Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1515: Don't want to die threesome

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"Sure enough, it still doesn't work? Our thoughts ..."

"I remember that Lord Vance seemed to have spoken similarly to Instructor Wright?"

"Yeah, Master Vance has never been to the Warrior Academy for guidance since then ..."



Originally, Zhang Yang thought that after the words were spoken, the three Alvos would be annoyed, and then they would throw away some harsh words. Who would think that the three of them not only did not seem to be angry, but all smiled bitterly. Sigh!

What's more, Zhang Yang was surprised when he heard the sentence that Piper just said. After all, who is Vance is very clear. If he didn't guess wrong, the 'white-haired' Vance is probably the battleship of Pompeii, the magic kingdom. The first of them! But what Zhang Yang didn't expect was that the barbecue-loving old man had said something similar to him, and he never came here quite capriciously because of disappointment or other reasons.

(So ​​to put it this way ... Judging by the gray hair Vance supporting the Earth Dragon Legion and the protection and expectation of the Pompeii civil servants in the magic kingdom, it is absolutely not like that it will be wrong because of Alvor and the three of them. For those who let go, on the contrary, according to the character of the old gentleman, the possibility of personally 'correcting' the three of them is more likely. So he didn't do this, and he hasn't even come since. , There must be something hidden in it. Could it be ... to avoid suspicion? It seems that even an ancient kingdom like the magic kingdom Pompeii can't avoid things like factional struggle ...)

Perhaps Zhang Yang seems to be somewhat indifferent and indecisive in some respects, but in contrast, he is extremely sensitive in combat instinct and political intuition. Therefore, just from the clues discovered so far, Zhang Yang has inferred a lot of things keenly.

Of course, Zhang Yang may have many talents, but this definitely does not include talents such as 'prophet' or 'foreseeing'. So even if he has some guesses in his mind, unless he can get more relevant information or find evidence that can prove such assumptions and inferences, all these inferences and assumptions are still just fantasy.

Moreover, no matter what the truth is, the urgent task for Zhang Yang today is to find a way to increase the overall strength of the Warrior Academy as much as possible, so as to achieve the goal set by the Queen of Magic in the whole school competition one month later.

So Zhang Yang, who wanted to understand these in just a moment, finally sighed and said again:

"Being able to cross the threshold of the fifth-tier gold level, you should have understood these principles for a long time. So although it is not clear what you have experienced in order to produce such an idea, but I just want to ask one thing at this moment, you are really thinking Do you want to become stronger? To what extent can this be done? "

Perhaps it was unexpected that Zhang Yang didn't turn around and leave immediately after he said that, so when he opened the question again, Alvor suddenly seemed very surprised.

So the three men froze for a while, and then the archer mentor Munch responded the fastest, and then asked:

"What do you mean by asking this question? Would you still stay here to help us in this situation?"

Zhang Yang will not easily give a guarantee for this problem, so I saw that he shook his head first, and then when the three men and Alvo successively showed disappointment, Zhang Yang nodded again and said:

"Because of the order of Her Majesty the Queen of Magic, in order to win the relationship of freedom, I very much need the strength of the three at this moment. You all know this. And for me, it may not necessarily be possible to improve your strength of fighting spirit in a short time. I can do it, but I have some experience in improving combat skills and actual combat capabilities. The problem is ... "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang stopped but did not continue, but this was anxious to Alvor three people. After all, it ’s not terrible to be rejected. What really scary is to give you a hope and then destroy it. The second is just like what Zhang Yang did today. The important words just stopped after half of it, making the listeners feel itchy and impatient. At the same time, there is no way to hurry.

So at this moment the three Alvos asked almost unanimously:

"What is it?"

"What's the question?"

"what is the problem?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang suddenly showed a meaningful smile, and at the same time spoke lightly and continued:

"It's the same question just now. In order to continue to strengthen, what level of consciousness do you have? Or, where is your bottom line? Will you be afraid of pain or death?"

If Page is here, when he sees the expression of Zhang Yang at the moment, he will definitely warn Alvor and others for the first time. You must think carefully about this issue, otherwise you will wait for suffering! In other words, this is the conclusion that Page has personally verified with his body and blood!

