Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 240: Objective: Eye of Thunder Punishment

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"Wright! Wright! Wake up! Don't sleep over !!! Wake up!"

Yadell shakes Zhang Yang, who has been sleeping fast for two days in the corner of the wall, at this moment his heart is very anxious, although there is never a precedent, but the unique magic of this stone house is an indisputable fact!

Maybe it's because of the relationship between the French soldiers who returned 100,000 souls? Alger had speculated that the secret to transforming the heroes was hidden in this stone room! At least at the beginning, after they awakened after the ceremony, they transformed into heroic warriors!

"Wright! Wake up! Do you feel any discomfort in your body ?! For example, it feels heavier and heavier, and the soul seems to fly out ?!"

Zhang Yang, who hasn't completely awakened from the dream, seems to be able to see the piece of Chilei falling continuously! He stared staringly at the unsteady shaking of Yadell's eyes, which was more than a point. When Yadell was going to use violent and direct physical methods to wake him up, Zhang Yang took a deep breath and exhaled. Come!

Holding the palm that he had raised, Yadal looked at Zhang Yang as if he was awake and shouted again:

"Hello! Wright! Are you awake? Are you alright !?"

Rubbing his numb cheeks vigorously, Zhang Yang turned his head to look around and asked:

"Is the memory magic circle imprinted here? Why would I see what happened that year? Yadal? You were almost dead!"

"Uh ?! What did you see?"

After Zhang Yang outlined the dream scene, Baird said with a bitter smile:

"What you see is indeed true, this is not a memory magic circle, but formed by the obsessions generated by countless dead **** warriors. Although we have tried to absorb these ideas, but this continuous cycle The dream has tortured us for thousands of years ... "

Speaking of which, Baird suddenly threw away the sad and sad expression, turned to stare at Zhang Yang and continued:

"As long as you can fulfill our wishes, maybe the dead spirits can rest in peace? We can also be relieved. Not necessarily! Okay! It's just that the" Dark Thunder "has passed and there is not much time left. If you I really want to fight for that tiny hope to leave here, so stand up! We will take you to the Eye of Thunder Punishment, the only hope! "

Because of Chi Lei's relationship, no metal other than silver can exist here, and after thousands of years of relationship, Baird and the three men no longer have any metal equipment on hand. The weapons in their hands and the armor on them are made of Warcraft bones and peculiar rocks found deep underground in this ‘Elemental Extremity’.

Zhang Yang feels that he is unlikely to encounter any hostile creature, or that the possibility of encountering living creatures is very small, so the equipment is of little significance to him. Therefore, in addition to the space bag that has been kept intact by magic, Zhang Yang only took a one-foot-long bone dagger and the sterling silver "Flange proud" military seal that proves the identity of Baird and others and their Collected sterling silver knight nameplate ...

When Zhang Yang appeared on the bone sand again, the black smoke on the ground in front of him made him raise his eyebrows.

"This is what the" Dark Thunder "looks like after it passes. Even if we don't hide in the stone house, only the remnant of the Thunder Thunder can shake our souls away. From now on, you have only two days Time, you may have felt that a heavy soul shackle is trying to erode your soul. There is not much time left for you ... "

Zhang Yang's soul power is not weak, so he has long been aware of Baird's soul shackles. It was a powerful force that was subtle and imperceptible. Zhang Yang asked himself that he had no way to fight it, so it was inevitable to hurry up and leave!

"Let's go! Let me see what the legendary" eye of thunder and punishment "looks like!"

On the boundless ocean of bones and sands, Zhang Yang did not know what method the three Baird used to determine their position. At least methods like light and wind would definitely not work. Stepping on the endless gray sand under his feet, Zhang Yang's brain seemed to be able to see the endless demons and warcraft at the moment in the mountains and fields!

After running for more than half of Devil's Day, Zhang Yangcai saw a "hill" that was more than 100 meters above the ground.

"This is the" eye of thunder and punishment "at the heart of the" Thunder of Judgment ". The place that was higher was once a valley, and now this look is only formed because of years of lightning strikes. We can only send it to Here, go further, as long as you are near the 'hill', the sky will drop 'Ming Thunder', which is a thunderbolt that hits the soul directly. As long as our heroic warrior gets caught, it will definitely die. So, good luck Let's hope you can return to the Orlando world smoothly !!! "

To be honest, Zhang Yang did not have much confidence in his future. It's just that if you don't try one, you will have no chance at all!

"Thank you for your help. If Wright is lucky enough to return to the Orlando world alive, he will surely not forget the trust of a few of them!

"good luck!"

Don't pass the Baird three, Zhang Yang began to move carefully towards the direction of the "hill" a few miles ahead. The "hill" is only more than 100 meters high, and the length and width seem to be within a few miles. Zhang Yang always remembered Baird's advice. It's better not to stay in one place. The 'Minglei' here seems to have a certain pattern, but they haven't explored it.

While advancing and carefully observing the surrounding ground, Zhang Yang found that the closer to the 'hill', the more rocks on the ground. Does this mean that the more upwards, the less thunder and lightning? Although there is a mysterious ‘Thunderbolt Nebula’ in his soul, he still dare not risk his life.

Say that in case you are struck to death by thunder, or if you are chopped off again, is it not a sad reminder? Although Zhang Yang was still thinking in his head, his feet were not slow. Seen from time to time on the bricks, there was no longer any figure of Baird wearing bone armor on the horizon.

"Master Baird, do you say Wright will he succeed? I think his strength is no more than about 4th order, although ** is still there, and" World Tree Seed "can effectively reduce the power of thunder penalty, but I think he Still dying ... "

Alger stood beside Baird, looking at his old boss and old friend for many years, he couldn't help but say what he was thinking.

Baird did not answer his old friend's words, his eyes have been paying attention to the direction of Zhang Yang when he left. Although it was too far away from him at this moment, completely beyond the sight, Baird still refused to look away from him.

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