Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1215: The Legend of Three British Wars (4)

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Tekquel never imagined that with his superpowers of the seventh-level legendary peak level, he would be hurt by three "little people" who only have the sixth-level peak strength and have not really entered the ranks of super powers!

This is an unthinkable thing for him, who has always been arrogant and arrogant. However, at this moment, Tyke Quer, who was free from the shield soldier ’s grapple, has not had time to win the victory and expand the results. Only then did he hurt him by sneak attack The weapon master holding the silver epee has already dragged the epee and stepped on the arc to rush to the front of him like a wind, swinging his head off without thinking.

In fact, for a legendary super powerhouse like Tekquel, even if Dick's attack power is three points stronger, if it is tough, it is just like he can just blow it away. However, compared to the orc warriors who like to go straight to the touch, most of the human warriors have advantages in skills. In addition, Dick ’s amazing continuous streak really impressed Tekquel, so he faced This guy who has the ability to injure himself can't ignore it.

Therefore, Teckquill had no choice but to groan and temporarily let go of Aris, who was spitting blood, and immediately released a strong blood energy from the body to completely repair the broken [Blood Gas Armor]. , Even spread to the giant war knife in his hand that was not much shorter than him.

Even Teckquill will not admit his death, but his actions now fully prove that he has taken it seriously, that is, Lisa, Dick and Erris are three opponents that need to be taken seriously.

In this case, Dick would be extremely difficult to think of hurting Teckquill as he did, not to mention that Dick had lost the stealth effect that Lisa had imposed on him after the attack, so he wanted to use his sixth-order peak. The strength of the legendary and the peak of the legendary Tekquel, even if Dick is really the first person under the legend, but in the face of a genuine seventh-order legendary peak strongman, he can only lose the defeat!

However, Dick had to face the difficulties, knowing that he did this to prevent the opponent from chasing Erris, but more importantly, he could not let this seventh-order legendary orc super powerhouse react and then free his hand to attack. Lisa is still in stealth not far away!

In fact, the most research after the three-person battle on weekdays is how to face a seventh-level legendary superpower. For this reason, the three of them almost racked their brains, but they also barely researched a set of fairly feasible. Program. It's a pity that they haven't found a suitable opportunity to try, and today they can take a loss for Tequequil, which is enough to show that their plan is quite successful.

It's just that for this combo plan that requires extremely tacit cooperation and precise and compact attack connection, what really matters is not Dick, who is the main attacker, nor is it responsible for attracting, containing the enemy, and protecting the teammates from harm. Iris, but Lisa who needs to be centered to assist and regulate in order to control the rhythm of the battle situation!

Therefore, it can be said that the reason why the three people can receive an attack from a seventh-order legendary peak strongman in a short period of more than ten seconds, and it is mainly due to Lisa ’s assistance .

You have to know that from the appearance of Tekquel to the present, Lisa has released a total of six magics. However, among these six high-level magics, even the "suffocation" that exists as a single attack magic, its original intention is to let it Distractions further weakened Tekquel's strength, rather than expecting it to kill it directly.

So no matter from the perspective of the overall situation or Dick's personal feelings, he can't let Lisa be targeted by the other party. After all, the strength between the two parties is there, even if Dick admits that Lisa is better than him. Genius, but letting a magician face a close-up seventh-order legendary orc warrior is almost the same as death.

So Dick is really desperate, so that after he enters the attack distance, Dick uses the most powerful tricks for every attack, only to hurt the enemy and ignore his own body. In the face of a sixth-order peak warrior's offensive that only attacked and could not be defended, even Tykequel could not wait to be taken lightly.

So for a time, Teckquil was entangled by the attack of Dickshaw's life and death, but in terms of his strength, in the short two or three moments, he faced Dick's attack not only unprecedentedly. At the same time, he seized the opportunity to cut a deep bone wound on Dick's right shoulder, and almost destroyed his arm.

This situation has clearly shown the obvious strength gap between the two. After all, under the condition of not much difference in speed, Tekquel has an overwhelming advantage in power. This is because Dick itself is far faster than the strong players of the same level, and the skill is obviously better than Teck Quer's relationship. Therefore, if Dick meets Teck Quer alone, his defeat and killing is almost a pinnacle.

Fortunately, Dick was not alone in the fight, and because he had entangled Tykquel for nearly ten instants, this gave Lisa and Erris extremely valuable breathing time.

