Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1214: The Legend of Three British Wars (3)

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Recognized as the strongest destructive and explosive force in all melee occupations, masters of weapons fighting with heavy two-handed weapons can even compete with orcs in strength.

Among them, the peak power of the weapon master using the two-handed warhammer is the highest, and the destructive power is also the largest among the corresponding levels. Behind them is naturally a weapon master who uses a two-handed battle axe, and then it is the turn of a professional who uses a two-handed sword, a heavy war knife, and other heavy weapons.

However, the strength of a combatant cannot be simply judged by its strength. Speed, skill, and even the degree of control of energy in the body are also the key factors affecting the strength of a combatant.

Therefore, considering all the factors, the strongest fighting power among the weapon masters is the one that uses two-handed swords and heavy war knives as weapons.

And as those two-handed giant swords that frequently weigh hundreds of Pakri, stabs cannot fully display the characteristics and combat power of this weapon. In contrast, heavy chop and chop have become commonly used by weapon masters in battle. Mainstream tricks.

Dick's character is cold and proud, but he has arrogant capital. Not to mention that he reached the sixth-tier Zijin peak at the age of 33 and is about to reach the seventh-tier legendary level of strength. Just because he has not lost in the one-on-one battle of the strong men of the same level, just It was enough to scorn the heroes.

However, this is not Dick ’s most famous place. When he did n’t know Lisa, he was a person wandering outside. Naturally, it was difficult for him to get along with others because of his cold and arrogant personality. Something. So once Dick accidentally caused a large mercenary regiment in the country of mercenary Ladovia, but he was blocked by the three sixth-order strongmen in this large mercenary regiment outside the city gate.

At that time, Dick had not reached the peak of Tier 6 Zijin. At best, his strength was only stable at Tier 6 Zijin. Among the three strong sixth-tier Zijin level opponents, not only one is at the same level as him, but the other two also have the sixth-level Zijin intermediate strength.

Under such circumstances, if you change to the average person, I am afraid that you will choose to temporarily avoid its edge, but Dick, who is cold and arrogant, directly welcomes him without saying a word!

So that battle was really terrible, but in just ten minutes of effort, the three Tier VI opponents who played against Dick were dead and seriously injured! And Dick, who created this glorious victory, is also a lifeline for this. It is said that it has been fully cultivated for half a year before it is completely restored.

However, after this battle, Dick's fame not only spread all of a sudden, when he appeared in people's eyes again, he has already become a strong power of the sixth-order purple gold peak!

Seeing this situation, the large mercenary regiment that had enemies with him finally had no choice but to resign, and one by one pretended to be deaf and dumb. This had never happened. After all, the sixth-tier Zijin Peak is only one step away from the seventh-tier legend, and at the age of Dick just over thirty years old, it may not be possible that his talent will come to the seventh-tier legendary level. It!

So even for a large mercenary regiment with several strong players of Tier 6 and above, and nearly 20,000 members at the same time, they are unwilling to truly advance to a legendary Tier 7 level with one day. The strong complain.

So after this incident spread, Dick, known as the "Cyclone Sword", had the title of the first strongman under the legend. For this reason, many people naturally expressed dissatisfaction, and even challenged him from time to time. However, Dick, who is a cultivator of wind-style attributes, can always use the gleaming two-handed sword in his hands and a series of fast and ruthless continuous cuts to teach the other party to understand what it means to be deserved.

It wasn't until the Campas orcish kingdom inexplicably battled with the human kingdom that Dick encountered two people who could compete with him, that is, his friend Erics, who had a personality opposite to him, and the one who made him no longer truly cold. 'Lisa getting up ...

As a weapon master with a two-handed sword as a weapon, Dick's consecutive cuts can be called his signature stunt. Once the target enters his effective attack range, Dick can display a dazzling series of powerful dazzles in a very short time with his super explosive power and the unique speed of the wind fighters.

Therefore, at the moment Tiger Legend, the powerful tiger tycoon, is about to attack Lisa, Dick has appeared behind him and exploded his strongest attacking ability!

Suddenly, I saw the silver two-handed sword with a weight of fifty-five Parkers in Dick's hand, which turned into a dazzling silver band! In addition, Dick has compressed his internal fighting spirit and attached it to this two-handed epee, so that at this moment between the flashes of silver, in addition to the attack track of the silver giant sword itself, there is also a pale green fighting blade and More invisible wind blades that are hard to see with the naked eye are dancing wildly!

