Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1461: Wrestling with legend

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So at this moment, Sang Nali, who had noticed that she was shining sideways, was suddenly staggered by a wave of air that suddenly erupted from behind, and it was not until then that a loud noise It came from behind her.

This situation is somewhat beyond Sang Nali's expectations. After all, in her consistent cognition, the competition between high-ranking warriors is not very hard, is it more a skill to compete?

Moreover, before she evaded, Sang Nali clearly remembered that both of them seemed to be in an attacking stance, but now it sounds like there is only a thumping noise. Does anyone of them change temporarily? Did you recruit?

Thinking of Sanari's heart here, it was inexplicable that Nalet was desperately blocked in front of the fierce destroyer, and even used her body to block her from attacking the other party. This made Sanari feel a little strange in her heart. At the same time, I also clearly realized how powerful and determined that person was.

So at this moment Sangali believes that the guy will not flinch even when facing her powerful grandfather Vance, but the problem is her understanding of Grandfather Vance, do n’t look at the feeling he usually gives is a white The handsome uncle always looks cool when he doesn't speak, but anyone who really knows him or has seen him in battle will know that this guy is a blood who fights and doesn't even want to die. madman!

So from this point of view, no matter whether it is Wright or Vance, it seems that there is no possibility of retreating. Why was it before ... Thinking of here, with the [Flame of the Flame], Sang Na who burst out more than 20 meters In the end, he turned around ruthlessly. But what surprised her not only was that at the moment, the two seemed to be petrified, and they were both holding the punching posture together.

(what's going on?)

At first, Sanni Li looked a little bit confused, but when she looked closely, she discovered that the two men were attacking each other with their own right boxing, and also suffered a heavy blow from each other with their own bodies!

So at this moment, Sanalli could not believe it. With the super strength of Grandpa Vance's seventh-order legendary peak level, at that moment, Wright could even be able to compete with each other? ! Although Sanalli knew that even if his grandfather Vance was unreliable, he would not use all his strength to compete with a junior who is obviously inferior to his strength.

But even so, Zhang Yang's strength at the moment made Sang Nali feel a little shocked! Although she has seen that Wright seems to be different from the general combatants before when fighting the Flame Destroyer, while using no grudge from beginning to end, the strength and speed shown by Sui is equally stronger than that of the same level. There are many of them. If not, he would not be able to withstand the attack of the Flame Destroyer who stepped into the Tier VII legendary level with his first half of the foot, and persisted for so long until Sanari completed the Seal Magic Circle.

The problem is that even though Wright's strength has long been expected, when Sanna Li witnessed this guy actually be able to fight against a superpower with a seventh-order legendary peak strength, Sanna Li was still dumbfounded.

It's a pity that this state of close competition hasn't lasted long. Since the airflow that erupted between the two completely dissipated within ten meters, the beautiful slate ground at the foot of Zhang Yang suddenly appeared. A series of cracks, not only that, the cracks seemed to be contagious. With the sound of the clicks, they spread to the entire floor of a few meters in size, and finally broke apart with a bang. A dust mixed with gravel erupted in the gap!

This situation can be seen in the eyes of a war-competent who knows how to do it. That is already the result of Zhang Yang being unable to fully withstand the strength of the other party, and then leading it into the ground from his body. After all, compared to Zhang Yang ’s embarrassment, on the other hand, the gray-haired Vance was indeed fart, and even when the huge stone brick under the two ’s feet was completely broken, Vance stood on that small place. It's still intact!

The gap between the two during this period was suddenly highlighted. On one side, they tried their best and failed. They only turned the extra force into the ground, while on the other side, they still had the surplus power, while still fighting. It can protect the foothold.

So just from such a short but two or three moments of confrontation and wrestling, Zhang Yang clearly recognized the gap between himself and the other party, but the problem was that the white-haired Vance didn't think so!

You know, he is a terrestrial superpower with a seventh-level legendary peak strength, plus he is nearly two hundred years old, so even in this magical kingdom, the magical kingdom is relatively less valued by the warlords. Among Pompeii, the name of Vance's "hammer of destruction" is also pervasive.

After all, the warrior who cultivates the earth's grudges has a high resistance to almost all the magic of the system. In addition, after the warrior entered the seventh-level legendary level, he could not fly in the sky and fly in the sky. After the shortcomings of the magician have no good way to disappear, in many cases, its combat power is even more than most magicians.

