Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1262: Ahn'Qiraj's threat

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In this way, as the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg occupy more and more worlds, they also become more greedy, evil and powerful! Not only the carapace, which was originally dominated by dark blue and black, gradually changed into green, yellow, and red patterns representing evil, madness, and danger, but even the purpose of continuation of life when the first mother was created, it gradually became looting Occupy, kill and destroy ...

It can be said that the mother and mother of Ahn'Qiraj should not be present, and the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg born from it has become a new synonym for destruction among the planes. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest update of the novel, according to Joa, described its harm even far above the threat of the devil and the invasion of the undead in the Orlando world today!

I really want to find something comparable to it. Perhaps only an abyss creature known as the destroyer of the plane world can match it.

The most striking thing is that when an Ahn'Qiraj mother discovered the existence of the ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj and landed in the world where the other party was, he finally destroyed the orthodox Zerg that belonged to the Ahn'Qiraj family as an enemy and food Or even when the ancestors of Ahn'Qiraj were finally pointed, the greatest sorrow of a race was nothing more than that.

This is the basic reason why when the first ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj arrived in Orlando, there were not many high-level Ahn'Qiraj fighters around him. Even according to the first ancestor Ruoya, when it came to the mainland of Orado, it had already sensed the fluctuations of an Ahn'Qiraj ancestor when he died, that is, Ahn'Qiraj was born because of the forbidden surgery. Mistress, now has the ability to destroy the ancestors of Ahn'Qiraj!

So no matter what the reasons are, Joa, who was one of the first ancestors of Ahn'Qiraj, did not want Ahn'Qiraj to come to the Orlando world, but it was a pity that he could find the vitality of Orlando from the endless void. In the world, the evil mothers of Ahn'Qiraj who have evolved many times and have been in contact with it have also been able to find it here.


"Is this why you came to me? In your opinion, the evil Mother Ahn'Qiraj you said has already chased you into the Orlando world?"

"Yes, that's it. It's just that because I am currently sealed by the strongest person in your world, I can't leave here, so even if I want to rebuild my guardian legion to fight against it or escape, so if you want to To save this beautiful world, quickly find a way to lift the seal for me. "

Hearing the alertness in Zhang Yang ’s heart, he raised it all at once. Although he also regretted what happened to Ruoya, he did not feel that he would lower the awareness of prevention in his heart because of the story of the other party. After all, what if Ruoya said these are lies? If this is just the story it fabricated, in order to win his sympathy, and at the same time deceive him to lift the seal for it?

At that time, with the powerful strength of this ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj, it is not said that Zhang Yang is a semi-hanging strong man. I am afraid that in the current situation facing the mainland, the biggest possibility is that no one can compete with it!

After all, since the inexplicable disappearance of the remaining ancient gods, no new ancient gods have emerged on the Orlando continent. So that after the collective disappearance of the ancient gods, the upper limit of the entire continent's strength has been reduced by one level, and now only the ninth-order saint-level strongmen remain as the pinnacle of mainland power.

Therefore, Mo said to find Qi three ancient gods again to seal this Ahn'Qiraj ancestor Ruoya again, fearing that if it is truly out of trouble, there will be another scourge on the continent of Orlando that is already stormy and unstoppable!

So Zhang Yang has decided that no matter what the ancient **** Joa said, he will not help him break the seal from the trap. As for what Joa said in the mouth about Mother Ahn'Qiraj coming to Orlando, even if this is really true, it is not. His unreliable mercenary commander could solve it, so after the request of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya, Zhang Yang resolutely rejected it.

"Maybe everything you said is true, but I ’m sorry, I wo n’t help you lift the seal and let you go anyway. So if you want to kill me, you can do it, even if I really do You do n’t hesitate to die! "

"Is it true? The life of your Orlando world is always so suspicious, even if I tell you the truth, you are not willing to believe ..."

After getting Zhang Yang's negative answer, Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruo Yahun had a flash of blue light all over him. Although in terms of its approximate Zerg form, Zhang Yang could not see his expression at the moment, but even by conjecture alone Knowing that it should be a little angry.

However, Zhang Yang, who had made up his mind, was completely unimpressed by this. Even in the worst case, he was only dead or trapped here. Moreover, due to the characteristics of the Thunder Nebula and Eure in his body, Whether the Ahn'Qiraj ancestors can kill him completely is unknown, and anxious Zhang Yang desperately absorbs the life force of the other party in the nearest place, maybe he can directly reach the eighth-order epic or even the ninth-order holy level!

