Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1721: Cursed Knight of the Light Temple (Part 2)

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After about a leaky arrangement, Millai finally set up this [soul extraction] magic array properly. This is a complex magic array with a diameter of more than three meters, a total of three layers inside and outside, and a large number of magic runes. Among them, only a small part of Zhang Yang ’s magical knowledge can recognize its function, and this also includes the few soul crystals embedded in the second layer, and the six fourth-orders of the outermost layer that provide energy to the magic array. Magic core.

In this regard, he found that Zhang Yang had been concentrating on Gaddafi, the dark knight in the magic circle. In order not to affect Millais ’final test on the magic circle, he briefly explained the magic circle to Zhang Yang in the way of the soul language. The principle and operation mechanism, so that when Zhang Yang finished listening, Millais also completed the work at hand and took a long sigh of relief and said:

"Sorry, Lord Lord, it took too much time because it was the first arrangement. However, after many inspections by me, this [soul extraction] magic circle is finally completed. If there is no accident, it should be possible. Competent for the next job. "

After saying this, Millai's eyes were subconsciously glanced at Gaddafi, the dark knight standing beside Zhang Yang, which obviously meant that the mentor who wanted to impart this knowledge should be corrected. After all, in the eyes of Millais, Gaddafi, the dark knight from beginning to end, just stood there and said nothing. Although this is the other party ’s consistent style, but as a way to teach Millais about the knowledge of [soul extraction] magic circle, Anyway, the understanding of this magic circle should also be above Millais, so if there is something wrong with Millais, the dark knight Gaddafi should know.

So for the dark knight Gaddafi, although he did not have a clear mentorship relationship with Millais, and even really talked about it, but as a protector and a watcher more elements, but this year the dark knight gets along Gaddafi already knows this beautiful teenager very well, so after seeing each other ’s eyes full of pleading and expectation, the dark knight who always gives a cold impression is saying with a rare gentle tone:

"Let go and do it."

"Understood Lord Gaddafi!"

Although it was only a non-questioned answer, Millai obviously relieved after listening to it, so that the small, tight face suddenly showed a bright and moving smile.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang had to sigh again. Millai's charm is really different. Even the dark knight without blood and tears can be influenced by him. This power is much more powerful than most real beauty ...

Thinking of Zhang Yang to see here, Millai actually wanted to use his thin body to move the wreckage of the knight armor of the Tuo Temple, which made him suddenly stop saying:

"Let me come, even if they are no longer a threat, but the weight of these armor wrecks is almost eighty pakri, which is almost equal to your weight. So if you ca n’t move to the center of the magic circle, you will be fine. The easy-to-set magic array is broken but not good. "

After saying this, Zhang Yang stepped forward to reach out and lifted up the debris of the Tuo armor easily, and then placed it carefully in the center of the magic circle. When he saw Milaton's face turned red, in fact, he knew clearly in his own heart, not to mention that he has embarked on a path of becoming stronger and became a professional, but as a necromancer, he can only mention the power. About thirty Parker's things are already the limit. It is really helpless to move such heavy armor wreckage.

As for the dark knight Gaddafi standing firmly on the side, the strength is sufficient, but the problem is not to look at the "Temple Knight" has been smashed into a pile of discus-like wreckage by Zhang Yang, but the layer of light flashing on it from time to time Energy and the Dark Knight are completely untouchable in terms of attributes. In this way, if Gaddafi's strength is forcibly contacted, it will inevitably produce a reaction, so if the temple knight produces damage and affects its soul, it is not worth the loss.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang, the ‘master’, did n’t care about this. In contrast, he wanted to see if the magic array set by Miley ’s painstaking efforts would work properly, and then have the desired effect.

So after everything was ready to stop, as a necromancer, he came to the energizing position of the magic circle, and then instilled the power of death into the magic circle while chanting the spell.

So as Milena's chanting of neutral chanting came to an end, this precision magic array consisting of three layers of magical runes suddenly lighted up layer by layer. To be honest, although Zhang Yang is not proficient in this, but he has seen a lot of magic circles, but the problem is that the three-layer rune in front of him is not the magic circle of the same color. He really saw it for the first time. !

According to Gaddafi, the dark knight, the outermost layer of this magic circle is the energy part that maintains the operation of the magic circle. Therefore, in order to improve the success rate, Millai chose six of the same fourth-order magic cores in the water system. At the end of the mantra, the whole body emits a blue light representing the water element.

