Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1508: Page's Happy Time (17)

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As a kind of Warcraft that is only known for its speed and agility, the silver-backed mongoose not only has nearly the lowest attack power in the same level of Warcraft, but even its own anti-strike ability and resistance to various abnormal states are also amazing. Therefore, besides being extremely soft and light, it has a good resistance to such damage as blunt blows. It is perhaps the most important basis for their survival and reproduction to like to use family units for group hunting.

So do n’t look at this group of silver-backed mongooses almost all have to be judged to be third-order Warcraft, but in fact, if they can find a way to limit their speed, then these silver-backed mongooses will instantly turn from a group of extremely difficult enemies, Directly turned into a nest of sheep sheep to be slaughtered!

Therefore, when Page held the unsuccessful determination of Cheng Ren to blast the body protector [Lock Mist Clothing] together with the grudge explosion, its power was immediately three times greater than the simple grudge explosion! From a distance, Peggy, who had been completely submerged by dozens or twenty silver-backed mongooses, suddenly suddenly lit up dozens of bright blue lights from the gap!

At the same time, there was a loud bang, and as a large number of wind-style grudges suddenly blasted around Page, that surging power not only instantly rushed all the silver-backed mongooses hanging outside him, its power Even the grass and gravel within a few meters of the surrounding area were blown clean, so that the stone ground buried deep under the dead leaves was vaguely exposed!

It's a pity that at this moment Paige didn't have any extra thoughts to applaud the trick he came up with. At the moment, when he was free, he shouted nonstop, and then his hands glowed with light green light. 'S long sword waved around him with the fastest speed like crazy.

So the thing that surprised Paige himself finally appeared, although because there are only two walls available in the corner of the corner, the trick just just rushed seven or eight silver-backed mongooses to the wall and hit a seven. Halo element.

As for the rest of the silver-backed mongooses, good luck is just being rushed out of a dozen or twenty meters, and then they fell on the ground, shook their heads, and climbed up. Those with less luck were either After hitting the stone pillar, he was also stunned, or he fell on the tree and shook his leaves, and then screamed and rolled to the ground.

But at this moment, Paige, who spent so much effort and almost gave all his cards to the one-off, finally realized what is called "sweetness at harvest"!

After all, in his experience, where can we think that when the grudge explodes and the body grudge grudge [lock fog clothing] detonates in one pass, its power will increase so much! Not only did all eight 'cruel' silver-backed mongooses hit the two stone walls all at once, they even inserted all eight silver-backed mongooses at the fastest speed in their lives until Paige's sword fell When they died, they hadn't eased yet!

It's a pity that for Paige at this moment, it is already his limit to be able to achieve this level. After all, after using the grudge explosion, in order to increase the speed of his sword as much as possible, he especially increased the opponent's double swords. The output of the grudge is up, so now Paiqi is full and he will leave Baba with a grudge.

So even if Page was determined to kill all the remaining 'little monsters' who had chased him for several miles, the actual situation was completely beyond his willfulness. After all, it seems like a lot of grudges, but it ’s simply not realistic to want to use them all!

After all, Paige was also a student of the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Demon Academy, so he naturally knew that if he completely exhausted his internal fighting, it would not only directly lead to fatigue, but when he later recovered, the speed of the fighting will be reduced to A very low level!

Therefore, from the point of view of vindictiveness control, even if you use the "extreme training method" to exercise vindictiveness, it is best to leave at least half of it, which is equivalent to 5% of the total vindictiveness in your body, for recovery. In addition to that, Page is still in the woods at the moment, and wants to leave here to go to a relatively safe place and meet with Wright ’s instructor. There is at least two miles away, so the rest of the grudge is even a escape. It may not be enough, where else dare to play any heartbeat?

Moreover, although he killed eight silver-backed mongooses at once with a meter, judging from the reactions of the remaining silver-backed mongooses who were not in a coma, they did n’t seem to be afraid of the killing of their companions, but one by one. All the madness rushed towards him!

Seeing the cold sweat on Paige ’s forehead burst out, he was too late to confirm whether the eight silver-backed mongooses beside him were dead or not. In general, he rushed in the direction of the woods.

What surprises Page, however, is that when the remaining dozen silver-backed mongooses came after him, the speed was two points faster than before, even if it was compared to Page's running speed on the flat ground. Don't try too much. But the problem is that everyone is running in the woods now!

