Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1507: Page's happy time (sixteen)

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Everyone is afraid of death, even though some people may suddenly be too stimulated to think about it and give birth to death, but as long as they survive this most difficult period, most people ’s ideas will slowly change. It's not just the survival instinct of the living body that dissolves in the blood veins that plays a role, the bitter taste of time is also indispensable.

However, life is always inevitable. This is not only the law of nature, but also an important law for the operation of all things in the world.

Therefore, even as strong as the ancient gods, after a long and long time, they will still usher in a day of long sleep. Of course, many times death is not really the end, it may just be another beginning. Many people may disdain this point, but the existence of the undead spirit actually proves the truth of this point.

It is a pity that no matter whether it is a low-level undead or a pure strongman, the soul left behind after death, even the lich who claims to be eternal, is still just a rushing passenger in front of the truly eternal years and time, a brilliant burning A fleeting spark.

Nothing can really exist forever, even in this vibrant and multi-faceted Orlando world, after going through hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes and changes, it is still inevitable to go to a complete desolation and silence, and finally in a longer length The eruption or collapse in the years becomes part of that endless void.

So from this point of view, nothing can be separated from the fate of death or extinction. Even when all the planets or planes in the endless void and the void itself disappear, can the so-called 'fate' itself continue to exist? It is also an unknown.

But even so, life will still eliminate all difficulties to survive and pass on. Even if limited by the type, some lives can only survive for a few days or even a few hours, but as long as they are alive, they have a variety of luck. Such possibilities and hopes.

So even though Paige is scared now, he does n’t want to die, not to mention being killed by a group of crazy and hungry silver-backed mongooses compared to being killed by a sword or being instantly bombarded by magic. The worst ending!

So at this moment, the speed of running between the forests was increased to the ultimate page. In order to reduce the consumption of body protection and grudge as much as possible, he could only struggle to shift his brain, even when he found that there were too many silver back cats around him. When iterating, Page will also release a grudge explosion technique that is rarely used in ordinary combat. At the cost of consuming half of the grudge, the body part of the body is released as a shock wave in the form of a shock wave, so as to achieve the surrounding The purpose of pushing away most substances and elements.

Speaking of this method, Page also remembered the flash of light in anxiety. Although the consumption of half of the grudge is not a small number for Paige, who ca n’t wait to break a grudge in half at this moment, but try After using it once, he found that although this level of consumption seemed to be shocking on the surface, it was more saving than the grudge used to defend when being eaten by dozens of silver-backed mongooses at the same time. About one-third!

Not only that, but when he first used it, Paige was happy and ignored an important discovery, until he was about to run to the edge of the woods, and for the third time he used a grudge explosion to push away the crazy silver-backed mongooses around him. However, he inadvertently noticed that these small monsters with amazing speed and sharp teeth and claws, after being hit by a grudge explosion, would fall into a state of dizziness for a short time, about two instants!

At this time, they were repelled by the grudge, let alone continue to attack, even the sense of direction and the balance bar seemed to be greatly affected! After being rushed away, not only did they squeak and squeak, but some of them ran into trees or stones, and even delayed for about two seconds on the basis of dizziness!

So when Page accidentally discovered this, an idea that was crazy and bold for him suddenly rose uncontrollably from his heart! That is to find a relatively narrow place to use yourself as bait, and then wait for most of the silver-backed mongoose to pounce on him, and then he will use the skills of arrogance to explode, he will probably create a few Two instants and four instants of "vacuum period" to launch a counterattack!

In this way, as long as Page can increase his attack speed to the extreme in this time, then the relatively fragile body of these silver-backed mongooses can not only complete the task in an instant, but also expand the results. After nearly half of the silver-backed mongooses were killed and wounded, even if the remaining ones did not escape because of fear, I believe that if you come back one or two times according to this method, it should be almost the same.

(This method is feasible, but the problem is that these two points have now been missed. Counting the acceleration and defense and the consumption of three grudge explosions, now there are only 30% and less than 40% of the grudge in the body. As such After all, running the remaining distance of more than a thousand meters is a breeze, but if you do it that way, the remaining grudge will become very tense once you fail. This is really ... if you can find this method early Alright!)