So when the entire magic circle is fully operational, this magic circle gradually adds the energy of the outer water element, not only lights up the second layer of magic circle, but also makes the "temple knight" placed in the center of the magic circle The wreckage floated into the sky.

At this time, the power of death entered by Millais came in handy. Through the transformation and increase of the second layer of magic circle, the power of death he released was reduced to zero, and gradually produced on the third layer of the magic circle. A special energy shield not only completely formed a soul that completely wrapped the 'Temple Knight' above the magic circle, but was attached to the temple knight's armor under the effect of the silky green death force. Pulled out a little, and then completely separated from the armor after just two points, but in the end, because of the existence of the energy hood, it became nowhere to escape, and it could only be seen as a faint head. The bright cluster of light was suspended in the enchantment quietly.

At this point, the three present were relieved almost at the same time. The [Soul Extraction] magic array arranged by Millais was very successful. Not only did there not be a single flaw in the middle, but even the effect was unexpectedly powerful.

The only thing that puzzled the three was that the soul of the 'Temple Knight' in the enchantment seemed to be a bit too calm, after all, it was pulled from the 'body' by external forces, so let's not talk about that Should the violent pain when the soul is pulled, even the fear or anger that is simply irresistible be manifested?

But the problem is that until now, the soul of the "Temple Knight" did not seem to respond. There was no sign of madness, and there was no meaning of wanting to escape. It just floated quietly in place, and it was stupid. general.

To be honest, this situation is the first time for the three present. Although this skill was imparted to Millai by the dark knight Gaddafi, as the dark knight, he has no power of death, so he knows it. Skills have never had the opportunity to practice before.

And Miley? As a novice rookie in the Necromancer, it is enough to arrange this high-level magic array once and it is enough to dream and laugh and wake up. Can you still care about others? What's more, Millais also did this for the first time to pull the soul out of the body, so for him it was even more questionable.

In contrast, Zhang Yang is the one who is well-informed, but on the one hand, the soul could not be seen by the naked eye. If it were because of this [soul extraction] magical array, it would normally be impossible to see the soul out of the body. Then, you can only use perception to blur the induction.

Moreover, as far as Zhang Yang knows, unless his strength reaches the sixth-order Zijin high level, so that his own spiritual power will gradually be transformed into the power of the soul, so that he can possess the energy such as 'tough energy' and 'magic power' to a certain extent. It is stored in the soul, so that its overall color and attributes change. Otherwise, for professionals without soul power, even if their soul is slightly stronger than ordinary people, they still cannot get out of the category of "colorless and transparent".

So the question is coming, as far as Zhang Yang knows, this "Temple Knight" can't even reach level 6 after completion. At best, it can only be regarded as level 5 gold senior. It shouldn't have this appearance that represents the characteristics of light system. what? Is it a special case of individual talents?

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang directly ruled out this possibility. If you are really a professional whose natural soul is extremely powerful and can resonate with certain elements, then not only will the strength progress extremely quickly, but the strength may not be the same as the previous one. Point degree.

Moreover, which organization of these professionals will be trained as a treasure after they get it. I hope that they can practice with peace of mind in order to have the opportunity to impact the seventh-level legendary level in the future. Where can they be used as consumables for experiments?

So after eliminating other impossible choices, Zhang Yang can only get one conclusion, that is, these 'Temple Knights' were either completely eroded by the light element when they were transformed, or they were made when they were still human. With special hands and feet, otherwise how can an ordinary human soul be integrated into a set of armor?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang tentatively asked the soul of the "Temple Knight" directly in the language of the soul:

"Who are you? What's your name?"

However, what surprised Zhang Yang was that he, who had only talked in a tentative manner, soon received a response from the other party! And the answer is still the language of the soul almost impossible to grasp by the person without the power of the soul!

"I am a temple knight who serves the goddess of light, and the goddess gives her name four."

Although only these two sentences have made the soul of the 'Temple Knight' a little bit darker, after all, for ordinary people without the power of the soul, even if they master the skills of the language of the soul, they really communicate It also consumes the power of its own soul, so that a little more chatting will be life-threatening!

But compared with this kind of concern, Zhang Yang got a lot of useful information from the other two very simple answers!

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