Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1261: The story of Roya

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The contact between intelligent creatures is not always carried out in the form of fighting and fighting. Sometimes, the gains from calm communication can be much greater than the gains from war. But most of the time, this is the fear of the unknown in the mind of the creature, followed by obstacles in communication.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang not only has enough guts, but also possesses the power of soul to have the ability and qualification to communicate with the ancestor Ruoya from the world of Ahn'Qiraj, and the opportunities inherent in the meeting itself are also to achieve this All necessary premises.

In fact, as one of the twelve first ancestors of Ahn'Qiraj, Jooah originally had a superb ability to communicate with any creature from a distance. It should be known that in terms of its body of more than 10,000 meters and the lifespan of more than 10,000 years, the accumulated soul power is really only a small amount of biological energy compared with the total amount.

In addition, it surpasses people's imaginative memory and thinking ability, so that any creature it has contacted can establish a certain degree of contact with it as long as it is in the same space. It is not a problem to directly communicate at the soul level in the case of consumption!

So in a sense, this is simply a powerful ability that even "God" will be jealous of. Even if you leave the planet where Orlando is located to go to the far-away silver and dumb moons in people's eyes, thanks to Ahn'Qiraj The ancestor Joana ’s total strength of the soul can still barely contact!

Not only that, even at a farther distance than Orlando and Bimonthly, although Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Jooah could not communicate directly, he could still transmit his own soul fluctuations, and this special fluctuation can specifically pass out How far, even Joachia, the ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj, could not tell himself ...

However, for any creature originating in the world of Ahn'Qiraj, the soul fluctuations from the ancestor Ruoya seem to be the brightest star, even if they are hundreds of millions of miles away, the remote sensing should be to a very faint wave. Can rely on a certain instinct in the soul to distinguish and receive, and roughly determine the location of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya!

Therefore, it was because of this extremely strong point that the ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj, when he first came to the Orlando world, was sealed in this great lake by several ancient gods. As it brought hundreds of thousands The heirs were all wiped out or exiled to other planes through the space crack of the Orlando world.

The reason why the mermaid guards transformed by the high elves of the monthly clan are arranged to guard again is not to prevent the escape of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya, but to worry about others coming into contact with it!

It's just that the Anqira ancestor Ruoya who finally caught the opportunity did not hesitate to spend a lot of energy to inhale Zhang Yang directly into the body. As for the layer of water that suppressed Zhang Yang to death, in fact, it was to protect him from harm. barrier……

It is a pity that even the powerful ancient **** and the ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj did not think that today's month-by-month clan is no longer the high elf race that all the clans have fulfilled their duties, except for a few elderly people. In addition, the new generation of young people like Benz have long been tired of endless boring guards, and want to regain their identity as high elves to leave this 'cage'.

So Benz, who was supposed to drive the Blue Feather Thunderbird to kill Zhang Yang by the water, chose to hide all of this and told Zhang Yang his wish to change his destiny, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity Pass it out.

However, all of these have produced wonderful changes as Zhang Yang was sucked into the body of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya. After all, according to past examples, almost everything involving Zhang Yang will move in a specific direction ...


In fact, Zhang Yang's right hand touched at this moment was basically a synapse in Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya. You have to know that because of the structure of the body, even the huge Ahn'Qiraj ancestor Jooah did not have a suitable organ to speak Orlando's common language, so in addition to relying on her incomparably large soul to communicate directly, use the body The communication of the synapses is the only way it can think of.

So since Zhang Yang came into contact with it, whether it is out of the loneliness that has not communicated with any creature for thousands of years, or if he wants to confuse Zhang Yang, it answers almost all the questions Zhang Yang has posed to now, even some. Zhang Yang didn't ask questions at all, he would explain it clearly.

And after nearly a leak in this communication, Zhang Yang finally got a rough idea of ​​some things about Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya ...

The planet in which the world of Ahn'Qiraj is located is only about a third smaller than the Orlando world in terms of volume, and because of its relatively distant relationship with other worlds, although there is not much darkness throughout the year, even though The two poisons of a bright day can only be comparable to the dusk in the Orlando world.

The most important thing is that the world of Ahn'Qiraj is like the Orlando world. It is a world composed of various basic elements. Not only does the six basic elements exist, but the creatures in it can use them with some instinct.