Therefore, just when Dick was almost overwhelmed by the blood energy skills used by Tyke Quer, so that three more wounds were added to his body, Aris, who was blown out and almost breathless, finally rushed to the limit before Dick was seriously injured. The speed of the charge lifted the shield in front of Dick and took over a long-term plot for Tikquel!

Because of the relationship between Dick's desperate play, Tekquel could only play fast for a time, and he had no chance to fully exert his power as a seventh-level legendary peak powerhouse. Now that Dick is suppressed with the technique of blood gas explosion, Tekquel finally has the opportunity to show his full strength and cut Dick's sword!

So in a flash, a violent blood-energy blade of nearly ten meters in length was violently exploded from the blade of the sword in Tekquel's hand, so that even on the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, the effect of his blade Hewei is still very eye-catching. In addition, Dick had just been injured and had no time to get out of the attack range of this knife. Therefore, if he is completely hit in his current state, he is afraid that he will lose most of his combat power even if he does not die.

Fortunately, at this time, Iris came in time, and at this time, a huge layer of earthy grudge was condensed on the huge shield in his hand. Not only that, in order to successfully block this blow, Iris even rushed over. He had already put this huge shield in his left hand on his shoulder in an attempt to increase his defense.

However, the full blow of a seventh-order legendary peak powerhouse was not so good, so when Iris just rushed over to stand in front of Dick, the huge **** energy like the blade of the **** was cut Landed on the giant shield raised by Erris.

All of the people around me instantly felt like a blood-red little sun suddenly lit up in front of them. Not only did people shake their eyes, but after a loud thunder, a strong shock wave was mixed with a lot of The mud and gravel scraped the two ethnic warriors around in a scuffle to the side instantly.

It wasn't until the dust that fell several meters high that the surrounding two warriors discovered that they were in front of Tekquel. At this moment, there was a scary 30 meters long, two meters wide and a depth of four or five meters. ditch!

In fact, the power of this violent sword is beyond the imagination of ordinary soldiers. It can even be said that even for a magician who is good at range attacks, no one can do it if he wants to make a deep ditch in one blow. of.

Not only that, in the view of Zhang Yang, which is equivalent to the perspective of Lisa, the trace left by the legendary tiger tiger legend on the ground at this moment is only the Yu Wei of the strongest blow. You must know that Zhang Yang ’s vision has long been seen. The strength of the blood energy gathered on Tekker's war knife before was so strong that it even slightly affected the surrounding elements.

Under this legendary level of energy gathering and release, Lisa's asphyxiation, which was originally applied to Tecquel, was suddenly dispelled in one fell swoop, thereby indirectly making Tecquel's blow more powerful. Three points.

So after this earth-shattering blow, Eriston in front of Dick became terrible!

At this moment, not only the high-level magic shield he had in his hands was split into countless fragments, even the left arm bone of Aris holding the shield now seemed to be broken into pieces, and now the flesh is soft and fuzzy Hanging on the side. In addition, when the shield was broken, a piece of debris slammed across Erris's cheek in the explosion, so that on his sculpture-like face, there was an extra flesh from the left eye to the left ear. wound!

However, it was precisely because of Ayers's life support, that Dick, who was behind him, was only slightly injured. But the question is how much he can play in the next battle, even if Ayres endures the severe pain of the cone heart while coughing up blood while redrawing the waist wide sword, but he has already lost his left arm and that giant shield. The role is really only known to God.

Fortunately, even in terms of the strength of the legendary Tiger Tiger's legendary peak, it is impossible to use this level of power indefinitely. Moreover, although the Tekküll succeeded in hitting Ayres in the attack just now, as for the layer of defense that was stronger than a layer on the body of Ayres at that time, the anti-seismic force generated during the impact was not easily resolved, and This finally left Aries and Dick a breather.

In fact, no matter if the cold and proud Dick or the determined Ayres know that their own win rate is slim, you must know that even if the three of them are in good condition and occupy the advantage of sneak attacks, they only barely injured the legendary tiger. That's it.

And because of the previous shock wave, Lisa ’s blessing [invisibility] was also broken. Now that Iris has suffered a serious loss of power, Lisa's magic power is only 30%. Even if Dick is relatively well-preserved, how can he take the other side?

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