Some people say that success is like a poison. Once you have tried it once, you will become irresistibly addicted and want more.

In fact, Page at the moment is equivalent to this "just addicted" state, even if his previous personality is a little cowardly, and because he has never experienced the relationship of fighting hard, it seems a bit timid, but this is all before being family members The reason for overprotection.

In contrast, how can a young man who is able to cultivate his arrogance to the present level with his own efforts without fear of hardship and steadfastness, how could he not want to be a respectable and truly powerful person?

Moreover, after being injured once and experiencing the joy and pride of surviving the opponent, the desire to succeed, to further prove himself, and then to make himself stronger, began to breed in his heart irresistibly.

So just after an instant, Page decided to make a gamble! Paige, who was running at full strength, had to slow down a little under the last resort, and was bitten by several more bites. Finally, a small piece of broken wall covered with vines was found not far away in front of the left. Crushed his teeth and rushed past.

To be honest, Page never thought that such a remote and desolate place would be inhabited by people, and judging from the size of the ruins, when it was glorious, it should be at least a luxurious manor with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

It's a pity that time has passed and the years have been ruthless, no matter how prosperous it has been, there are only a few small walls and corridors that have not completely collapsed, covered with moss and vines, and withered branches and leaves .

Fortunately, Page was not here to remember the past and archaeology. The reason why he liked it was that the two-meter-high corner that had been put together at a right angle and had not collapsed existed. Although this situation is quite different from the environment envisioned by Page in which only one side is open on three sides of the wall, Page was already lucky enough to find such a usable relic in the woods of inaccessibility. Where else will you be content?

And I don't know if it is because of seeing the relationship of hope. Under the sudden speed increase at this moment, Paige was really surprised to find that his limit speed seems to have increased a little bit! This situation is really exciting for Page, who has barely felt the progress of his own strength in the past two years.

Furthermore, because of the large amount of floor tiles remaining under the ground near the ruins of this fragment of the wall, even today, even after hundreds of years of wind and rain, they can't hug the surrounding people. Compared to the tall woods, the surrounding area is really bright and spacious.

So when Peggy dragged the light green grudge light shadow that was left behind due to the rapid running, he suddenly felt the light in front of him, and a bright moonlight in the sky had already passed through the ruins. The open space fell down.

This situation suddenly made Paige overjoyed, and then his heart was inadvertently increased by two points. After all, fighting in such a relatively bright place, for him, both the hit rate of the attack and the control of the surrounding environment are much stronger than in the dark woods.

So just after arriving at the ruins, Page did not directly rush to the corner of the wall, but instead found a high and one low and two collapsed corridor columns around a dozen meters away.

After so many leaks, the group of silver-backed mongooses who bite Paige all over them chased them, so Paige also sweated a little on his head, after all, even if there were two stone pillars for him to go around He couldn't dodge around, but the number of the other party's more than twenty and the speed generally not slower than him, still forced Paige into a mess, so that he had been attacked more than twenty times in this short and a half , The consumption of grudge in the body of light increased by 10%!

So at this time, Page knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so at this moment, he decided to rush to the corner of the wall in a few steps, and then suddenly stood still, he would directly defy the external body protection. It's the biggest!

To this group of silver-backed mongooses who had been chasing for a while, they would be kind to him. When they saw the prey finally stopped and did not run, they rushed up like a swarm of bees, and immediately surrounded Paige. The water leaks from a distance and it seems to become a large hairball that can't stop moving.

At this moment Paige said not to be nervous and afraid that it was absolutely deceptive. After all, a dozen silver-backed mongooses with their red eyes could not be bitten and scratched tightly. This is enough to think about it. Let people make nightmares for a few days!

And this is not the most terrible. At the moment when this group of silver-backed mongooses all pounced on, Pai's body protector was struggling [Lock Fog Clothing] and immediately had a sign of collapse! So at this moment Paige, who had almost 20% of his grievances in the body, finally chose to fight hard.

So that while the whole person retreated three steps back instantly with his memory, he did his best to show his grudge explosion while he did his best, even with his body shattered and shattered [Lock Mist Clothing] One pass detonated!


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