Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1514: The price of the strong

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(So ​​why do I want to be stronger? As a member of the Lannister family, I can obviously enjoy a life of ease and prosperity without hard work, and even if I already knew how hard I could practice, But because of his talent, he didn't have the opportunity to truly reach the top. So the question is why he has sacrificed countless time and energy to cultivate arrogance from childhood.

Because most mornings and mornings are a golden time for most professionals to absorb particles of external elements and then practice qi or magic, so during this time period, even in the Sacred Magic Academy, basically let the students themselves There are no other courses in cultivation.

So for the page that has already reached the fourth-order silver advanced level, and even if it does not deliberately deliberately practice the fighting gas, the fighting gas will slowly run on its own, unless the body is too exhausted and needs to be responded as soon as possible, or concentrate on purification Except for promotion, he basically no longer needs to spend a lot of time to run the grudge like most low-level combatants.

So when Paige and Zhang Yang were separated, he did not go back to the small building to which the Warrior Branch of the Saint Demon Academy participated in the regular training activities carried out by the members of the Warrior Academy every morning, but came to the Lannister family near the Saint Demon Academy. Wash up and clean up in an industry.

To be honest, when Page came to the bathroom and saw his appearance in the mirror, he was shocked by his appearance in the mirror! Even when he entered the city, the guards at the gate of the city had washed the bucket like washing animals, but at this moment, Page still felt that he was really embarrassed, and it was no different from the tramp.

You know he is surnamed Lannister! It is not modest to say that in terms of the amount of gold coins stored, I am afraid that even the royal assets of the magic kingdom Pompeii may not have a rich family. So not to mention that the clothes and leather armor all over the body are covered with stains and wounds as if they were chewed by giants. It is very rare that the body is slightly stained with mud.

So at this moment, I felt that my body had not been so dirty from small to large, so I immediately jumped into the bath and washed it carefully. So now he found out that, although only one night had passed, his body had already added dozens of scars that were faintly visible out of thin air!

This is also the reason why Page used a lot of "healing potions" at all costs. Otherwise, the injuries he suffered in the first war alone would be enough to let him lie in bed for ten days and eight days, and the wounds would not stay as shallow as now. Shallow imprint, but a bag of meat.

So when he saw his own look, Page reminded him of the question that 'the one' asked himself, and he fell into meditation uncontrollably.

Regardless of the meaning of life or the meaning of fighting or becoming stronger, these are things that people should pursue in their lifetime. It's just that because he has just experienced a major turning point in his life, when he was asked such a question, Page had a profound experience.

(Is the meaning of becoming stronger?)

Not to mention that Page was alone in the bath and was lost in thought. Zhang Yang, who was separated from it, was looking for a place to change back to his original costume and returned to the Douqi Branch of the Holy Demon College for the first time. So it is not a coincidence that at this time, Alvor, the mentor of the Warrior Branch, and others just completed their routine grudge training and are preparing to learn from each other to hone their combat skills.

"Early, mentor Wright! Just now we were wondering why I didn't see you here, and I didn't expect you to appear as soon as I mentioned you. How? Are you interested in pointing out our combat skills?"

Although Zhang Yang feels that his claim is a little too conservative for Alvor, he still respects this man who is still willing to lead the members of the Warrior Academy under such circumstances. So after Alvor spoke, Zhang Yang nodded slightly and replied:

"Don't dare to give me advice. In fact, I also want to know your tactics and strength. After all, only in this way can we arrange appropriate tactics in the competition of the whole hospital in a month."

"Haha! I knew that Wright's instructor was not a stingy person, and would definitely agree to our request!"

After seeing Zhang Yang's consent at this moment, waiting for Alvor's suggestion to open his mouth, the shooter mentor Munch, who was wearing a dark green leather armor with a long bow and shoulders, spoke first and happily.

To be honest, Zhang Yang felt a little puzzled about this situation. After all, it was not a big deal for him to practice this kind of thing. Why did the mentors of the Warriors Academy look so excited after he agreed?

