Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1264: Joa's Collection

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"Lethal wound? It sounds like listening to the name."

Zhang Yang was really hard at the moment to restrain his urge to take it off, but he knew very well that if he could understand the characteristics of this weapon as much as possible, then he would be able to exert his power better in combat, so Zhang Yang really listened very seriously at the moment.

"It can be said that the effect of the fatal wound is that any creature in the world of Ahn'Qiraj injured by this weapon will have its blood and tissues affected. Even if the wound is cured, they will become weak every day. If we are not These ancestors are in their disarmed state, then they will first degenerate their strength, and then they will weaken and die within a hundred to one thousand days depending on their strength! "

"Such awesome !? Doesn't it mean that as long as you find a way to get close to Mother Ahn'Qiraj, and then use this weapon to hurt her, you can destroy it?"

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, the illusion of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya, who was originally going up and down, stiffened infrequently, and then after a while, it reopened:

"It would be great if it could be so, but unfortunately the effect of this weapon is currently only effective on Ahn'Qiraj creatures below the legendary level, not to mention that the Ahn'Qiraj mother whose strength is almost above the ninth level holy level is the seventh level. The legendary Ahn'Qiraj commander can also offset it with his own abilities. So I advise you not to provoke the legendary evil Ahn'Qiraj commander in terms of your current strength, even if you encounter a sixth-order strength The Qiraji battle will make you better escape quickly. "

"It turned out to be the case, but thank you for your advice, so what I want to know most is, is this weapon strong enough?"

Perhaps it was felt that Zhang Yang did not really take its advice seriously, which made Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya look a little irritable, but when Zhang Yang asked about the strength of this 'Ahn'Qiraj destroyer', The ancestor Ruoya said proudly:

"I'm not afraid you know that the material used to make this weapon is exactly the same as the material of the carapace outside my body! Even if it is not the hardest in the world, but after combining strength, toughness and other factors, it is definitely A weapon that is hard to damage! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang felt a contempt for a while, it was obviously boasting himself? And did n’t he just say that this disease weapon was just transformed for Zhang Yang?

"That means it will be damaged?"

"This ... is inevitable. But you can rest assured, because this weapon is made of the material of my carapace, so even if it is really damaged in battle, as long as it is not completely destroyed, it will only take a while. Revert to the original! So you can use it without worrying about damage at all! "

"Okay ... I have basically counted, but speaking of it, there are a few weapons around me that were damaged in the previous battle. I wonder if you can fix it for me?"

Only then did Zhang Yang mention the word ‘damaged’ in his heart. Speaking of his space ring, there are several damaged weapons! If it can be repaired here by Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya, then Zhang Yang will have a lot of options when he encounters the battle again, who caused him to destroy almost all his long-range weapons in the battle against the ancestral orcs. What?

"If the general weapon is damaged, there is no problem in repairing it, but if it is a weapon with special power in your world, then after repairing in this way, it is likely that you will lose the original special power. I also learned it by trying. By the way, in the battle that I was sealed, I collected some weapons left by Orlando World Powers for research and analysis, but most of them were analyzed and repaired by me. After that, I lost the original special power, so if you need, these weapons and armor will be given to you. "

Speaking of this, the ground in front of Zhang Yang turned to left and right after another squirm, but this time there was no suction cup tentacles to extract weapons, but a bunch of weapons and armor of different colors were directly 'lifted' from somewhere underground Come up.

"Then the repairs will wait for me to look at this weapon and armor first, but why do these weapons and armor seem to have many parts made of that kind of transparent horny?"

"It's very simple, because most of these weapons were destroyed during the battle that year, and the missing parts naturally disappeared with their users."

At the moment, Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya said it was easy, but looking at the piece of armor Zhang Yang that was missing from the chest and the missing part was repaired by the horny, he could guess how fierce that battle was.

Thinking of Zhang Yang's release of that nerve synapse, he first lifted the 'Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer' gifted by Joa to dance a few times, but who would have imagined that this handle looks like a tomahawk made of plastic. It's more than three hundred Pakri!

