Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1697: Prison of Light

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Most people's impression of light magic is mostly "bright" and "gentle". After all, no matter how mercenaries or adventurers are exposed to light magic most of the week, they are mainly based on healing and gains, such as [purification], [ Illumination], [Light of Recovery], [Holy Shield] and blessings at all levels.

However, only a few people understand that once the light element is used for attack rather than treatment, the strong exclusivity of its own will be revealed. Therefore, whether it is the "light judgment" that strengthens the attack, the highly penetrating "light arrow" and the "sacred flame", it is enough to make other professionals of the department troublesome.

Not only that, because the magic of light system has the ability to heal, most of the magic in the range has the dual effects of ‘damaging the enemy’ and ‘healing’. So even though the range magic of the light system is a bit weaker than the range magic of other elemental systems, considering that it can also treat the companions in the range while attacking, this is quite remarkable.

At this moment, when a seemingly soft light spot fell on the diamond-shaped ice shield released by Zhang Yang, the seemingly harmless light spot slammed directly on the surface of the diamond-shaped ice shield with fourth-order magic strength. A groove of the same shape! So, although the energy contained in a light spot is not enough to fully penetrate the ice shield, the problem is the old saying: Can't hold too much!

Even with Zhang Yang's eyesight, he can't figure out how many light spots in this enchantment have fallen at this moment, not to mention that this thing does not seem to stop in a short time. When it fell from the top, another brand-new magic rune quickly formed, as if it were repeated from beginning to end.

However, Zhang Yang knows that these light spots are definitely not endless. Although the surface looks really desperate, in fact it should have deliberately created this endless illusion. After all, if it is a total of sixth-order magic If the energy is estimated, how much of these powerful light spots can be left out of the cost of maintaining the enchantment?

However, even Zhang Yang has to admit that this time the 'Temple of Light' really brought him a lot of surprises. Whether it is the so-called [Blessing of God] that integrates [Intermediate Blessing], [Holy Light Armor] and [Light Judgment] into one place, or the [Light Prison] in the mouth of the "Mediterranean" at the moment, the effect can be described as Full of stunning.

And if these compound magic can be popularized, so that all light casters can learn ...

(In this way, with the number of priests and priests cultivated and accumulated in the Light Temple for so many years, there should be many who can learn these magics? Then whether it is to deal with the undead in the north or the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, even Even when the Devil Realm will come to a complete invasion, it will play a huge role in the battle! So ... Is this time to find the treasure?)

Originally, Zhang Yang was going to arrest the members of these dozen temples of light and question about the druid. Now, the discovery at this moment not only strengthens his intention to capture the "Mediterranean Sea", but also pays attention to the one who is in his mouth. The Highness of the Goddess' had a strong interest.

Of course, this is no longer a grudge between him, or Druid, such as Angela, and the Temple of Light. For those who can increase the victory rate of future battles, those who are interested will not let go! So Zhang Yang decided to wait for these fanatical members of the "Blood Cross" to get him, and he would call Ophelia for the first time to discuss the next things together.

But now ...

Zhang Yang wanted to make it clear that it did n’t take long in total, but in these two or three instants, the diamond-shaped ice shields he had condensed and blocked above his head had been utterly eroded by the light spots that had fallen down. Hole, it will be unstoppable.

Although somewhat surprised by this power, Zhang Yang was basically within expectation. After all, in the face of a large-scale sixth-order light complex magic, only the fourth-order-strength diamond ice shield can persist for so long.

So at this moment, Zhang Yangsi didn't care. At the same time, he controlled the broken diamond ice shield above and rotated to the sky with the power of the soul, and completely gave up control. At the same time, he was rich and wealthy. The brand new diamond-shaped ice shield then rested on their heads as before.

Zhang Yang's actions such as "big hand" are almost in the eyes of the "Mediterranean" but he almost didn't distort his nose! After all, this [Prison of Light] is a large compound magic equivalent to the sixth-order range of magic, so if you count the [Blessings of God] that he cast before, at the moment he also used the transcendental spell-casting skills and he also contributed the last. Strength, now even if you are angry, you can only stare.