Of course, because Zhang Yang has too little time to contact these people, and there is no relationship between them at all, so at this moment Zhang Yang has some doubts but he is not good to ask directly. So in this case, Zhang Yang took a fairly uncut long sword on the weapon rack next to him, and practiced with each other after saluting with Alvor ...

After such a leak ...

"Hoo! Ho! Ho! Wright mentor is really strong! Not only is the speed and power far superior to ours, even now we have gone all out, but you have not even used the grudge, this gap is really embarrassing! Hahaha ! "

From the first one-on-one battle, to two or three people joining together, within a short period of time, Zhang Yang will rely on a long sword in his hand to fight the three warrior college instructors Alvo, Munch and Piper. Beat all. However, to Zhang Yang's surprise, the three warrior academy mentors did not show any unhappiness because of failure at the moment, but instead looked very happy while panting!

The most handsome sword dancer instructor, Piper, quickly guessed that Zhang Yang might be puzzled, and then smiled and said:

"Somewhat weird? The three of us were clearly defeated but still laughing so happy?"

"How much is there."

"Hey, Wright mentor really is a person who has one, one, two, and two. Actually, the reason is very simple. Presumably, you also know that, like the three of us, who have entered the fifth-level gold rank, if they have strength If you want to go further, you have to do a lot of actual combat training. However, for us who chose this easy job and do n’t want to kill again, it is not an easy thing to continue to improve our strength. "

Hearing here, Zhang Yang naturally nodded slightly. The so-called greater risk increases the benefit, and the same reason applies to professionals. Therefore, since you have chosen a comfortable life, you must be prepared to pay the corresponding price. But what does this have to do with the competition?

Thinking of this, he heard Piper continue to say:

"However, as a professional, where can we truly be lonely? In addition, we also have the important task of cultivating the students of the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Devil Academy. The gap between colleges is getting bigger and bigger, I am afraid that over time, the sense of slackness will not be passed on to the students. So in this case, we finally came up with a comparison test with the strong, so as to improve It ’s a pity the method of combat power ... "

However, Piper said that there was a slight sigh, while Alvor next to him continued at the moment:

"It's a pity that war fighters are not very valued in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, so under the influence of the magician supremacy, there are fewer and fewer people in China who choose to become war fighters, and their strength can exceed ours. That ’s even less. As a result, the idea that we want to find strong players to hone our skills is suddenly very difficult, plus many times, even if we finally find high-level strong players to fight, most people are not very willing. Take care of us, so it is really a very happy thing for me to be able to compete with Wright. "


To be honest, when I heard here, Zhang Yang felt quite speechless. He wanted to live a comfortable life and wanted to improve his strength. How can there be the best of both worlds? If this is the case, would n’t everyone be able to hide in the city and practice without any worries to level 5 gold or even level 6 purple gold?

Therefore, it seems that the reason why the Warrior Academy has become weaker in recent years is really related to the thoughts and attitudes of these mentors. So after listening to these words, Zhang Yang suddenly asked with a smile:

"This seems to be a good solution, but I am also curious. In terms of the strength of the three, they should already be able to make a clear judgment on their own progress. Then after today's battle, do you feel Has your own strength increased? "

"This is natural. Competing with a strong man such as Wright Master has a huge boost to the strength of the three of us! Although it has not yet reached the level of qualitative change, as long as it can come a few times ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yangshi couldn't be silent anymore, so he saw the smile on his face instantly and said lightly:

"How many more times? How many times do you need to improve your strength? Ten times or one hundred times? Or hundreds of times?"

"This ... according to today's harvest, it should not be used a hundred times ..."

"Oh, Tutor Alvo really laughs! Do you think those who are stronger than you are usually idle? Or is it good to fight against people who are less powerful than yourself? Don't be naive! I admit This world is cruel and realistic, so do n’t expect other strong people to do such a thankless job for no reason! Therefore, I urge you to say something about the status of your colleagues at this moment. Otherwise, you should stop complaining about daydreaming! "

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