Therefore, in the world of Ahn'Qiraj, almost all higher life has many compound eyes, and it has a certain degree of luminous ability, coupled with a much better body structure and a physique close to elemental energy than humans, which makes An The average strength of the intelligent races in the Qiraji world is much higher than that of ordinary humans. If converted into the classification of the Orlando continent, almost all are above the third order!

Only because the characteristics of each world are different, the life bred in the world of Ahn'Qiraj is almost a form of insects in the eyes of humans, and even the way of reproduction is closer to insects.

Therefore, the intelligent life of the world of Ahn'Qiraj has another name on the mainland of Orlando: Zerg.

In fact, it is precisely because Ahn'Qiraj has the characteristics of Zerg, which makes them finally dominate the entire Ahn'Qiraj world after they have evolved to a certain extent, and even after occupying an absolute advantage, other Ahn'Qiraj world has All competitive races are wiped out!

Since then, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg completely ruled the world, and because of the lack of the constraints of the enemy and competitors, they proliferated and developed.

However, in terms of the resources of the world of Ahn'Qiraj, which is many times barren than the world of Orlando, in the two thousand years after the world of Ahn'Qiraj was completely unified by the Zerg, the entire world of Ahn'Qiraj was even more numerous and endless by them Greedy and almost squeezed out!

Not only are plants and food depleted, but the entire world is beginning to change to desertification. Even the most important water for sustaining life has become a valuable resource that needs to be fought for.

It was only then that the wise men of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg suddenly realized that they had unconsciously destroyed their homes and the whole world that nurtured themselves!

Fortunately, at this time, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has grown to a very strong point, so they not only used the forbidden magic to wake up the twelve ancestors that have existed since ancient times and had fallen asleep two thousand years ago, and selected the most potential and The most powerful Ahn'Qiraj Zerg entered the body of the ancestor, and then used it as a biological warship to leave the Ahn'Qiraj world from the sky, so as to travel to other planets to find a new world that can be continued by the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

However, even for the twelve ancestors of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, although they are powerful, the space in the body must be limited, so it is impossible to hold many elite Zerg in the Ahn'Qiraj world. So that when the twelve first ancestors left the world of Ahn'Qiraj with the hope of continuation of the whole world, the remaining Zerg did not accept the fate of being trapped in the world of Ahn'Qiraj, and instead used secret methods similar to sacrifices to consume Hundreds of millions of lower Ahn'Qiraj Zerg finally created a super creature similar to the ancestor: Mother!

It is a spherical creature several times smaller than the ancestors of Ahn'Qiraj and less than two kilometers in length!

It ’s just maybe that the Mother Ahn'Qiraj was created. Although they have the power equivalent to the ninth-order Saint-class strongman and the ability to sail in the void of the universe, they never had the powerful soul of the ancestor. Ability, even its main will, has become full of aggression and destruction due to the fusion of too many desperate Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

So when a total of thirty-six mothers of Ahn'Qiraj carried part of the remaining powerful Ahn'Qiraj Zerg away from Ahn'Qiraj's mother star and embarked on a journey to find other life worlds, no one had thought of these to continue their racial existence. And the mother-in-law that was made would become the seed that caused the destruction of countless worlds!

Every time an Ahn'Qiraj landed from Skyrim to a new world full of vitality, they will change their structure to adapt to this new world at an astonishing rate. While releasing the Ahn'Qiraj elite Zerg strong who are loaded in the body to hunt around, spawn a large number of eggs to create more worker insects and warriors.

Therefore, as long as the food and energy remain adequate, only a few months can take a mother to reproduce hundreds of thousands of low-level Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and expand the scale of spawning after occupying more resources!

So once a mother of Ahn'Qiraj has a firm foothold in a certain life world, then in just a few years, the world will be attacked by countless violent Ahn'Qiraj worms in the ocean!

They have no mercy, no restraint, no acceptance, all creatures are nothing but food in their eyes, the only purpose is to occupy the entire world to develop themselves, even in this world except these evil Ahn'Qiraj worms born by the main mother There are no other creatures, they will continue to multiply until the new world is about to saturate again, they will sacrifice a large number of lower-level Ahn'Qiraj Zerg with a ban to create a new mother ...

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