Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1720: Dark Knight Report

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Are all Necromancers evil? In fact, it depends on how you look at it. After all, in essence, any power has no good or evil. Although the nature of energy can affect the temperament of the user to a certain extent, the person who cultivates energy must be evil. This statement is not accurate.

However, from the perspective of human living habits, ethics, and blasphemy, the blasphemy of the dead body can indeed be considered an evil act. But at extraordinary times, when the mainland is threatened by undead spirits, the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and demons are about to invade, as long as the power is used to protect ordinary people and resist foreign enemies, then even ordinary people use evil as a synonym for evil Undead magic is also doing good deeds to fight.

So for most professionals, the Necromancer is not completely unacceptable. As long as it does not pose a threat to your own safety and at the same time does not kill the ordinary people, then everyone will not be guilty of rivers and live their own lives. .

What's more, Orlando has always respected the strong. As long as it has admirable power, it will receive the most basic courtesies to a certain extent. Therefore, even if some of the soldiers of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Group know Mille ’s profession, they mostly treat him as a special caster, not to mention the black heavy A Milai is a high-level dark soldier with few words and behaviors that people can't understand.

Of course, if the soldiers of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps who took him to the mission together saw Mille's appearance, I would be more surprised than knowing his profession! After all, the heart of beauty is for everyone. Most people have little resistance to beautiful people or things, so that once they know that this black knight who exudes the atmosphere of 'not to be born' is a big beauty, I am afraid The news will spread to the whole group in less than half a day.

In this way, if Millai wants to follow the mission team of a Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps in a safe and stable way to 'mix' the power of death, it will not be so easy. Let's not talk about it for a while, just from the Lightning Mercenary Warriors. Various greetings, cares, and invitations are enough to make Millais grow from one head to two!

You know, although Millais is a boy, he has been raised as a girl since he was a child. Somehow, he looks brighter today. Not only can he be called a "beauty", but even his body is not like an ordinary man. As muscular, the slender and thin appearance looks like a thin woman except for having no chest, so that even if he wears men's clothing, he looks like a man's clothing, not a handsome guy.

So this situation is actually quite dangerous. Although the internal regulations of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps are very strict, the quality of the members is generally higher than that of most mercenary regiments, but the problem is that the mercenaries are mercenaries. Compared with killings, deaths and dangerous dances, they know more than most people how to play in time and how to be brave to pursue the happiness and life they want.

In this way, if a "big beauty" such as Millais is discovered, even if he may be a little hesitant at the beginning because of strength, status and other reasons, he will eventually "jump forward" in an attempt to win the heart of the beauty, and finally achieve the hold of the beauty. the goal of.

In this case, Millai may not be able to clarify that he is actually a male. Although the proportion of female fighters in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is relatively high, male fighters are not like those mercenary groups composed entirely of males. As suffocated as "burning in the fire", after a long time, watching a female Warcraft may feel clear.

But the problem is that since ancient times, people who "know men first" or even "go men first" have always existed, so I am afraid that the wait for Millais will be a more crazy pursuit than ever, rather than the imagination. Fortunately, in this respect, the dark knight Gaddafi is more at ease whether it is Zhang Yang or Neil Jielina, otherwise it is too difficult and difficult to want a peaceful life like a `` rare species '' like Millais.

Zhang Yang had to sigh about the magic and cruelty of fate. Because of the environment and encounters when he was a child, he was very simple and kind-hearted guy, but now it has been twisted into this kind of existence that is closer to women from appearance to inner. Is this a fate joke about Millais? I'm afraid that no matter who you change as the party, you won't be able to laugh?

In fact, [Soul Extraction] if this magic is not released by the magic circle, it is at least possible to reach the fifth level gold level. Therefore, for Millai, whose strength has just reached the second-level bronze advanced level and has not yet reached the third-level black iron level threshold, even relying on the magic circle is a bit reluctant.

Moreover, after learning this magic circle from Millais from the dark knight Gaddafi, this is his first time to try it by hand, so not only does it take more time to lay out the magic circle, but also proofreading and adjustments are necessary. Process.