In terms of size, flexibility, speed of response, flexibility, and familiarity with the woods, Paige does not have any advantage over the silver-backed mongoose behind him.

Moreover, in such a situation where every few meters will encounter a big tree blocking the road, Page's running speed can be at least more than half of his limit, which is still Page's ruthlessness. The heart is completely unavoidable for those thorns and canes, and endures the result of whipping and running wildly.

In this way, even if he had the advantage of running first, when he ran out of about four or five hundred meters, Page was still chased by a silver-backed mongoose who had no luck and had not hit anything before, and did not faint. Got on. So at this moment, Page was suddenly in trouble. At this moment, his remaining grudge is really pitiful, and it is impossible to balance speed and defense.

However, if you choose to defend your body, only facing the attack of a silver-backed mongoose, Paige is confident that you can stand out of the woods, but then the speed will inevitably slow down suddenly, or even reduce to the present. One third is not as good.

In this way, although it looks nothing in a short time, Page knows that there is only a time difference of at most ten instants between him and those silver-backed mongooses who have been knocked out! If this is the case, as long as his speed slows down, fearing that it will range from ten instants to at most twenty instants, he will be caught up by the dozen or so angry silver-backed mongooses!

By that time, Paige, who had already reached his bottom, did not say to use "burst of explosion" to retreat the enemy.

So I wanted to understand these Paige's teeth in no time, and no matter if the silver-backed mongoose had stretched out his claws and showed his fangs to him, then he continued to rush forward without any effort!

So in the next moment, Page only felt that there was a sudden chill in the back, followed by a fierce, as if three sharp blades crossed the pain at the same time. Not only that, because the claws of the silver-backed mongoose are narrow and thin, most of the wounds caused by it are narrow and long.

In this case, because Paige is running at full strength, he lacks sufficient control over his body, and he suddenly feels like a broken water bag behind his back, and the bright red blood suddenly comes from the narrow wound Come out!

Fortunately, the only thing is that the silver-backed mongoose's claws are sharp, but they are not long enough to penetrate Paige's leather armor, clothing, and epidermal muscles before hurting his bones. So do n’t look at Paige ’s back and buttocks, and the scars are completely red with blood, but the serious injuries are really nothing.

However, when Page could already vaguely see the edge of this wood, three silver-backed mongooses caught up in the darkness behind him!

So Paige, who found this point, was suddenly half cold. If it was just one or two silver-backed mongooses, even if he rushed to him on the run, Paige could barely throw it back, and it would n’t How much impact it has on speed. After all, the length and weight of these silver-backed mongooses are there. Even for Page, who is not good at power, he can barely cope with one or two words.

But if the number changes from one to four, not to mention that Paige now does n’t have enough grudge to strengthen himself. Once four crazy silver-backed mongooses rush to the body and bite and scratch, he Whether it can be carried down is really a problem.

Furthermore, even if the weight of each silver-backed mongoose is only about ten Parker, but if a few more are turned into four, if all of them are thrown on him in one moment, then the total will be 60 or 70 Parker. Lizhong! Almost all are equivalent to a set of heavy armor!

In this case, even if Paige can carry it, his running speed will drop sharply. When the rest of the silver-backed mongooses chasing behind catch up, I do n’t have to use a dozen or so together under the vicious circle. Half is enough to kill Peggy's life!

So at this moment Paige's eyes are also red! So much so that with his sudden shouts, Paige, who had already consumed the last five percent of the warning line, was no longer able to take care of the problem of recovering in the future. At the same time above the legs, the running speed of the whole person in the woods was miraculously increased again by about 10%!

So as Paige ’s speed changed suddenly, not only the “lucky” silver-backed mongoose who had been walking behind him, but had scratched him for a long time, suddenly threw himself empty, and even the other three had just chased behind him. The silver-backed mongoose approaching 20 meters away was suddenly pulled back a short distance under his sudden acceleration!

So at this moment, Paige, who tried his best to escape, did not find that at this critical moment in life and death, although his speed has not been broken again, but his physical coordination ability and reaction speed are indeed a step up from before!

Therefore, when Page dismissed all the thoughts in his heart and devoted himself to sprinting, turning, and dodge, he was suddenly shining in the running, unconsciously, he had already stepped out After this forest, I was bathed in the light of the silver moon again!

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