Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1265: Rapid shuttle

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In fact, after watching the "technique" of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya's repair of weapons and equipment, Zhang Yang basically dispelled his plan to ask him to repair his weapons. In contrast, a large bundle of special fibrous tissue that can be used as a high-end bowstring solves Zhang Yang's urgent need.

You have to know that the only two strong bows in his hand are temporarily unusable due to damage to the bow string. Now that these extremely tough and extremely powerful special fiber tissues are used as bow strings, the powerful and terrifying 'Dark Night Kiss' sniper bow and Dun Kerr's "Silver Full Moon" short bow suddenly returned to its original state.

Even in terms of the remaining dozens of fibrous tissues, Zhang Yang probably doesn't have to worry about the lack of bowstring in a short time ...

Soon after that, when Zhang Yang put everything in order and came into contact with Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya again, he was told that he could finally leave.


"Why should I get into something like a spindle? Wouldn't it be possible to send me directly like when I came?"

At this moment, with the guidance of the purple light group, leaving the "storage room" and coming to a long and narrow compartment, Zhang Yangzheng looked at the "spindle-like" thing in front of his eyes and frowned. Although he could accept being "sprayed out", Zhang Yang felt a little unacceptable when he thought of drilling into this spindle-shaped container and then spraying it out of the other party. !

(Is this a human cannon? Do you want to say something like ‘first grade preparation’ or ‘second grade preparation’? Is it going to hit me directly to the silver moon?)

However, in the face of Zhang Yang's dissatisfaction, the illusion of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya was calm.

"This is also impossible. Although the place where Mother Ahn'Qiraj landed is very close to my induction, it is actually at least a few hundred miles away. In this case, if you don't prepare a special cabin I'm afraid I can't guarantee the accuracy. "

"You only said a few hundred miles ?! Do you have the ability to attack targets hundreds of miles away ?!"

Zhang Yang was really taken aback when he heard this. Even the legendary, epic, and even higher-level magic in Orlando world, I'm afraid it can't attack the target hundreds of miles away? Not to mention the distance of hundreds of miles. So if this Ahn'Qiraj ancestor Jooya could really do this, wouldn't it be equivalent to having a super long-range attack capability equivalent to a tactical missile?

And this is still under the condition that it is sealed. If there is no restriction of this seal, how strong should it be?

(No wonder that when he first came to the Orlando world, he was sealed by the ancient gods. This kind of anti-celestial creature seems to have n’t existed right! But speaking of such a powerful Orlando ancient god, it can be sealed here. Our strength is equally terrifying ...)

"How can you say it so simple, first of all, the way of sending you in the past is quite expensive, and I will be depressed for a few days after each use, plus even if I am so far away, When it is not sealed, it can only control the landing point within a certain range. It is absolutely impossible to strike the target accurately. "

(That being said, but what if you change the target from a separate creature to a certain city? I absolutely do n’t believe that its existence will have no powerful attacking means, so to put it bluntly, this guy really is with a ship. Space warships are almost the same! But how can there be such a powerful creature in the world? This is really unreasonable ...)

"But are you really sure I will not be killed after flying hundreds of miles with this thing?"

"Probably not. After all, my heirs are fine to do so, but your body structure is different from the life in our world of Ahn'Qiraj. Plus, this is the first time I have sent humans out in this way, so ... pray Luck is on your side! "

(But in fact it seems that good luck has always missed me?)

Speaking of which, even when looking at the vision of Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya with Zhang Yang's mentality and concentration, there is something wrong, but since people have already spoken about this, Zhang Yang can only deliberately get into the spindle The special cabin like that, and then lay inside like a corpse, watching the translucent cover automatically closed silently, and finally became as if it was a whole, and no trace of the previous opening and closing could be seen.

In fact, because Zhang Yang loosened the relationship between the nerve synapse at the door and entered the cabin, he could no longer communicate with Ahn'Qiraj ancestor Ruoya, and now he could only lie here to observe the situation around him, even Because of the spindle-shaped appearance of this cabin, Zhang Yang just couldn't sit up, let alone do other things.

(Oops! It seems that I forgot to ask when I ‘launched’, but fortunately there is still a layer of soft tissue around the cabin, so ...)

