Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1462: After the repression of grudge

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In fact, it is not surprising that Vance was surprised. Basically, apart from a few rare cases, fighters who use boxing and fighting are rarely able to take advantage when fighting other warfighters.

After all, the real battle is not a child's play, but there are very few times when you are one-on-one. Therefore, combatants who use fisted blades, wrists and even gloves to fight in chaos are basically difficult to deal with enemies in all directions. Not to mention that once faced with large targets, their weakness to lack sufficient attack power will be highlighted.

Therefore, even though many people on the Orlando mainland choose the profession of fighters, but few people can really achieve high-level training. Even among the currently known fighters on the mainland, there is no one who even reaches the legendary level of tier seven. No.

From this point, it is not difficult to see how unpopular a combatant is.

But are the fighters really weak? Apply the proverb that circulates among magicians ‘There is no useless magic, only useless magicians’. In fact, this sentence is also the same for the fighters. It is not that the fighter is a weak profession, but that the person who chooses to become a brother's career has not exerted its advantages.

After all, in a sense, if you want to be an excellent fighter, the threshold for entry is much higher than being a warrior or swordsman! After all, one of the most important points is that while having far more power than ordinary people, it must also have a super fast reaction speed and physical coordination, otherwise how can it be able to successfully approach the other party in the battle of life and death, and then give the other party a fatal one What about it?

Moreover, under the same conditions, whether a swordsman or a weapon master meets the above conditions, they can exert more powerful fighting power, and the danger is much lower than that of the fighters.

Therefore, in view of the multi-party conditions, it seems that apart from being able to exert its own combat power without weapons, so as to unintentionally launch a sneak attack, it seems that only a small place can see a little advantage.

However, Zhang Yang in the battle of Vance ’s thoughts at this moment naturally does not know, and although he seems to have the advantage at the moment, he turns around and almost defeats the powerful white-haired Vance with nothing to parry. Fighting back, but Zhang Yang knew in his own heart that the reason for this is because his skill in boxing is higher than that of Vance, on the other hand, Vance hasn't really been up to now.

After all, the reason why the 7th-level legendary combatants are powerful, in addition to being able to use the wings of the grudge to make up for the shortcomings of insufficient mobility and easy terrain limitations, the use of grudge itself can also not be ignored. One aspect.

It should be known that for combatants who practice fighting spirit, as long as they reach the sixth-order purple gold level, they can use the fighting spirit to directly condense weapons to attack, not to mention the super strong like the white-haired Vance, which is above the seventh-tier legend. The person.

If this is the case, Zhang Yang ’s situation will definitely not be as optimistic as it is now. It is important to know that although Zhang Yang himself has been unable to use this technique because of his inability to practice and use grudge, he is well aware of this direct release of condensation with his grudge. What a powerful weapon!

Because it is a relationship formed purely by fighting spirits, even though this weapon cannot have the sturdiness of a real weapon, it has no weight at all and can be regarded as an extension of its own body. Secondly, this This kind of grudge blade can be regarded as a highly concentrated element weapon, so in addition to having most of the physical characteristics, when it is used to attack, it will cause a lot of elemental damage!

This is almost the most important method used by high-ranking warfighters on the continent today. That is, when dealing with enemies with strong physical defense defenses, this purely condensed weapon can be used. The power beyond imagination, even to directly ignore the opponent's physical defense and cause full elemental damage is not uncommon.

Therefore, from this point of view, once the gray-haired Vance uses this grudge or other similar skills, then for Zhang Yang, who is somewhat weak in protection, it is really dangerous.

Fortunately, the "Fighting Blade" should also be regarded as a kind of weapon in a certain sense, so for the two men who agreed to fight empty-handed at the moment, once they used the weapon, they would lose.

However, the problem is that if the identity and strength of the white-haired Vance were suppressed due to deliberate release of water, even when his attack was always defeated, Zhang Yang ’s fist with a small weight could always fall on him. At that time, after a while, Vance was beaten a little bit depressed, so that he began to subconsciously increase his strength. Later, not only every punch and foot will bring out a loud noise in the air, which is caused by huge strength and speed. The wind pressure brought by it hung a whirlwind in the courtyard!

In this case, even with Zhang Yang ’s physical fitness and strength, he dared not have too much contact with Vance. Even when it was an attack, Zhang Yang dared to use only four or five forces, and the rest It is all used for strain. Otherwise, looking at the current situation, once caught by the angry Vance, I was afraid that Zhang Yang would not be able to walk around.

