Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1259: Mysterious monster

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Zhang Yang never thought that there would be such a huge creature in the world, even if the legendary dragon family with tens of meters in length and the creature in front of them are as tiny as mosquitoes, let alone Zhang Yang's size. Human beings.

Therefore, Zhang Yang even wondered whether this huge creature in front of him would have survived from the chaotic period to the present kind of super powerful Warcraft? You have to know that for this giant body with a length of tens of thousands of meters, if the body strength is not enough, only their own weight can kill themselves.

In contrast, the problem of food is easy to say. After all, it can **** Zhang Yang and the raft directly on the bottom of the lake with its random suction. This giant monster sealed here is not necessary to eat. Something worried.

However, such a huge creature is simply not enough to sustain its own life by eating some 'small' fish or something, so Zhang Yang feels that this guy should be a kind of super similar to the undead creature and can survive by absorbing only certain elemental energy. Warcraft. Reminiscent of the fact that it is now in the water, Zhang Yang feels that this beast may really be a guy who can survive only by absorbing water.

However, just when this thought flashed in Zhang Yang's mind, he with sharp eyes saw a few pieces of 'sludge' next to the giant beast seemed to move! Reminiscent of the mermaid he encountered when he launched into the water last night, Zhang Yang finally knew what the word ‘guard’ had been avoiding.

If he guessed right, these special mermaids transformed from the high elves in those years should be the guardians of this sealed ancient beast?

(I just do n’t know if this ancient monster was sealed by the high elves. After all, according to the power it displayed at this moment, it seems that even the great elf empire that was extremely powerful at that time could not surrender it. Then it means that the sealer is likely to have other people? Then I think that only the ancient gods can do this ... And if the sister of Benz said that there is such an ancestor in the depths of the lake, I mean, I wo n’t choose to take the water again ...)

Unfortunately, it is too late for Zhang Yang to regret it. It is useless to say anything in the current situation. Besides, people have not reminded Zhang Yang. The reason why this situation has developed to the present is not the result of Zhang Yang's own arrogance?

In fact, the water pressure outside Zhang Yang's body has reached an alarming level! Not only is Zhang Yang so completely unable to move in his current state, but it is still unknown whether he can break through the barriers of this layer of water vortex after using his "Lightning Strengthening" ability.

Furthermore, even if Zhang Yang used [Lei Ji Burst] regardless of everything, he could break through this layer of water barrier, but when he was so close to the bottom of the water and that ancient beast, he would really be able to break out of this water stream. Can you escape?

After all, if the shocking beast in front of him had only the ability to pump water, Zhang Yang was absolutely unbelievable, so Zhang Yang was actually in desperation at this time. He was in the face of absolute power. Strength really has no hope of escape.

So Zhang Yang at this moment has become very calm. At this moment, he has only one hope left, that is, he will die! After being swallowed by the other party, find a way to escape!

You have to know that for such a huge creature, there must be a long way to go from being eaten to completely digesting it, and Zhang Yang believes that even the most powerful organisms are relatively fragile and even completely undefended. And this just gave Zhang Yang a chance to get rid of the status quo and even make a comeback!

So after Zhang Yang made up his mind, he watched as he drew closer and closer to the huge mouthpart with four petals, and he was swallowed together with the large stream of lake water around him ten seconds later. The giant's belly is gone!


In fact, what Zhang Yang couldn't think of was that since he was swallowed into the stomach by this giant beast, the pumping power and coercion enough to change the color of the nearby heaven and earth turned out to be with the moment the monster shut up disappear! Even after only a few leaks, not only did the great lake regain its former calm, but even the rolling clouds in the sky seemed to disperse as quickly as it came.

So it can be said that this giant beast made such a big momentum just to catch Zhang Yang, a human being who didn't have enough teeth to sew! If there is no special reason, it is really unbelievable.

Of course, this is naturally not known to Zhang Yang, who has been swallowed into the belly of the giant beast. At this moment, he finally got rid of the shackles of the current, but then he was given everything he saw in front of him. shocked!

In Zhang Yang's expectation, the monster's belly should be a dark, dirty, acid-dead fish all over, like a horrible place like a stomach pouch. However, what Zhang Yang did not expect was that since his body was restored to freedom, he looked up and looked around. Not only was it not dark at all, but it was incredibly bright and neat!