After all, for Millais, who has not completely changed his mind from being a "shop entertainer" to being a "magician," a one-time investment of using six fourth-order magic nuclei and a large number of other materials to arrange a magic circle He has never experienced anything with more than three thousand gold coins, so how could he not be nervous?

So even if the knowledge that the dark knight Gaddafi taught him was memorized in Millais' mind, there is still a clear gap between ‘knowing the method’ and ‘really doing it’. Faced with the trust given by Zhang Yang in this way, Millai really did his best at the moment, hoping not to disappoint the master who brought him 'new life' ...

For these Zhang Yang who have been standing quietly waiting beside them, they all see in the eyes. To be honest, Millais can only count on the talent of the undead magic, but this person obviously extremely cherishes the hard-won life and the strong Opportunity, so do everything very seriously.

But this is not what Zhang Yangguang can know by looking at it, but that the dark knight Gaddafi, who was signed with Zhang Yang and was sent to Millais during this time, reported to Zhang Yang with the word of soul .

You have to know that although Zhang Yang was very pitiful before saving him back to the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, after experiencing so much pain and insult, once a person gains strength, there is a great possibility that his personality will change so much Either become strong due to suffering, or swallow the mind with hatred, so that after having power, he wants to revenge this painful world.

So from this point of view, the existence of Gaddafi, the dark knight, is the protection and teaching of Millais, and can also be regarded as the supervision of this beautiful young man.

Fortunately, this time Zhang Yang also did not misread people. During the time that the dark knight Gaddafi got along with him, even Gaddafi, who was a monster, was moved by Millet's innocence and hard work. After confirming that this person's character has not changed because of his own circumstances and gaining strength, he almost passed on what he should teach, can teach, and knew almost everything he knew to him in just one year. Rai.

To tell the truth, Gaddafi, who is a dark knight, is a little unbelievable. After all, he is also a dark knight who has lived for nearly two hundred years. He is also one of the few dark knights who is curious about all kinds of new things. That kind. Therefore, even if his accumulated knowledge is not as good as an academic magician, but the various skills he knows are definitely not worse than any elderly professional!

So for Millai who can memorize all the knowledge he imparted in just one year, the dark knight Gaddafi is very optimistic about him. So that when Gaddafi quietly reported to Zhang Yang in the language of the soul, the dark knight who could not easily speak much said this:

Although Milai is talented, she works extremely hard, and not only has excellent memory ability, but also has almost loyal loyalty to the host Zhang Yang. Therefore, this is not only a person who hopes to catch up with the owner, but also a trustworthy guy. It's a pity that for the Necromancer magician to be as stable and stable as he is, it takes a long time to grow up, but as long as you patiently take care and wait, then no accident will surely become the master's help in the future !

It is also thought that the dark knight Gaddafi ’s teaching to Millais is as hard as he can. In addition, the Dark Knight family has always been extremely loyal to the master after signing the soul contract and swearing allegiance, so under his guidance, Millai is right Zhang Yang, the benefactor, has reached the point of incomparable worship ...

In this regard, if he changed to Zhang Yang a year ago, he might feel that he did not need it, or even chose to refuse. After all, according to Gaddafi ’s teaching of Familly, in his future life, he will serve 'master Zhang Yang' as his biggest goal. In this way, Zhang Yang can get the greatest benefits and benefits, but Millais's life path is also limited.

However, as it is said at this time, not only is there a turmoil in the Orlando continent, but Zhang Yang personally wants to let himself and the people he cares about to survive this disaster, then there is no way to rely on one person ’s power. Come here, not to mention fighting the strong "Black Sun" knights in the background, fighting against the mysterious and powerful "Temple of Light", and even contending with other threats on the mainland.

So in this case, even if Milley is eventually trained as a loyal man with absolute loyalty to Zhang Yang and an extremely useful and versatile man, then Milley Rub who has at least strength and a clear goal is more likely to survive.

Only by living through the catastrophe of Orlando will everyone have a tomorrow, and only by living can everyone have the possibility to choose what kind of life they want ...

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