Of course, it is precisely because the movements of the two of them at the moment are unconsciously getting bigger and bigger, which is more powerful for Zhang Yang's fighting skills!

Even in the face of the full-strength "Destruction Hammer" Vance, Zhang Yang can still maintain his offensive at the moment, and he can always avoid all Vance's attacks with clever steps and amazing reaction speed. !

For Zhang Yang, who put all his body and mind into the current battle, this situation did not find anything wrong, but in the eyes of Sang Nali, the horrible color could no longer be concealed, so that this normal day The genius magic girl who was not afraid of fear began to secretly rejoice that he had not taken care of himself when fighting this person before, and when he came up, the firepower was fully opened and distanced from it.

Otherwise, in the current situation, once this guy has seized the opportunity to get close, in terms of her reaction speed and ability to fight, it is not a part of being instantaneously killed!

After all, just by listening to the slamming sound of the gray-haired Vance holding the grudge at the moment when the body of the stone was hit by Wright's fist and foot, you can guess how powerful the guy's hand is. Even Sanna Li felt that even if the simple power that Wright showed at the moment was not as good as that of "Grandpa Vance", it should not be too much difference, otherwise, if the exquisitely crafted high-grade soft leather armor on Vance, how could it be It looks a little deformed, it seems that it will be cracked apart all the time?

In fact, with the passage of time, the Vance in battle is also more and more shocked!

Although in terms of his strong physical defense ability after using the grudge, this kind of blow can not reach the level that hurts him, but the punch is fleshy, and he always finds a chance to strike his joints, which is still white. Fawans felt the long-lost pain.

But this is actually secondary, after all, for a strong man who has suffered many battles and suffered numerous injuries, not to mention the small injury at the moment, which is a serious injury such as a broken arm and broken leg, it is also impossible. Make him frown.

But the problem is that the majestic "Hammer of Destruction" was beaten by a junior in a circle, which is a bit too embarrassing! What's more, there are not only two of them here. Except for the little girl Sanalli, who is not far away, Vance will not forget that although he is in the palace, he has a way to gain insight into the whole situation and to take place in the entire Violet Castle. Everything you see in the eyes of the Queen of Magic, Master Estra!

So when the battle went on for nearly two points, Vance, who was finally completely outraged by Zhang Yang, could n’t help but burst out of the grudge he had been photographing in his body before, and suddenly he saw the original arm defense. But Si stretched out his arms suddenly, and at the same time, as a golden grudge burst out of his body, the huge explosive force generated at that moment even set off a strong vibration in the air.

So at this moment, Zhang Yang, who was only a few meters away from Vance, had a hard time. In the face of this almost full-scale explosion of arrogance without dead ends, even with Zhang Yang, only the arms curled up helplessly resist this option.

After all, the speed of this majestic earth system's grudge burst was too fast, and in a flash, everything within 50 meters centered on Vance was blown away without saying. The grievances of the Department even rushed all other elements in the range!

This is good, because Zhang Yang is too close to him. After receiving almost all the power of this explosion, even after Zhang Yang Zhineng waited for the golden light in his eyes to subside and his body to regain control, he was the whole person. Has been hit hard against the walls of the palace in the distance!

(Cough! Is this how the Tier 7 legendary warriors explode their grievances? In terms of this power, it seems that it is not just as simple as the Tier 7 legendary intermediate level? Could it be that their own "luck" came again, Walking to meet a strong man is the seventh-level legendary senior or even the seventh-level legendary peak-level fierce man ?!)

In fact, it ’s no wonder that Zhang Yang was a little bit confused. Just now, the grudge broke out, not only made him closest to the center of the explosion to be rushed to resist, and then the whole person fell like a meteorite on the outer wall of the palace, even at the moment even behind him. The outer walls of the palace, which are full of magic runes and no less than ordinary metal, are now smashed by him like a spider web, with a crack of three or four square meters!

From this, we can see how amazing the power of the gray-haired Vance's outburst of anger was, but after the golden light flashed, everything within 50 meters around it was utterly intact, even the feet were extremely strong and quilted. The slate ground specially reinforced by the Magic Array was also nearly half-flected by this vigor, and it was not until twenty or thirty meters away that we could see a little of the original appearance.

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