Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 19: Broken city

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With the rapid passage of time, casualties on both sides are increasing. The siege dragon hammer finally came to the gate of the city under the full protection of the earth dragon army. As the crunchy organ sounded, the siege dragon hammer's ram was slowly pulled back, and at the same time a low buzzing sound gradually sounded. The mysterious runes light up one after another! A mysterious force is gathering towards the forefront of the hammer! Wright has never understood why this bulky guy who looks like a large crash is sometimes called a "cannon". If Zhang Yang is present, he should understand. This siege dragon hammer turned out to be a huge magic weapon! The magic array system composed of 20 level 3 magic cores keeps accumulating power for the hammer. When the tap of the ram hits, it hums out with a buzzing sound! Then a violent explosion sounded. The earth seemed to vibrate fiercely, and smoke and dust rushed to a height of nearly 20 meters! There was also a trace of colorful and messy light ... Then, the iron-clad fir gate of Jotan City disappeared along with the door frame and part of the wall. After the explosion, there was a mess behind the city gate, and there were broken pieces of iron and wood thorns everywhere. Just a blow! Jotan City, break through! The city-breakers are really well-deserved!

This siege dragon hammer is said to have been found in the remains of the ancient times, and it was restored by the Pompeii empire with a magical civilization. It has become a weapon of war for the Earth Dragon Army and even Pompeii. Twenty level 3 magic nuclei require about 8,000 gold coins. It disappeared after just one click! But this power is really powerful and frightening. Fortunately, the manufacturing method of such powerful magic guides has long disappeared in the history, and it is difficult to be manufactured by humans. The quantity left today is very scarce.

When the city was broken, the earth dragon army cheered suddenly, and the momentum was like a rainbow. It seems that the defenders of Jotan City also expected this result. Quickly retreat into the city, and start a brutal street battle with the soldiers of the Earth Dragon Corps rushing into the city.

At this time, Zhang Yang was watching the trees outside the west gate of Yotan City. After drinking the intermediate healing potion and using electrical energy to recover, the physical strength and injuries have obviously recovered a lot. At this juncture, Zhang Yang had no time to waste his medicine and drank another bottle of intermediate recovery potion. At this time, except for the fracture of the left arm's forearm, the other injuries were basically good, and the dislocated shoulder was pushed back into place by his pain. Zhang Yang put on the light armor sent by Macales. Another robe was put on to cover the emblem of the Earth Dragon Legion. He rode on the corner, thinking about how to get into the city. Vaguely, he heard the sound of the cavalry moving from the south, yes. The Earth Dragon Corps will definitely send cavalry to block the gates of the city, so as to expand the results ... The situation is sliding in the worst direction. Suddenly, the city gate on the west side opened! ! Large groups of civilians cried, crowded and fled outside the city! opportunity! Zhang Yang controlled the reins of the wildebeest with one hand, and a horse's belly rushed towards the west gate. At the door, Zhang Yang quickly abandoned the horse and squeezed into the crowd. When so chaotic, riding a wildebeest into the city will undoubtedly become a dangling target ... The moment passing by, Zhang Yang saw the fearful civilians around him. He sighed silently in his heart. Outside the city, perhaps the same death awaits them ...

Soon after entering the city, the flow of people became much rarer, and only a faint hearing of the fighting sound from the south gate was heard. Zhang Yang ran in the direction of his memory, and soon ... lost his way ... tangled. In the end, I only came to this city for 2 days. Before I could walk out, I was involved in a bunch of events. This is troublesome ... The fake city of Jotan is also one of the central cities in the northeast of the French Empire, with an urban area of ​​nearly 10 square kilometers. In addition to the prosperity of the past, the streets are criss-crossed. It's not easy to find the people of the Silver Pegasus quickly. Zhang Yang just wanted to go back to the barracks and try his luck first. What a thought ... when he was at a loss in the streets, he suddenly heard a woman's exclamation in the alley not far! Zhang Yang ran quickly in that direction, thinking: It would be good to save a guide ...

War brings people not only death and destruction, but also madness.

When Zhang Yang felt deep in the alley, the people calling for help had been forced to the corner. It was a handsome young man and a beautiful young girl. Surrounded by them are three guys with short knife chains, look at the dress and appearance, it seems like an adventurer ... Yes, the adventurer is not just accepting various tasks issued by the adventurer union and other places, there are some In the name of an adventurer. Will be transferred to robbers and robbers at any time. Just when Zhang Yanggang raised his feet to rush over, an unexpected scene happened to him! Suddenly Zhang Yang froze for a moment and said nothing. With the scene before him, there was a boundless anger that was burning in his heart! ...

The young man who seemed to have vowed to protect the girl suddenly found a choice and suddenly lost hope.

"I give her to you, whatever you want! Let me go, I don't know anything! Please let me go! Don't kill me! I don't want to die!"

The man grabbed the girl's shoulders and pushed the delicate body in front of him! The girl's horrified and helpless expression on her face, she just shivered and looked back slowly and stupidly to the man who betrayed her from behind, full of unbelief.