It's a pity that at this time, Page was squatting in the bath and thinking about the meaning of life, so there was no 'coming person' who could remind Alvo of them, so at this moment Alvo only hesitated a little and then stayed with him The monkey and Piper exchanged glances before answering:

"For some of our own reasons, the three of us are the kind of people who are determined to stay away from killing and death. This is true for both ourselves and our enemies. So as long as we can guarantee that our lives are not endangered, then no matter what kind of hardship and injury We should be able to bear the pain. This is our only requirement. "

(Are you determined to awaken away from killing and death? It seems that they should have received some kind of huge stimulation before, or they have vowed to an important person like me, so this decision will be made. But the problem is that The threat of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is imminent and the crisis in the entire Orlando continent is imminent. How long will their vows last?)

Although thinking in this way, Zhang Yang would not say this. After all, this contains not only the secret information that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is about to be kept secret in order to prevent panic, but what use is it even if he says it?

So after Alwo expressed his position on behalf of the three people, Zhang Yang nodded slightly and said:

"Can you bear any kind of injury as long as you don't die? If you can really do this, then it is naturally not a problem to want to improve your strength."

"Really ?! What are you waiting for, let's start now!"

"Don't worry, there are still some details that need to be discussed and prepared, such as enough healing remedies, such as asking three bright priests to be stationed in the soldier branch, and ... a reward to help you become stronger."

"Remuneration? Wright tutor you ..."

When learning from Zhang Yang ’s mouth that there was a way to avoid killing and death and becoming stronger, the three Alvors were somewhat overjoyed, but they did not expect Zhang Yang to talk about the issue of remuneration. Zhang Yang smiled faintly, and then said again:

"Although if your strength can be improved, it may be helpful for me to complete the tasks arranged by the Queen, but even if I don't have you, I will spend a lot of effort. I don't think there will be any obstacles. So help you improve Strength is not good for me at all, but it will still be very tiring. Do you think it is fair? Or, I and you are not close relatives, why should I help you for no reason? "

"But aren't you also the honorary mentor of the Warriors Branch of the Sacred Demon Academy? Help us for a while ..."

"Really? If it is to teach students, it is reasonable, after all, this is the responsibility of the mentor. But who stipulates that I have to give you three mentors" class "? Does your majesty Queen of Magic pay me?

"This one……"

No matter in which world there is such a person, they are always complaining about it, and they always think that others should be good to them. If others are not good to them, then God is not fair. Of course, Alvor is not exactly such a person, but they always disregard other people's efforts and feelings, strictly speaking, they can be called selfish behavior, which really makes Zhang Yang feel disgusted.

In addition, Zhang Yang kindly ran into the magic kingdom Pompeii, but he was detained, and Alvor they did not want to take the risk and only want to get the attitude, so Zhang Yang finally made this compared with Peggy. Differentiate 'color decisions.

The problem is that for almost any professional, getting stronger is an irresistible temptation. This is especially true for the three Alvors who do not want to be in danger because of various hardships. So after only a little hesitation, Alvo once again agreed on behalf of the three people:

"Teacher Wright, you really make sense. If we can really increase our strength, the benefits are real, but we don't know what we need to pay for this? Money? Or magic weapons? Speaking of it, you are not afraid of Wright's joke, you see What we are doing now is that we ca n’t satisfy you with all our savings out ... "

The so-called Lu Yaozhi's horsepower has seen people's hearts for a long time. At the beginning, Zhang Yang also felt that the warrior mentor Alvor with a big face and a beard with a square face was a real person. Now he only finds out after a little contact. Do n’t look at this man ’s strength. Yes, but there are a lot of crooked eyes.

Therefore, Zhang Yang now feels that Peggy's boy is better than him. As for the shooter mentor Munch and the sword dancer mentor Piper, although they are not comparable to Alvor in terms of strength, There was more than one difference on the plane, so that now they are not only bluffed by Alvo, and then they take the lead, they may even think that the other is their backbone.

So in this case, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled and said in his usual plain tone:

"Yes, you really do n’t have something worth worrying about, so my condition is that once you choose to do 'special training', you ca n’t regret it, otherwise you will pay the price of death, and I will be in this month. Improve your actual combat capabilities as much as possible. As for the reward, it should be fair to choose three weapons or equipment in the underground chamber of the Warrior Academy? "


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