Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 20: Neil Jelena's choice

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This was supposed to be a beautiful and energetic girl, but what had just happened already scared her. Now she just knelt and knelt on the ground, squeezing her ripped clothes tightly. The unstoppable tears made her white and flawless face, a light brown hair that was originally very smooth and messy. The poor girl was already swallowed up by fear. Yes, whether it was betrayed by someone who was once trusted or faced with the crisis of being killed and killed, or witnessed the **** killing. All of this used to be so far away from her, so far from nightmare! But now? The cruel reality has been bloodied in front of her, she is really about to collapse. But who will all this resent? Is it a conspirator? Or war!

Zhang Yang's shadow dropped in front of the girl and entered her sight. It was a pair of short brown leather boots, and there were some blood stains on the surface. The girl shivered more violently just to see here.

"You, safe, can you get up?"

Zhang Yang asked as slowly as possible.

When the girl heard Wright's words, she threw a thrill all over her body. After Zhang Yang repeated it again, he slowly raised his head to look at him in fear, and after a while the expression of fear in his eyes faded away a little. She sobbed slowly, slowly stood up against the wall, and then pulled her broken collar tightly. A thankful expression thanked Wright.

"Thank you for saving me ... Your Excellency ..."

The girl was still scared and her tears kept flowing. His eyes didn't dare to stare at Wright directly, he seemed shy. It was this person who saved me, but at the same time this person also brutally killed so many people! Although he doesn't look very young, he can't guarantee that he will not suddenly have any bad thoughts ... this is terrible! Neil Jelina was really scared. These few leaky experiences have already made her a startled bird.

Zhang Yang saw his fear, but he could only sigh silently in his heart. There is no way to encounter such a thing, and the corpses in front of this place, few girls will not be afraid. However, the current situation has given her no time to be afraid. If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid it will become more dangerous!

"Go, first, leave, here. By the way, ask, the city, the barracks, the direction, okay, point me?"

Perhaps because of the unfortunate encounter of this young girl, Zhang Yang said a little more, and his tone eased a lot. It was no longer that cold and indifferent.

"Um ... yes ..."

The girl whispered. He stumbled and left the alley first. Zhang Yang felt a little depressed that she always subconsciously moved away from her side. It seems that I was scared by myself ... Zhang Yang tried his best to change the subject, hoping to alleviate the girl's fear, otherwise she would chase herself the wrong way because of the fear.

"What is your name?"

"Ni, Neil Jielina, Your Excellency."

"No, need, honorifics. Where are you, family? After a while, go find them, right. Here, it's dangerous."

"Well ... Thank you, my family is in the trading area in the south of the city. My father and uncles went out to take over the goods at noon yesterday, and I do n’t know what happened to them ..."

businessman? ! ! ! Is it the caravan that left the city yesterday? ? ! So to put it this way ... Wright has a bad hunch.

"Yesterday, afternoon, out of town? Yes, many, caravans, together?"

"Yes sir, oh, sorry ... adult ... that ... Uncle said that only a group of them went to deliver the goods out of town yesterday."

Neil Jelina was very scared, and some did not know what to call him. In case of impoliteness that makes this person unhappy, he will kill! ! Although he seems quite peaceful now, the corpse in Fang Cai's alley proves his ruthlessness! The young girl who was not involved in the world thought secretly.

"Forget it, whatever you want, what it's called, just ..."

Zhang Yang suddenly felt hesitant. Should I tell her? Just experienced such a strong stimulus. Just suffered so much fear. Do you want to tell her that terrible fact? Can she withstand the blow? No way, I have to rush to find the people of Silver Pegasus, there is not so much time to delay. After a short ideological struggle, Zhang Yang still told everything she saw, the bodies of merchants outside the city ... Then ... the girl looked completely collapsed and passed out. Oops ,, I can't bear it. Wright quickly took out her portable kettle and raised her head to pour some water into her mouth. The cold water moisturized her dry, **** lips. Fortunately, within a minute or so, she woke up after coughing a few times. Just waking up, she has been looking at the ground in front of her innocently, watching the expression in her eyes quickly dim! This is a problem. Zhang Yang frowned, crouched down, and lifted her crying face with her right hand. Looking straight at her eyes, he said:

"Wake up! Sober! Things, not yet, sure, you, hurry up, cheer up! Here, it is not safe! In this way, you will die! Maybe, they, escaped, a disaster!"