"You said you want to protect me ... And I trust you so much ... Brother Kodak ... You told me this is not true !!! Not true !!!"

The girl's heart gradually began to collapse.

"Ha ha ha ha! I just like to know the current affairs! Little brother, look at you like this, play with your brothers! See how you are very emotional about this little sister, but you have to be ranked last! Hahahahaha ~ "

The leading robber laughed wildly, and the robber next to him kept irritating the girl with obscene words. At this moment, Kodak's eyes flashed with tension and fear and such a trace of guilt, and flashed with greedy desire and excitement. Just a moment, that trace of guilt has completely disappeared, and now his eyes are all greedy and crazy! Kodak originally grabbed the girl's shoulders and stretched it out, holding the girl's slender waist!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! ??" The girl was stunned by the mutation, and suddenly gave a desperate scream!

After rebirth, most of the people Zhang Yang saw were kind-hearted villagers. He had never seen such a humble character. However, this is the real world, and the darkness of human nature was so naked in front of him.

Greed ... Betrayal ... Vicious ... Violence ... Kill! ! ! Human evil thoughts ...

At this time, Zhang Yang's appearance seemed to be quite calm, but all the bulging in the blue tendons gradually bulging on his forehead were anger! These aversions to negative emotions, the tension and pressure of these things have actually affected him. He is still a person no matter how mature he is, and he is still the kind of person with untouchable pain in his heart! At this time, these negative emotions have been introduced into his soul through Wright's fluctuating perception ...

Zhang Yang didn't know that at this time there was a dark bias in his heart and a strong murderous intention was even triggered! A faint black unknown breath began to be released from Zhang Yang's body, and there was a trace of crazy blood red in his eyes! Prolonged repression will eventually lead to the ultimate outbreak! It's like a volcano!

A subconsciously guided a trace of electrical energy, let it madly move on his body! Unconsciously, Zhang Yang has used electric power enhancement! As a result, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face became colder, and his eyes became colder. If someone looks at his eyes carefully at this time, Zhang Yang's pupils will be slightly pale blue. Light! At this moment he looked at the robbers as if they were looking at some dead objects. At this time, Zhang Yang's power is full of the body. Although it is short, it is so powerful, fascinating and crazy! Then! you guys! Damn it!

With his right hand pulling out the long sword quickly, Zhang Yang rushed into the alley with a faint black air like a deadly whirlwind ...

Blood light, soaring into the sky! Splashing blood, flying flesh and blood residual limbs, sprayed a cruel abstract painting on the walls of the alley ...

When Zhang Yang stopped the killing and flicked the blood on the long sword, only the little alley left him and the girl who was sitting on the ground and holding his head trembling and crying. The rest of the people have been reduced to two. Zhang Yang, who was in a good mood, suddenly remembered watching TV in the last life. The positive characters in it killed the bad guy and stabbed in the stomach. Then I don't know how long after, the bad guys who should have died have made a comeback again ... Zhang Yang often sneered aside: Don't give him a chance when facing the enemy who decides to kill! In general, the head was cut off. Basically it will not be resurrected. Therefore, he used to like to cut his throat. At this moment, there are many headless and broken hands in this small alley ...

Perhaps it is that the negative emotions are completely released, as if I feel that these years of depression, anger, etc. have found a vent ... Some fading memories in the past have become more vivid. In those years ...

After a long absence, Zhang Yang showed a relief smile. Many things also thought of a clear and transparent.

He just wanted to live well in this world and live freely, but this world is indeed a more realistic cruel world. Whether it is the struggle between people, people and countries, or the killing between people and Warcraft, or the war between various races, all threaten his simple and humble desire: to live. But this is a new beginning, he has unlimited possibilities! To live, face your heart. This world needs strength to survive? Then try to have power. If only the strong man can control everything and obtain the right to live freely, then he wants to be a strong man who can control his own destiny! Wright knows that the way of the strong is not easy, but in order to freely control his own destiny and to persevere to live! He is going to be stronger! It wasn't until this time that Zhang Yang felt that he was truly immersed in this world, and he also understood what he wanted and his heart was more firm. But he did not know that the black gas he carried was getting heavier and heavier.

Looking at the miserable situation in the alley, Zhang Yang looked up to the sky, once he was so bloody? Want to kill people for the first time because of anger and hatred? At this time, after experiencing many of them, it is very calm. Maybe doing what you think you should do, let go of your mind, let go of your hands and feet, is it to find the true self? Maybe there was too much anger and unwillingness in the world of the previous life, too much fetters and helplessness. So let go, let go of the soul! This time we must live according to our own will! Zhang Yang did not know that as he thought so, a strange and complicated black rune gradually appeared in his heart! Later, after the rune was completely formed, it was hidden into his body again ...

Wipe off the remaining blood on the sword and return the sword to the sheath. Step by step, Zhang Yang walked to the girl in front of the blood and looked at the frightened girl quietly.

"You, be safe. I, no, hurt you."

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