Just thinking that Zhang Yang felt a sudden shock around him, and then an extremely huge pressure actually pressed him into the cabin. Even in terms of Zhang Yang's strong physical quality, he felt all over this moment. The overwhelming click sounds as if the whole body is about to split!

This suddenly made Zhang Yang no longer care about the ability to directly use [Thunderbolt Enhancement], and suddenly, with the power of a thunderbolt pouring out of his soul and instantly flooding his body, Zhang Yang felt that terrible. Relatively reduced his pressure a lot, although it still made him feel like he was about to be crushed, but he could barely bear it.

(What kind of speed is this ?! And does n’t that guy know to give a hint first? The most important thing is if it really landed at this speed, would n’t it fall into powder?)

It's a pity now that Zhang Yang just couldn't do it if he wanted to regret it. Even he only felt that the black shadow around him flickered, and immediately became bright.

In fact, if Zhang Yang guessed it well, the reason why he felt the black around it should be that the light was blocked when he passed through the lake, but it was originally a few thousand meters deep that needed to pass through more than one leak. The bottom of the lake is now flashing, how fast can this be done?

And at this speed, the entire cabin did not burn up due to super friction, which is also amazing.

(So, I am afraid that the distance of hundreds of miles will not be used for a long time? I only hope that this time I can stand on my own side, and do n’t let me fall directly to the bones ...)

However, there has never been a so-called lucky **** in the Orlando world since the birth of creatures, and in terms of Zhang Yang's eerie luck, the chance of landing safely is extremely slim.

Moreover, Zhang Yang is now wrapped in a cabin outside him, and it is impossible to find a way to save himself before landing. In addition, he currently does not know where he is at once. The cabin breaks down wherever you want to land, and it is even more difficult to find the location of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

So Zhang Yang left thinking and chose to continue to wait. If everything that Ahn'Qiraj ancestor Ruoya said was true, it should not easily kill Zhang Yang. After all, if he really fell dead, wait After the development of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, the sealed Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya could not survive.

Therefore, based on this point, Zhang Yang felt that he should not be directly killed, should ...

Speaking of Zhang Yang ’s launch from Ahn’Qiraj ’s ancestor Ruoya, three points have passed. This time does not seem to be a long time for a distance of a few hundred miles, but there is only one thing to remember. At this moment, Zhang Yang has always had the ability of "Lightning Enhancement"!

If it were not so for his current physical condition, he would not be able to withstand the pressure brought about by such rapid movements. Even if he lost the blessing of [Thunderbolt Enhancement], Zhang Yang might be seriously injured in an instant. .

However, the problem is that the "Lightning Enhancement" ability used by Zhang Yang cannot always exist. In terms of his current physical fitness, the duration of each "Lightning Enhancement" lasts only about 3.5 points, and the load on the body also reaches Twenty-three percent.

In this way, even if Zhang Yang is in good condition, he can only use the ability of [Lightning Enhancement] four times at a time in a short period of time. No matter how much, he has to withstand the effects of overload and weakness, even with overload and weakness. It is unclear whether anyone can continue to bear the pressure at this moment.

So in the final analysis, Zhang Yang's limit time for flying in the sky is 14 minutes. After that, as time goes on, the risk he will bear will increase geometrically! Therefore, Zhang Yang is actually in a strong danger at this moment. Once a problem arises, he will face the threat of life in an instant.

However, what Zhang Yang did not think of was that just after the duration of his first [Thunderbolt Enhancement] was exhausted, and just after the second [Thunderbolt Enhancement], but one point was missed, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the flight was almost horizontal The status has changed slightly!

While the front of the foot sinks slightly, the speed begins to slow down slightly! Isn't this the most obvious sign that the goal is about to arrive, that is, about to land? !

The whole person who became aware of Zhang Yangcha became nervous at the moment. Not only was he unable to move at this moment in the narrow cabin, he was even unable to even observe the situation outside. Therefore, even if Zhang Yang couldn't make preparations before the landing impact, he could only wait nervously. This made Zhang Yang, who always seemed quite calm on weekdays, feel the feeling of being up and down.

So for Zhang Yang, it would seem that Zhang Yang had gone through several leaks for so long! However, when Zhang Yang's body was tight and he was wondering what kind of situation might be encountered when he landed, Zhang Yang only felt that the entire cabin was violently shocked, and then the originally weak sky outside the cabin was completely covered by a deep black Alternative!

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