This is good. In terms of [Blood Gas Armor], which was condensed by the blood energy outside of Teckquil, it is no problem to hardly resist the attacks made by the three, five, and sixth-order strongmen. But you know that the attack performed by a Tier 6 weapon master is not comparable to that of a Tier 6 warfighter. In addition, Dick is already the leader among the Tier 6 warriors, so that he ca n’t bear it until now. Then, in one shot, the Seven Swords were slashed out in less than a moment!

Not only that, but also count the grudge and invisible wind blades brought up during the swing of his epee sword, so that when Teckquil found it bad, his side had been attacked by Dick for more than twenty times in a row !

Even in terms of the defensive power of the Tier 7 legendary super powers, not to mention the twenty attacks against Dick hard, even the ordinary Tier 6 powers can't resist.

So at this moment, Tecquel was finally overshadowed by Lisa and the three of them again and again tempting enemies and sneaking tactics, not only the exquisite and thick layer of [Blood Gas Armor] outside collapsed for half , Even Tekquil himself was in the sneak attack!

It's a pity that because of the angle, Dick's three swords that he really hit after breaking Tecquel's [Blood Armor] failed to hit him. Except for one of the swords, he cut a line from Tecquel's left arm to shoulder The nearly twenty-centimeter-long mouth is still serious, and the two swords cut on the back and thighs can only be regarded as skin injuries.

And because the pair of [Blood Wings] behind Tecquel had not disappeared at the moment, so that after a sudden injury, Tecquel ’s reaction was also extremely rapid, and at the same time the whole person used his strength to fly, he also let his teeth bite again Dick, with his sword slashed, emptied.

However, after using three high-level magic scrolls at any cost, Lisa did not hesitate to use the risk as a bait. If you only achieve this level, it is worthy of the name of genius.

So just when Tekquel flew upwards but not five or six meters, a thick [wall of air] with a diameter of nearly 20 meters appeared suddenly above his head in front of him!

In fact, because of the relationship between speed and breadth, this fifth-order wind magic [Wall of Air] that Lisa instantly performed did not use the technique of secondary casting, but was simply large enough and fast.

It's just that the "air wall" of the fifth-order wind magic itself has some attack capabilities in addition to blocking the road. Therefore, when it suddenly appeared above Tecquel's head, Tecquel hit it with an unpredictable head. The above!

It is a pity that even the embarrassed seventh-tier legendary strongman is not a fifth-order blockade magic that can be hurt, so at this time, except for being blocked, Tekquel himself has not suffered any injuries.

However, even if Tecquel had skin energy protection on his skin, his hair and beard could not stop the cutting power of the turbulent flow on the wall of air. So much so that Tekquel's rising momentum was not only stagnant, Lisa also helped him shave a big bald head and shave a beard!

At this time, Tecquel looked a bit miserable. The powerful tigers of the mighty royal family, which had originally been very majestic, turned into a bald man after a flurry of dander! Although this look looks more fierce, but the "hairless" look on the whole head is really howling.

At this time, with his own strength, he broke the [wall of air] Tekquel only felt a cool top of his head, but only when he was still angry in the future, was he shielded from the air by a blow. The warrior Iris, shining bright golden light like a meteor, rushed straight from the front of Tekquel!

At this moment, Aerez ’s charge speed is really amazing. Even with the strength of Tekquel ’s seventh-order legendary super powers, he ca n’t completely avoid the flexibility of hitting in mid-air. In the end, he can only adjust his angle slightly. The picture is facing the enemy.

But who would have thought that Aris, who would take a shield and knock off Tyke Quer, turned into a hug in the last moment before the impact! It's good this time, with a heavy armor and a difference in height from Tekquel as if Ayers suddenly opened a huge shield to hug Tekquil!

This is really beyond the expectations of Tekquel. You must know that the Wings of Blood behind him when he was under the attack of Dick had been damaged. Now he suddenly changed from the weight of one person to the weight of nearly three people. This pair of broken [Blood Wings] immediately 'strike'!

So after flashing a very unstable red light, the huge pair of blood wings nearly seven meters wide behind Tecquel finally turned into a sky full of red mansions, and even brought Eri into a group The two of Si and Teckquil fell directly to Dick's side following the force of Erres' rush.

In fact, this moment was supposed to be the best time for Dick to kill or hit Tiger Tiger, the legendary tiger powerhouse, only because Erris was entangled with the other party at the moment, so that the **** with the mousetrap rolled to the end When he fell to the ground, he couldn't cut that sword.

However, although Ayers is strong, he is no less powerful than Techquel in terms of strength and strength. Therefore, after barely restraining the opponent for three instants, Ayers was finally punched on the breastplate by Teckquil, and then the whole person was once again tens of meters away!

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