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It has been nearly half a year since Zhang Yang was sucked into the body by something that is not a biological or biochemical warship. During this period, except for the huge chamber that Zhang Yang had been with, he has been in a state of confusion. Moving forward in a round blood vessel-like channel that seems to be endless. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

In fact, in terms of the monster's length of more than ten thousand meters and the huge diameter of more than five hundred meters, even if the head is nearly a fifth of the volume, the space in the remaining part is still very huge, if it is not Zhang Yang I have a strong sense of position, I am afraid that I have been haloed here.

But it would be nice if I could go on like this, and then leave here smoothly and smoothly. However, such a thing as a daydream Zhang Yang did n’t even bother to think about it. After all, he used his previous luck to infer. The probability of an event is absolutely infinitely close to zero ...

Fortunately, after Zhang Yang continued to walk along the passage at a slow and slow pace, it was very leaky. After he turned a corner, another valve-like "gate" finally appeared in front of him. Then, just like Fang Cai, when Zhang Yang walked toward the ‘gate’ at the same speed, the ‘gate’, which was nearly a hundred meters away from him, opened itself again!

From this, Zhang Yang can finally draw a conclusion, whether it is the monster itself or its driver, in short, there must be something silently monitoring him, and also leading him to a specific place.

Thinking of the fact that Zhang Yang still looks that indifferent on the surface, he has already played a twelve-point spirit in his heart, no matter what he will encounter, he can confidently calmly deal with it.

So just after Zhang Yang secretly crossed the valve-like 'gate', the first thing that came into view was still a bright hall like a chamber, but the same room as when Zhang Yang was just sucked in before. The difference between the hall is that there is a transparent pipe that vertically connects the ceiling and the ground and is shining with silver and blue electric awns according to some mysterious law!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang could not have stepped forward, so he stood by the door and looked around from left to right.

In fact, in addition to the obvious luminous body in the middle of the hall, Zhang Yang also saw eight other valve-shaped gates on the walls around the hall that were the same as when he came. It ’s just that compared with the valvular gates that would open on their own when they came, these gates would n’t open even if Zhang Yang walked against the wall, and Zhang Yang would n’t be rash before he fully understood the operating mechanism here. Touch these closed doors.

(If there is no misunderstanding, it seems that this is for me to touch the luminous body in the past. But how can this thing look more like something like a high-voltage wire?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly, saying that he seems to encounter some strange things no matter where he goes, just like the inside of this 'monster' he is at the moment, he feels that even if those outside mermaids are guarding this generation It has been thousands of years, but maybe none of them have really come in.

(Then maybe it's time to try to communicate, but it seems a bit sloppy to just reach out and hold it right? It's better to ask first ...)

Now Zhang Yang is not in a hurry, so he stopped after two steps, and said instead:

"Anyone? Is there anyone who can communicate? Even if you don't understand it, it's good to give some response! Is anyone there?"

It stands to reason that Zhang Yang's environment is so empty at this moment, and there should be an echo after he speaks. However, after Zhang Yang said this loudly, he found that his voice seemed to disappear magically after reaching the location of the surrounding cavity wall!

So don't say that the echo that should have appeared disappeared, and even other sounds seemed to be absorbed!

(What a weird place! This cavity wall not only absorbs water quickly, it seems that even sound can be absorbed into it, but I do n’t know if it can absorb elemental energy such as grudge or magic.)

It's a pity that Zhang Yang can only guess and can't make an attempt, but these traits found so far have exceeded Zhang Yang's previous cognition.

However, relative to this, Zhang Yang is more concerned about the possible reaction after he shouts. However, after half a minute has passed, it is still so quiet that people can hear their heartbeats, not to mention any biological answers.

(Is there really no one? But what is going on?)

At this moment, Zhang Yang, who was already highly focused, suddenly discovered that the glowing pipe in the middle of the hall had some subtle changes unconsciously! Originally like a silver-blue electric current in a slender transparent tube like an energized lamp tube, it changed its appearance at the moment. I don't know when it turned into a mode of gathering from the upper and lower images.