Seeing that she still doesn't have any focused eyes, some anxious Zhang Yang gave her a slap! But she was still totally unresponsive, as if she had lost her soul! Zhang Yang was both anxious and helpless. I knew she was so fragile, so I did n’t tell her ... (Do you think anyone is as tenacious as you are and steel bar?) But Nancheng is already on fire, and her home is probably gone. Where are you going? Just in her state, in this war-torn city ... the scene just now will definitely happen! That is much more miserable than death. Zhang Yang looked at her as if she had lost her soul and knew that it would not be solved by simple persuasion. Only ...

"Strong, get up! Or, give you a ride! Here you will be more miserable than dead!"

After speaking loudly, Zhang Yang let go of her and stood up. Is it too cruel? At this time, there is no way. Only ... Hope she cheers up soon! Is it just a 17-year-old girl? It should be the age of high school. At this time, they should only have a happy learning life ......... Zhang Yang's thoughts flew away at this moment.

In the next moment, Zhang Yang saw her eyes completely chilled. I saw him slowly stand up and draw out the long sword with a swipe! Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am holding this kind of self-concept now, and I can't be called a good person in the past. However, things are always relative, here! at this moment! I do n’t have many choices ... take her away? Does the left hand completely make him unable to help himself with a walking dead girl to save people? Do not make jokes! ! Zhang Yang's sword slowly landed on her white net neck. The icy Jianfeng kissed the delicate skin and caused a chicken rash. Cheer up quickly! Maybe after waiting for a long time, Zhang Yang felt that this time suddenly seemed to be long. Just when he was already disappointed and ready to pierce forward, Neil Jielina's pupil shrank suddenly! It has miraculously restored his mind! She clearly saw her shadow reflected in the sword front in front of her! Do not know where the strength comes from, the girl's right hand quickly grabbed Zhang Yang's Jianfeng! Supporting the ground with her left hand, she ignored the spring light of some leakage and suddenly raised her head to look at Zhang Yang. She said firmly to him:

"I don't want to die! I want to live! I want to find the murderer! I want revenge! I need strength! Please take me with me! I don't ask you to avenge me, I just hope to give me the power of revenge! As long as I can find the real murderer, let me get revenge! I would like to serve you as the Lord! "

The blood dripped down her right hand. Zhang Yang was a little surprised to see the determined and determined look she suddenly showed, and she knew that the girl had stepped out of the shadow of fear in her heart! But at the same time, my heart is dominated by a feeling called hatred ... Zhang Yang's heart can't tell whether it is happy or lost. He really is not suitable for psychological counseling ~ he laughed at himself. Not to mention whether this is good or bad, let's go through this difficulty first. At least people came to life again. Zhang Yang nodded slightly, motioning her to let go. Then slowly withdrew the sword. Handed her a bandage (actually the clothes she had torn off before), and said to her calmly:

"Get up and bandage the wound. Take me, go, Jotan City, the military camp."

Then Zhang Yang turned around and felt helpless again ~ How did I pick up a girl like this! ? Also teach her strength? Where does this come from, completely different from the original intention of saving lives and asking for directions! Besides, even I am still insecure ... big trouble ...

"Yes Master."

The girl started to imitate Zhang Yang's calm and cold tone of speech, and she also took a bandage and bandaged herself. She seemed to have a clever hand and learned to dress up the wound ... But the values ​​of this world are really helpless Ah, the master and the servant can't move, which is inconsistent with Zhang Yang's consistent philosophy.

"No, yours, master."

Zhang Yang stopped and said helplessly. He took off his cloak and turned to throw it at her, and signaled her to put it on.

"Okay, sir. Thank you, sir. Please sir to teach me the power of revenge!"

The girl suddenly knelt down on one knee and stared at Wright's eyes with her head held high, with three points in her eyes looking forward to three points of despair and more firmness.

"... want me, teach you, what?"

Zhang Yang tilted his head slightly and looked back into her eyes. At this time, the girl's eyes looked very similar to her own eyes! The same anger, the same determination, the same determination! However, Wright can also see that there is endless anger burning in that deep pupil. Black revenge anger! ! ...

"Teach me fighting skills, teach me to kill, teach me how to get revenge!"

"I, no, fighting skills, but, if, you want, the power of learning, revenge, ... Stand up, come on. Take me to the barracks."

Although Wright was young, his expression at this time was full of terrifying majesty and incomparable confidence! And this scene was deeply engraved in the mind of the girl! Under the dim sky filled with thick smoke and fire, on a messy and depressed street, a blood-stained teenager possesses the incomparable majesty and confidence of the strong! In his eyes, it seemed to be shining with blue and white electric light! ! !

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