However, it is difficult to say what Zhang Yang will look like after all. After all, there are many races that are naturally good at using the power of life. In case of accidentally becoming a monster, I would like to love Neil Jielin no matter how much he loves him. Can't accept it?

Of course, this is just the worst preparation Zhang Yang has done, and he will never take the risk until the last minute. So after thinking about it, Zhang Yang said again:

"It's not that I don't want to believe you, it's just because your strength is too strong. Once something goes wrong, I'm the sinner of the entire continent. I think you can understand it with your wisdom?"

"Yes, your current strength is a little too weak, and you can understand with fear. But you also have to understand that Mother Ahn'Qiraj, who has just arrived in the Orlando world shortly, is in the weakest period. If you do n’t destroy it in a short time, then I am afraid that if you have enough food and nutrients, there will be no more than a thousand days and nights. You will face a huge army of evil Ahn'Qiraj. I ’m afraid it ’s hard to get them anymore. "

"Oh? Do you mean that after a long journey through the sky, Mother Ahn'Qiraj, who has just arrived on the mainland of Orlando, is in a weak stage?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's heart move here, if all this is really like what the ancestor Ruoya said, then it seems that it is also a good choice to gather a group of strong humans to kill them now! It's just that the next words of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya made Zhang Yang frown again.

"In fact, even after many evolutions, Mother Ahn'Qiraj's own strength is still not as good as our twelve Ahn'Qiraj ancestors. Even in the first hundred years that just came to a new world, all Mothers cannot move at will again, after all, in its source of life, it is the first thing to multiply and develop its own race. But even so, this immovable mother of Ahn'Qiraj herself The defensive ability is still equivalent to that of the Holy Order junior strongman of your Orlando world, plus the few Ahn'Qiraj commanders with nearly seven-tier legendary strength that came with it, and the equivalent of the sixth-order Ahn'Qiraj general of Orlando World I am afraid that with the strength of your human family, I am afraid that it cannot be successfully eliminated. "

"It turned out to be this way? But I don't understand a little. If you can travel in the sky for a long time with your strength, I believe it, but if you want to bring a large group of low-level members, how can they not eat or drink? How about a long, empty journey? "

After Zhang Yang asked this question, Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya suddenly became a little silent, but this only lasted for a short time, and then he said again:

"Each ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj can produce a certain amount of egg membranes, which will allow Ahn'Qiraj organisms to enter into a special state of sleep. In this state, their consumption will be borne by us. The ancestors came to provide it, so as long as the strength reaches a certain level, it is not impossible to survive hundreds of years of mountain travel. "

Hearing this inexplicable movement in Zhang Yang ’s heart, he immediately asked:

"What about Mother Ahn'Qiraj? Do they also have the same abilities as your ancestors?"

"No ... Mother Ahn'Qiraj's ability is far worse than that of her true ancestors. They were born through forbidden surgery and they have no way to produce egg membranes. Therefore, for the evil Ahn'Qiraj members carried in their bodies, they are weak It is the only way for them to survive in the void for a long time ... Therefore, every time the mother of Ahn'Qiraj arrives in the new world, perhaps only one thousandth of the Ahn'Qiraj's guards she carries can survive. But it is undeniable that each of these people who can insist on survival has good strength. "

"Understood ... if you can prove that all that you said is true, then the only thing I can assure you is that I will find a way to contact the strong man of mankind to destroy this mother of Ahn'Qiraj, After all, if it is only the primary strength of the Holy Order, it can be destroyed even by human power alone. So the question that remains is how do I confirm the authenticity of what you say, and where should I go to find you What about those evil Ahn'Qiraj creatures? "

At this moment, perhaps feeling the firmness in Zhang Yang's tone, after knowing that Zhang Yang will not lift the seal for it anyway, Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya had no choice but to say:

"Although most of my abilities have been sealed, but with the identity of my first ancestor, I can still sense the fluctuations of souls emitted by other Ahn'Qiraj world creatures within a certain range. Moreover, I am Mrs. La also has a particularly familiar feeling, but ... "

"Oh? Any questions?"

"It should not be difficult to send you to a place not far from it, but because you are not a creature in our world of Ahn'Qiraj, I am not sure if your physical strength can withstand the pressure of sending you over . "

"Sent in the past ... pressure? Do you have a way to carry out long-distance fixed-point transmission ?!"

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