So that the reputation of Vance in the magic kingdom of Pompeii can be said to be based on its own powerful strength. Therefore, except for a few one or two strong men who reach the eighth-order epic level, he ca n’t beat it. Almost all the strong men have been challenged by him.

So at the moment when Vance discovered that the mysterious boy in front of him not only used some powerful secret technique in an instant to improve his own strength, he could even temporarily resist his attack when his strength and strength were completely inferior to himself. Not to mention, you can also skillfully use skills to transfer excess power to the ground to protect yourself from harm!

This situation is the first time he has seen him for more than a hundred years of fighting career!

So the gray-haired Wanston, who was originally more excited because he finally found people's activities and muscles, was completely excited, so he unconsciously increased his strength again, so that the original resistance was more difficult. Zhang Yang, the whole body suddenly shook under the force, and finally couldn't hold back without retreating.

Sang Nali, who is watching this, may not be clear about what this means, but the gray-haired Vance, who is a party, understands how powerful this guy who can withstand his 70% strength!

It is no exaggeration to say that no matter whether this guy used some kind of mystery or forbidden technique, but because he can compete with his own 70% power with the title of "Hammer of Destruction", Vance dares to be extremely certain It is said that the other party's body at this moment makes him feel some incredible power, which is enough to walk sideways below the level 7 legendary level!

What kind of grudge armor magic shield, as long as he seizes the opportunity to get close, then waiting for them can only be broken into the end!

After all, in the end, Vance took this routine, only because Vance possessed and cultivated the fighting spirit of the earth system, so in addition to part of his own talent, his strength relied on a special fighting spirit bonus. Can do it.

It is also for this reason that, thanks to its super resistance to magic, Vance can be said to have not only powerful power, but even Zhang Yang, who is relatively afraid of magic attacks.

Only when he looked back carefully, Vance suddenly realized that before he had advanced to the seventh-tier legendary level, it seemed that in terms of pure power, this guy was much worse than the guy in front of him!

Or how to say 'The Lost East Sum Shouyu Sangyu', although it seems that Zhang Yang is a bit 'fragile' when facing the high-level magician, but once he is seized the opportunity to launch a close attack, then unless there is What a powerful life-saving means, or even a magician of the level of Sang Nali, caught by Zhang Yang, I am afraid that it will still be the end of a hit with a broken shield.

Furthermore, Zhang Yang, who possesses the body of Eure, not only recovers very fast without overloading, but even those thunder skills that are ‘self explored’ are equally powerful! Let ’s not talk about it for the rest, just [Thunderbolt Strengthening] this trick that can comprehensively raise one ’s own strength, speed, physical fitness, etc. a series of abilities in two large orders, under normal circumstances it is definitely the kind of useless, Once used up, regardless of the enemy, go to the half-life ban!

And Zhang Yang? As far as his current body is concerned, not only can he use such a “forbidden move” many times in a short period of time, even in terms of the current situation, both the number of uses and the duration of each time, all with the gradual improvement of his strength Increase accordingly!

From this point of view, although the strength possessed by Zhang Yang has obvious defects, the advantages are also huge.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang really met an opponent who can match his strength in strength and even better than a few chips! Therefore, after nearly half a minute of stalemate, Zhang Yang's feet were already pressed into the crushed stone chips by the huge force. Zhang Yang finally decided to temporarily give up this kind of "top cow" general contest. The way, the body shook his body to temporarily remove the power from the other side, and at the same time the whole person stepped forward and did not retreat, and a pair of iron fists went straight to the head and face of the white-haired Vance with a dull sound. past!

So the difference in skills between the two is highlighted. Although the strength of the white-haired Vance is extremely strong, his main powerful direction is the cultivation and use of grudge. At most, the use of a warhammer is added. .

Therefore, once the empty-handed combat is now started, even though Vance has extremely rich combat experience, he still cannot compare with Zhang Yang, who is proficient in a variety of empty-handed combat skills and the combat experience is not worse than him!

So after almost half a leak, Vance's mentality gradually changed from a playful start to a surprise, and then after Zhang Yang expanded his fighting skills, he was beaten frequently, but he couldn't beat the enemy's Wan anyway. Si, but was shocked, and now it has been completely transformed into a shock!

So that at this moment, the gray-haired Vance was not only whispering, is this mysterious kid himself a rather rare combatant? But this level of fighting skills seems to have never appeared on the mainland?

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