However, as a "sacred art" created and taught by the "Goddess of Light", this [Prison of Light] can not only trap the enemy and drop the "Snow of Light". In fact, just as Zhang Yang's third wave of diamond-shaped ice shields was about to be unsustainable, the light spots that fluttered around the enchantment for a while did not continue to generate anymore.

It wasn't until then that Neil Jielina, who had come back to God, discovered that the surrounding lush forests had been completely melted away by the burst of `` Snow of Light ''! So that in this huge hemispherical light enclave now it seems to be bare, not only the ice wall arranged by Zhang Yang has disappeared, but even the ground has fallen into the ground for about half a meter outside of the enchantment. In the enchantment, only Zhang Yang and Nier Jielina still have a "tutai" with a diameter of several meters.

This indiscriminate power is really amazing. Without the protection of Zhang Yang's diamond-shaped ice shield, Neil Jielina feels that if she uses her body protection to fight hard, even if she can finally carry this beautiful and dangerous 'light' 'Snow', and later will be unable to continue due to excessive consumption.

And for those who are not strong enough to carry, the result is only afraid that they will end up with those big trees around!

It ’s just that for the “Blood Cross” fighters who are also in the enchantment and completely bathed in the “Snow of Light”, not only did they not suffer any harm, but their physical condition was greatly restored. As for not only the injuries and stains, but also the nearly exhausted grudge, it seems to have enriched a lot.

It was not until then that Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina understood that they had given up their offense and turned to "prayer" before they knew that this situation would exist, so that they could restore their combat power by specific spells.

However, Zhang Yang thought that this [Prison of Light] was over here, but at the moment when the last piece of "light snow" fell on the ground, the bare ground was suddenly lit up and the ground was almost lit up. Completely covered, light cracks like fine cracks!

Although this is the first time Zhang Yang has seen this situation, he has already learned about this magic from the book. This is actually the fourth order magic of the light system [Holy Land]!

As the first range magic in light magic, [Holy Land] not only has the dual attributes of damage and healing, but also a practical magic with a long duration. Any non-light professional standing on it will be burned to a certain degree by light elements. Unless he uses a shield or a magic shield to contend with it, otherwise his feet will be seriously damaged soon, and he will lose his ability to stand.

Once the target falls within the scope of the [Holy Land], the damage to it will increase as the contact surface with the ground light grid increases. Until then, unless luck is better at the edge of the [Holy Land], and you can still crawl out with your arms and burned out, the final result will only be eroded to death.

So once the light spellcaster has used the [Holy Land], then the enemy will either be weakened gradually or will not dare to come in. In this way, whether it is offensive or defensive, it will occupy a favorable position. Moreover, do n’t forget that most of the light range magic has a certain healing ability, so any light professional standing on it can get a continuous 'accelerating recovery' effect, so do n’t look at the [Holy Land] just a four Order magic, but extremely difficult.

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang really admires the person who can think of combining these types of magic. After all, except for the shortcomings of early preparation and casting time, this [Prison of Light] whether the whole structure or the late stage is pressing The settings are so wonderful that even his enemy has to admire him.

([Holy Light Enchantment], [Holy Fire], and [Holy Land] ... so each of the so-called "sacred arts" is a combination of three light magics? So amazing to be stunning Character ... Why did you choose to start against Druid?)

Although Zhang Yang was very puzzled in his heart, it was the seriousness that first resolved these fanatical 'Blood Cross' fighters. After all, as the final link of [The Prison of Light] [Holy Land] fully unfolded, the surrounding 'Blood Cross' warriors stopped the recitation of the mantra suddenly, and then the morale rushed to Zhang Yang again. .

It's just that when they saw Zhang Yang's adamantine sword in his hand, they were all obviously stunned. After all, Zhang Yang should be a high-level water magician no matter how he looked before. The identified "magician" was waiting for them with a giant sword of obvious texture and weight, which seemed to be used to fight with them, so that all the people who rushed forward The 'Blood Cross' fighters have a distinct sense of misalignment.

What's wrong? Or is this guy bluffing? Or ... Is this man not only a high-level water magician, but also a magic swordsman?

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