Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1696: Another magic

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The use of fifth-order magic at the level of fourth-order silver intermediate-level light sacrifice will inevitably pay the corresponding price. Even if the magic power is exhausted in a short period of time, the battle will not continue. Not only that, but the prerequisite for safe use of magic is that the total amount of remaining magic in the body is more than half, so even if there are still side effects of magic depletion, there will be no damage to the body and the foundation of strength.

However, if less than half of the magical power in the caster's body is used to force the use of magic, then the magical vortex that is the foundation of cultivation in the magician's body may be damaged as a result. Chance to cause the magic vortex to run wild and endanger life!

So generally speaking, the caster will either use leapfrog magic before half of the mana, or simply not use it, so the caster will not choose to do it when the mana is insufficient unless it is a last resort. After all, it's the same as death. Relatively speaking, the middle- and low-level casters may choose "self-detonation" to be more powerful ...

As for those guys who have apparently just used high-level magic once, if they forcefully use it again, let alone the question of the probability of success, it will be first hit for the body whose magic power has been completely exhausted! At that time, the damage to vitality is considered to be light. Once the spirit and soul are damaged, it is basically completely irreversible damage!

In this way, it is considered lucky to die on the spot. If it does not die for a while, it becomes a vegetative that can see and see, and hear, but can't move anywhere else in the body. That is the truly desperate state!

Therefore, assessing the total amount of one's own magic power and the consumption of individual magic, while judging the use of remaining magic power, in order to maximize their own strength, this is the most basic knowledge for a caster.

Therefore, for those two leapfrogs who used [Holy Light Shock] to perform the "Blood Cross" sacrifice, now they are almost equivalent to a "waste man". Although for the moment it seems that it has not been affected by any other than the exhaustion of magic power, and it can wave its staff in a white face and follow the companions, but want to let them cast spells again? Unless you really don't want to live anymore!

In contrast, for Zhang Yang, an outsider seems to have so much magical power that it is "incomprehensible". Anyone who sees it will feel a bit broken. And even if Zhang Yang ’s 'magic magic' released through the grudge bracelet doesn't have the power and variety of 'genuine' magic, but even the 'genuine' seven or eight points of power is amazing enough, after all, nothing can hold up How much! If there is not enough power, two shots will be made. If it is not possible, we can always be satisfied with the three consecutive shots?

But what everyone didn't know was that Zhang Yang's magic wave was as smooth and refreshing as splashing water, but its consumption rate of magic core also made ordinary people feel scalp! You should know that if you only use ice bombs, ice arrows, ice cones and other low-consumption magic, it is not a problem to release a few hundred times in terms of the water elemental energy contained in the six fourth-order water magic nuclei.

However, if intermediate-level magics such as diamond-shaped ice shield, ice wall technique, and ice spike are frequently used, then the same six fourth-order water magic nuclei can only be released one hundred and forty-five times! As for the limit of the ‘Brace of Victory’, which is the fifth-order magic, if you want to release it, please inlay six fifth-order cooked water magic cores first!

So do n’t look at Zhang Yang ’s appearance as a mysterious grand magician at this moment. It looks like middle and low-level magic, and he does n’t need to cast a mantra at all. He is as cool as splashing water. The fourth-order water magic nuclei have all been replaced twice, and even now the remaining water element energy in the third batch of magic nuclei is less than half! This is all money!

If you want to know, it is based on the basic market price of 500 gold coins for the fourth-order magic core. This ‘tangle bracelet’ needs to be embedded once, which requires six, that is, three thousand gold coins. According to the current combat intensity, if two or three points are missed, the energy contained in the six fourth-order magic nuclei will be used up. Therefore, if Zhang Yang wants to use the "fighting bracelet" to disguise as a magician for a long time, if he fights, So the reserve of hundreds of water magic nuclei above the fourth order is indispensable.

So it can be said that even if you do n’t have enough money to be able to use this “brace of grief”, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to play it. After all, a small-scale battle will cost nearly ten thousand gold coins. This is just using money to smash it. Like people!

The only thing to be thankful is that Zhang Yang is not too short of money now. What I really want to say is that the reserves of the third- and fourth-level magic nuclei of the water system are still inadequate, and the available fifth-order magic nuclei of the water system are extremely scarce. Of course, being able to use money to "smash" enemies is a very enjoyable thing. If you come here once in a while, it feels very good ...

It's a pity that although the vigorous bracelet is powerful, it has certain limits to use under Zhang Yang's current conditions. That is to say, when dealing with a large number of low-level enemies, the effect is extraordinary, but if the enemy's strength exceeds a certain limit, then the effect will be greatly reduced, and this limit is the threshold of fifth-order gold.