Unless Zhang Yang's own strength is amazing enough, let alone use this battle axe to fight, I am afraid that if it is replaced by a general fifth-level professional, whether it can be used freely is a problem!

Fortunately, such a huge weapon that requires hardness and hardness and weight and weight is one of Zhang Yang's favorite types. Originally, with his current strength, even without any auxiliary skills, it can be used normally, and once Zhang Yang uses the ability of "Thunderbolt Enhancement", he can use such a heavy weapon with one hand!

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine how great the lethality will be when Zhang Yang wields such a huge and heavy weapon against many enemies!

However, after Zhang Yang took this ‘Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer’ into the ring of space, he came to the pile of colorful ancient weapons. In fact, the members of the Orlando continent that were able to participate in the battle of the seal Ahn'Qiraj's ancestors were put into almost every strong man who can now be regarded as a hegemon.

Therefore, the texture and magical effects of the armor and weapons used by them are almost not lower than the level of the fifth-order incapable weapons!

It's a pity that these weapons and armor were damaged too much after the war, plus the ancestor Ruoya of Ahn'Qiraj had no time to analyze and repair it indiscriminately. Of the more than twenty weapons and armor, only one spear seems to have changed little, and it is likely to retain the original magical attributes.

As for the other weapons, nearly two-thirds of them are replaced by materials made by the ancestor Ruoya, so that in addition to toughness, they can only be regarded as special in appearance, even where they were originally used to inlay magic cores or crystals Disappeared.

So Zhang Yang was helpless to find that among the large number of weapons and armor, only the spear can still be regarded as a good thing. As for the other ... either collect or only deal with it ...

(But how does this spear look like a magic weapon biased towards the wind? And the length of the four meters and five meters is not like the weapon used in the battle, right? Is this a spear? The weapon used by the high-level knight? Then wait for it and give it to Ophelia. Can you use Ophelia's physical fitness if you think about its weight of dozens of Pakri?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang first collected the wind spear, and then picked the remaining weapons one by one, and the useful and useless ones were all installed in the space ring.

In fact, it ca n’t be said that the remaining weapons and armor are completely useless. At least one of the two-handed swords that were completely reshaped by the ancestor Ruoya after the blade was broken. It looks very beautiful. Regardless of the weight and feel of the sword, Zhang Yang felt very comfortable holding it, so I was pleased to give it the name of 'Broken Blade'.

In addition, there is another weapon that Zhang Yang cares about. It should have been a chain meteor hammer, which is a kind of flail, but it may be because the chain linking the hammer head and the hammer handle was completely broken. After repairing with muscle-like tissues, Asia miraculously got a little elastic expansion effect! So this handle has three chain-shaped meteor hammers full of spikes and the size of a human head. It is also named by Zhang Yang as a "broken armor".

Unfortunately, these two weapons now lose their original magical effects, so they can only barely be counted as third-order magic weapons. Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't rely on the magical characteristics of weapons, so these two weapons could exert more power than his rank.

The long swords, scimitars, etc. that have been picked here are no longer eye-catching, but a set of deep blue heavy metal armor with a sporadic metallic luster stacked at the bottom of the pile of weapons caused Zhang Yang again. interest.

In fact, judging from the size of this heavy armor, it should be a piece of equipment for humans or elves, but it may be because Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya didn't like the original shape. This damage is not too serious. The outside of the heavy armor was completely covered by a layer of carapace-like horny!

What Zhang Yang has to admit is that although this set of heavy armor is ugly at first glance, it will start to feel a different kind of beauty after a second look, a very ancient and wild feeling!

In addition, after Zhang Yang tried to wear it, he found that although the armor was a little hard to wear, it was quite comfortable after the upper body. Whether it is wide or narrow or walking, it is very smooth. It can be said that except for the weight of nearly two hundred Pakri that most people cannot bear, there are almost no obvious shortcomings for a set of heavy armor.

In fact, the most satisfying part of this set of armor is Zhang Hao's nearly hermetically sealed, brave helmet with a layer of transparent **** eyes!

After wearing this thing, you can not only hide your face completely, but you do n’t even have to worry about getting into your eyes when you encounter sandstorms or dust ...

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