Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1216: The Legend of Three British Wars (5)

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It has always been believed that there are two invisible watersheds among professionals. Once they cross the two lines, the gap between their strengths will be quite large.

First of all, it is naturally the fourth-order, that is, the fourth-order silver level mentioned in the human kingdom. After all, after reaching this level, the warfighter can release the energy cultivated in the body to form an effective protection outside the body, which is known as the lock. [Mistcloth] or [Bloodcloth] used by the warriors of the orc kingdom of Campas.

Tier 4 is not only important for combatants, but for the caster, Tier 4 is also the time when they are truly exposed to range attack magic. Because of this, people think of Tier 4 as the first watershed of strength.

As for the second strength watershed, it is even more familiar, that is the seventh order known as the legend. In fact, as the first step of a living body from being a saint, the biggest change after being promoted to the legendary rank is not only strength, but also the sublimation of the soul.

After that, because the inherent spiritual power of the living body has all been transformed into the relationship of the soul, so that not only can the life span of the living body be greatly extended, but also the ability to control the body and energy will be greatly improved. Therefore, for the superpowers of the seventh-order legendary level, not only can each of their own strengths exert a far greater effect than in the past, but even the abilities of perception, reaction and even memory can be significantly enhanced.

So it can be said that the strength gap between the professionals at each end of each watershed can be said to be one heaven and one underground, so most of the time even if some powerful professionals can leapfrog or even beat the opponent, but can be ranked three Those who are better than Tier 4 or with Tier 6 are better than Tier 7 Legend Superpowers, that's really rare.

What's more, as the orc royal family, Tecquel's physical fitness is much higher than that of human warriors, and he is not a legendary strongman who has just entered the seventh or seventh-tier intermediate. It may be an eighth-order epic superpower. It is actually enough for three Lisa to fight him to such a degree.

It's just that battles are not contests. The contest between life and death often only has two outcomes: victory and battle. Therefore, under these circumstances, people often have no choice but to fight desperately.

So in the face of an almost unbeatable opponent such as Tiger Legend, Tecquel, Dick looked at his most beloved woman not far away, and glanced at the one in front of him who was more handsome, stronger, and stronger than himself. Friends and love rivals who are only slightly inferior to him, he finally made a decision that he thought he would never make in his life!

So just when the tiger powerhouse Tekquel grinned and raised his sword in his hand again, Dick, who was half kneeling on the ground, suddenly pulled off the red fangs pendant hanging on his neck, and then did not hesitate Pulling off the broken leather armor in front of his chest, he pierced into his heart!

Dick's thorn is so hard that the depth should have penetrated his heart! This situation was too sudden and too weird. Even Tiger Tiger, who was about to attack and kill Dick and others completely, couldn't help but feel shocked.

He could n’t understand why the super attacking human warrior could n’t think so and chose to commit suicide. Knowing that it is not his opponent in terms of counter-power, he should still be able to do a few more wounds before he dies. Arrived.

However, unlike the skeptical Tekquel and the frightened and dazed Aries, after seeing this scene, Lisa suddenly remembered that she had been in the Grand Master Library of Motor City. An ancient magician's notes seen in a certain document!

The world of Orlando in the ancient times can be called a paradise for various warcrafts. At that time, they were not only a few times more numerous and unknown than they are now, but some of the powerful Warcraft even have powerful powers that can contend with the Holy Power and even the ancient gods. !

Among the countless World of Warcraft, there is an ancient World of Warcraft whose quantity is very scarce, but the individual power is extremely powerful. At that time, the high elves who ruled the Orlando continent called it "the beast of miracles". they.

In terms of the innumerable resources possessed by the huge and prosperous elven empire, even the legendary Warcraft could not arouse their interest, which is enough to show how special the "beast of miracles" existed.

In fact, the real name of the so-called "miracle beast" is actually called "Granthoven". It is a magic flying snake with a length of about three meters, beautiful colorful scales, and a pair of red wings and a red crown. .

As a rare nature-based Warcraft, Gryffindor generally lives near the deepest water in the vast jungle and almost never leaves the deep forest. They are very special, since they are born, they will possess a kind of magical venom that can stimulate the potential of the creature itself, so that it can further grow.