Neither the walls of the cavity that are releasing soft shimmers dozens of meters above the head, nor the membranes with obvious biological characteristics around them, are all as primitive and ancient as the appearance of this giant beast. Zhang Yang even felt that the place he was in at the moment was not like the inside of a creature, but instead seemed to be inside a special biological warship!

(Did I guess wrong before? This huge monster looks huge, not a Warcraft, but a warship of some kind of alien creature?)

Zhang Yang is not a pure Orlando continent life, so as a traverser with human soul and memory that traverses the previous earth, he will not have any shackles in his mind at all. So he can somehow come to the Orlando world as a soul traverser; the devil can also break through the barrier of the plane through space cracks, so why can't a biochemical space warship ever arrive here and be sealed under the Great Lakes?

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the lake water he was inhaling with him was disappearing quickly, but no matter how Zhang Yang looked, he could not see where the water disappeared from! The only possibility is that the surrounding walls of biological tissues sucked up all the water here. As for how to discharge it later, Zhang Yang could not even guess.

As the surrounding water level continued to fall, Zhang Yang finally felt the feeling of his feet on the ground again, er, to be more precise, it was a feeling of stepping on a certain kind of hard keratin.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhang Yang became more puzzled. He didn't know what was waiting for himself, and he didn't know why the other party wanted to bring him over. Can the owner here see his true details? This seems unlikely ...

However, as Zhang Yang carefully explored his surroundings gradually, a valve-like tissue facing him hundreds of meters away suddenly separated to the left and right! This made Zhang Yang, who was already in a high alert, turned back suddenly, and there was a blood-stained double-edged battle axe in his hand.

The problem is that nothing has happened after this valve was opened! Not only did the expected aliens or monsters appear, but even the incomparably strong sense of crisis before they were swallowed became nonexistent.

So after careful observation for a few moments, Zhang Yangsuo went directly to the ‘door’. After all, since some things could not be avoided, there was naturally only one way to face it.

However, after Zhang Yang passed through the door, nothing happened. At the moment, what he showed before him was a circular translucent channel more than six meters high, but Zhang Yang walking in the middle looked and felt like it was like this here. A biological blood vessel-like structure, even the feeling that he carefully reached out to touch the wall of the channel, also has a biologically unique warm texture and toughness and elasticity.

(If this is really a warship of some kind of alien creatures, what about the alien intelligent creatures among them? Was it already extinct thousands of years ago? But with this creature battleship, I am afraid that it is not a holy order Or, even if the gods of the ancients are close, it may not be able to take advantage of it? Besides, who is controlling this warship now? Where is it going to take me?)

As Zhang Yang discovered more things, not only did his doubts decrease, but he became more. Not only that, when Zhang Yang tried to disperse the power of the soul in his body in a perceptual way, wanting to observe the structure and situation behind it through the passage wall, he instantly felt the extremely powerful again. The pressure, even vaguely, Zhang Yang seems to see the dozens of huge and terrifying compound eyes staring at himself again!

So Zhang Yang, who felt bad immediately, gritted his teeth and withdrew his soul perception. However, even then it was just that the moment of contact with the soul still made him cry out, even after carefully sensing his own state. It was discovered that in just a brief moment of contact, Zhang Yang's soul power at the moment consumed nearly 30%! This made Zhang Yang no longer dare to use the power and perception of the soul to spy on.

(However, if it is just a biochemical warship, how can this 'thing' have soul power? And in terms of the total amount, it is still so huge, even if the quality of the soul power is no less than that of the legendary seventh-level super strong For me, it also has a completely overwhelming advantage, which ... is simply incredible ...)

This discovery caused Zhang Yang to frown. Although he still has only a little understanding of the power of the soul and even the soul, he understands that all creatures with the power of soul must have the ability to wisdom and think independently. !

This is one of the reasons why the undead spirit exists, that is why a skeleton or corpse can act like a normal person, even fight and practice, and it can be called an undead creature as a dead thing. .

Everything is the soul at work, this is also the most obvious sign that a creature is independent and truly exists in this world-owning a soul, even if this soul is likely to be incomplete ...

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