After all, unless you are willing to inlay six fifth-order water magic nuclei, you can only use the fourth-order magic at most, so the power is not enough. Moreover, for combatants, once the comprehensive strength reaches or exceeds the fifth-level gold level, then the body protection can basically offset the damage caused by the lower-level magic, and even the power of the level of magic will be greatly weakened. Therefore, in this case, the ice cones, ice balls, ice arrows and the like released by Zhang Yang through the "Brace of Victory" will lose most of their effects, and will only become a tool that simply consumes the enemy's fighting spirit.

For Zhang Yang, who currently only releases the highest order magic of the fourth order through the "Brace of Dou Qi", it is equivalent to basically losing the means to kill the enemy. So that now the three heavy armor knights who rely on a body of magic heavy armor and various state-type magic, forcibly increasing their comprehensive strength to above the fifth-level gold level, Zhang Yang cannot use the magical power released by the "fight bracelet" Breaking the defense outside of them can only rely on ice walls, ice thorns and the like to delay their progress.

Not only that, because several priests on the side of the 'Blood Cross' are also full of enthusiasm to follow behind the soldiers, so at this distance they can already continue to apply [Holy Shield] to the soldiers in front and add [Holy Light Protection] A]. As a result, not only the defensive power of the three heavy armor knights in the front has lost to the real Tier 5 warriors, but also the defensive power of the nine ordinary 'Blood Cross' fighters immediately behind Increase, almost become 'Xiaoqiang who can't die'!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang simply stopped the "magic-like" attack, and then shifted his focus to use it for defense. After all, compared to the low-power ice cones and the like, the Jingjin giant sword in Zhang Yang's hands is his true weapon!

However, when the battle line of the "Blood Cross" broke through many obstacles and had rushed to less than ten meters from Zhang Yang, the "Mediterranean" judge who was left alone to cast the spell finally released the magic prepared for a long time, so I saw that a lot of light elements accumulated on his scepter immediately rushed into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it exploded in the sky about 60 meters from the ground, and then formed a huge hemispherical light system junction, which will include Zhang Yang Everyone including the 'Blood Cross' fighters shrouded in!

"This is [Holy Light Enchantment]? Although the envelope is not small, but you are using it now, are you afraid that I will run away?"

The so-called art masters are bold, in terms of Zhang Yang's current strength, they are dare to fight against the legendary super powers, not to mention the dozen or so members of the Temple of Light who can't even reach the sixth level. The reason why Zhang Yang dragged the battle on for so long, in addition to wanting to ‘snatch away these people’, also personally observe and evaluate how their fighting power is.

Therefore, when he saw that the "Mediterranean Sea" had held back for a long time, and he just made such a not-so-strong border, Zhang Yang could not help but make a noise. It's just that the 'Mediterranean Sea' who was already exhausted and tired of Zhang Yang's 'sarcasm' smiled awkwardly, and then laughed until he barely stood up straight:

"Stupid blasphemer! Do you think this is just [Enlightenment of the Holy Light]? Ha! Then you are really wrong! This is the same divine technique as [Blessing of God] [Prison of Light] ah! Ha Haha! "

Along with the laughter of the ‘Mediterranean Sea’, the so-called 【Prison of Light】 had an amazing follow-up change after it was fully unfolded! At the moment, I saw the bright enchantment formed by the light elements above. At first, there were countless magic runes of large and small. Immediately after the enchantment was completely covered, it quickly turned into patches of light elements like fallen leaves.簌簌 fell down, so that the enchantment is like a heavy snow formed by the light element instantly!

To be honest, this situation is really visually striking at the moment. Even the well-informed Zhang Yang has to admit that this scene is not only extremely sacred, but also has a quiet and romantic feeling. So that not only did Neil Jielina beside him look dumbfounded, but even the "Blood Cross" fighters who had rushed to the front of Zhang Yang abruptly gave up the offensive opportunity they had finally got, and instead stopped Pray on the spot!

(At this time, it ’s impossible to pray if you ’re sick of your brain? Why do n’t the enemies finish their fights and make them useless unless ...)

Such a weird situation suddenly made Zhang Yang feel confused. After all, all beautiful things are generally dangerous, so when the sacred light spots fell on Zhang Yang's head, Zhang Yang finally felt a trace of danger as the distance continued to approach. !

Therefore, for the safety and prudence of Niel Jielina, Zhang Yang did not hesitate to re-enter the power of soul and enter the bracelet of vindictiveness, and then condensed a diamond-shaped ice shield composed of 20 diamonds five meters above the head The hemisphere seems to be coming!

But at this time, the first spot that fell was quietly in contact with the ice shield released by Zhang Yang ...

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