It's just that as a kind of almost anti-sky existence, this venom is said to be able to withstand only once in a lifetime of Warcraft. If it is poisoned again, as long as it is not a seventh-order legendary level of super Warcraft, it will die because of the vitality transition burning!

Therefore, since the record, Gryffindor has always been the "treasure" of Warcraft, and even most of the time it has been carefully protected by the legendary Warcraft. This is undoubtedly a boon for a kind of Warcraft that can only grow to Tier 3 at most.

However, the reason why Grandorphine will be targeted by high elves is precisely because of their talents that can stimulate biological potential! It is rumored that using the venom of Grandorphin plus several other precious materials can make it effective for anyone under the legend to advance two ranks out of thin air!

Regardless of whether the recipient is a second-order, third-order, or fifth-order, as long as the ‘miracle medicine’ is used, the energy in the body will suddenly rise to two big ranks in just a few days!

This also has great temptation for professionals below Tier 5 but it can really show its value after the Tier 5 strong use!

From the fifth-tier gold level to the seventh-tier legend, the gap between this period is not only heaven and earth? Even for most professionals, going from Tier 5 to Tier 7 is likely to be a distant dream that is hard to achieve in a lifetime. However, all it takes is a bottle of ‘miracle medicine’ to become possible!

Because of this, in the period when Glenthoven has not been completely extinct, for Warcraft and High Elves, the number of legendary seventh-level super powers is unprecedented. 'Benefits of the effect of the Grandven venom.

It is a pity that the endless requests of the high elves and the war between the high elves and the Warcraft finally made the death of the Granddolph, who is called the "beast of miracle". However, after the complete loss of the "miracle medicine", the high elves could not accept this result, and finally discovered a kind of alchemy creation called "taboo tooth" by studying the body of Glenthoven!

This is a kind of thing made by combining the teeth of Grandorphin with the alchemy and magic circle. From the appearance, it looks like an insignificant blood-red tooth, but it is this inconspicuous thing, but after the user pierces his heart, his power instantly soars to the peak of the seventh-order legend!

It is only different from the side effect of the "miracle medicine" that is not obvious and can effectively enhance the user's strength. The "taboo tooth" is a full desperate medicine. Once the "Forbidden Teeth" is used, this person's potential and vitality will burn at the same time, which is why the effect of "Forbidden Teeth" is so powerful.

However, you will pay as much as you get. After the continuous effect of the "Forbidden Teeth" has passed, the user will die instantly because the potential and vitality are completely exhausted!

It is precisely because of the powerful power of the "taboo tooth" and the terrible side effects that it has become a veritable "taboo" since it was created, and once became the most beloved item of the dead and assassins. .

I just do n’t know if it ’s because of the repulsion of Glenthoven ’s venom for the high elves, those high elves who use the “miracle medicine” to increase their strength to the seventh-level legendary level did not feel any sequelae. However, after the complete extinction of Gryffindor, these high-level elves who used the "miracle medicine" at the same time found that their bodies had different degrees of variation!

At first, it was only found that the body became stronger and even started to grow taller. This is really a pleasure for the high elves who have always had no advantage in strength. It's just that this is just the beginning. When the height of these high elf strong men has grown to nearly twice that of ordinary high elves, their skin color has also undergone a fundamental change!

Bright red, dark brown, light blue, grass green, orange, light purple ... If the change in skin color is not enough to let them understand what happened, then when the hairs on the heads of these mutated high elves are turned into fire When it was red, all the insiders of the elven empire suddenly thought of those who had been exterminated by them all!

Are these changes just like the colors on the body of Glenthoven?

However, all this can only be regarded as the beginning of a disaster. When this large number of hundreds of mutated seventh-order legendary high-level elves gradually became manic, bitter, cruel and even cold-blooded crazy, the high elves wanted to remedy and change. too late……

Coupled with the two attacks that coincided with the battle of the dragon and the accidental destruction of the Sunwell, the glory of the high elves was finally gone.

Most of the remaining 'taboo teeth' also disappeared with that great change. Very few of them survived and eventually became the spoils of the first dynasty of mankind, which were passed down among the royal family as warning amulets.

So if this 'taboo tooth' really belongs to Dick's family item, then he does seem to have arrogant capital. After all, it is the descendant of the royal family of the first dynasty of mankind. It seems that it is the most orthodox human royalty. ?

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