And from the point of view of the intersection of these two slender currents, the height seems to be just right where Zhang Yang can reach with his hand! It is as clear as it looks like a pointing arrow. No matter what the monster is, it wants Zhang Yang to hold the transparent catheter at this moment.

So many times people not only have no choice, but the only choice left is someone else's choice for you in advance ...

Zhang Yang is basically in this state at the moment, so he can only risk taking his right hand over without seeing the danger of this thing.

So when Zhang Yang's right hand touched the transparent pipe, Zhang Yang only felt a burst of not strong current rush from his hand to his body, and then suddenly he felt his eyes seemed to be divided Second, in addition to the original hall, the hazy room seems to have the appearance of a miniature version of this monster!

This situation suddenly surprised Zhang Yang, so that he subconsciously withdrew his hand, but as his right hand left the transparent channel, the vision in front of Zhang Yang also disappeared.

(How is this going?)

This time Zhang Yang Ke was really a bit unclear, but after seeing around and confirming that there was still no danger, Zhang Yang thought again or put his right hand up again, and after a weak current, that has a long shape The image of the body, dozens of compound eyes and a miniature monster with a carapace emitting a deep blue light suddenly appeared again in front of Zhang Yang's eyes.

(Is this a mental illusion? It seems not ... Is it the problem of the current just now?)

However, when Zhang Yang was puzzled, the miniature monster in front of him even spoke! The language it speaks, Zhang Yang, is definitely the first time he heard it, but the problem is that he should not understand what he said at the moment! This is basically the expression of the language of the soul. The most important thing is that the monster directly said a word that Zhang Yang could not even imagine!

"The son of fate in the Orlando world! Do you want to save this beautiful world?"

"What do you mean by this ..."

Zhang Yang never thought of meeting a monster he had never seen before, and he would be able to call out the name of his son, the son of destiny, even more strange to him. How did the other party know all this? And what is the identity of this mysterious monster?

"As the message of my message conveys, as a child of destiny that finally came into being after thousands of years, don't you want to save this beautiful and vibrant world?"

"Wait, wait! For the time being, let's not talk about saving the world, can I ask what kind of existence you are? If I guessed well, shouldn't you belong to the Orlando world?"

Ever since Zhang Yang was drawn into the bottom of the water by the current and sucked into the body of the monster, he had also thought about many kinds of things that might happen, whether it was to fight to death, or to eventually kill a way of life, but Zhang Yangwei did not expect It is the situation of peaceful communication in front of me. Is this monster trying so hard to catch him just for chatting?

"It turns out that ... you seem to have not found your own destiny at this moment, so although you are now a child of destiny, it is still incomplete. Fortunately, in terms of your quantity, this day does not seem to be too much. Far away ... Yes, I am not a creature of the Orlando world. I am an ancestor from the distant world of Ahn'Qiraj. You can call me Joya. "

"Well, Joa, my name is Wright. I learned that you seem to have been sealed here for thousands of years. What is going on? And forgive me, although you claim to be an ancestor, you are really a Biological? "

"You have a lot of questions, but it ’s just that I do n’t lack time now, so if you want, I can tell you everything you want to know. First of all, I am indeed a complete creature, but I am as an One of the only twelve ancestors in the world, how many years I have existed is not even clear to me. "

Hearing here, Zhang Yang's brows frowned slightly, and then he said with some doubt:

"Is there really any creature that can break free of the time? Although I admit that you are really strong, I feel that there is still a long way to go from true eternity."

"You are not wrong. From ancient times to the present day, there is nothing that can be truly eternal even if it is the world itself. And my life is even more so, only a few dozen to a few In terms of life spanning a hundred years, my life span is much longer, maybe 10,000 years, maybe tens of thousands of years, even I do n’t even know it myself. "

"Okay, let's not mention this for a while, so why did you come here? Why was it sealed under this great lake? Please let me know if you can."

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