not be holding the knife on the other person ’s neck. I will speak.

"What's the matter, come and listen."

Zhang Yang has tried his best to make him behave less, but Al believes that the other party's move when he hears the news has already betrayed his inner thoughts. Of course, Zhang Yang if he knew how Al would have sneered, after all, in Zhang Yang ’s opinion, it does n’t matter how contempt or even torture if it is an enemy, but as long as he is not facing the enemy, Zhang Yang feels that it is polite to look at the other side directly. How do you know what Al would think!

"In fact, this news has been circulating in the kingdom of mankind for almost a month. Not only has it been in the fringe of the French Empire, but even the neighboring magical empire Pompeii and the mercenary country Ladovia have also been fried. "

"It's so serious? What kind of news is this?"

Perhaps it was when he saw the other party that he was hooked. At this moment, Al was shutting his mouth deeply for a while, and then smiled and said to Zhang Yang:

"Master, you seem to be very interested in this news?"

"That's right."

"That's easy to do! As long as you promise me a small request, I will tell you all the contents of this message!"

Zhang Yang did not expect that the other party would dare to play with him! But looking at Al, though smiling, inadvertently revealed a little expectation, Zhang Yang inexplicably finally said:

"I didn't expect that you little guy just changed his gangster's habits, but became a good bargaining businessman ..."

"So master, did you agree?"

"I didn't say that, but you can say the conditions first. If it's not too much, I might consider one or two."

"Not excessive! Not excessive at all!"

Seeing Zhang Yang finally relieved, Elton smiled like a happy child. In fact, she didn't even know that, since the moment she lost her family more than a year ago, this is the first time she has shown a heartfelt smile!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, even with the decision that as long as the other party's request was not too excessive, he could barely agree.

"Speak, what exactly is the requirement?"

"In fact, it's really simple! I don't know what your name is since the battle before and now! After all, I have to know who woke me up at the critical time and who pointed me out. A clear road! "

Zhang Yang never thought that Aier held back for a long time for this matter, but although Zhang Yang appreciated her temperament, she was inconvenient to tell her her real name at the moment. And if Al is really smart enough, it should be clear as long as she goes to Valksus.

"I understand your intentions, but now for you, don't know my identity first. But I can promise you, when the time is right, you will know who I am."

"This ... I understand the master."

"Forget it, you don't want to sing a bite from a master, I'm so uncomfortable. Just call me" Blood Axe ", let's talk about the news first."

"Good blood axe master, this important news is that the light temple, which has not responded to the rumors of the light temple, has announced that it will choose a light lady on the last day of the last month of this year! The most important thing is This so-called bright saint is not a designated person, but needs to choose one of the most talented young professionals from the entire human kingdom to serve! This is really suspicious in my opinion. Ah! After all, in the thousands of years since the establishment of the Ming Sheng Temple, I have never heard of the existence of the so-called 'Light Saint!' "

Somehow at the moment when Zhang Yang heard the news from Aier, his first reaction was to think of the so-called big elder Mozambibi of the underground rat clan that had just been separated.

If Mozambibi was just chosen by Jim Rock as his tool to manage Twilight, and at the same time he is a playmate who can be completely controlled when he is bored, then now this so-called 'Bright Lady' will not be like The so-called 'big elder' is just a tool for a strong man to push to the foreground?

"Where did you know this news?"

"Of course it was the information released by the Temple of Light itself! It is said that the news was first released at the Light Cathedral of the French capital of Franks, and after the news came out, it was said that many cities had a light system. Professionals are angrily leaving the Bright Cathedral where they have been living. I think it should be the fight between the Temple of Light and the Temple of Light, otherwise this internal disharmony should never be shown. "

"Has it already developed to this level? No, you guessed it wrong. In my opinion, the situation is not that the Temple of Light and the Temple of Light have been carried, but that the so-called Temple of Light has been unconsciously. Some kind of victory has been achieved, at least the control that originally belonged to the Sanctuary of Light has been snatched away, or where else dare to publicly release the so-called selection of Saints! "

Although Al could not see Zhang Yang's appearance and expression, at this moment she could hear a very serious meaning only from the other party's voice. And before she was blinded by hatred, many things were clearly in front of her, and she still couldn't see clearly.

Now that Zhang Yang said so, Al also found the seriousness of the problem. After all, if the object she wants to avenge really has the power to completely subvert the light temple of the long-standing strong, then facing such a powerful How does she avenge her existence?

So at this time, Aier inexplicably regarded Zhang Yang as her backbone, so that her face became pale again, her lips twitched for a long while, and finally squeezed a few words towards Zhang Yang.

"Master ... If the situation is really as you guessed, how should I, my revenge ..."

"Do n’t panic, now that information is lacking, many things are just speculation. And even if the Temple of Light really dominates, I still believe that they are still too early to completely control the Temple of Light! And ... Worry about things thousands of miles away, you'd better hurry up now and prepare for the next battle! "

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