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Yadell was sitting on the sand with his right leg at the moment. His temper was straighter, and he looked away from the two old friends next to him.

"Well Alger, it ’s useless to worry about it anymore. It ’s his choice. Now we can only pray that he can really leave here. I can still feel the breath of the 'world tree seed' in him, although we The power of the world's tree seeds can support for a few more days, but you, the boss of Baird, gave him your last share, I'm afraid you ... Besides, we followed Master Merlin's prediction and waited here for thousands of years, Did n’t see the appearance of the “Death Demon King”! Perhaps the prediction that the “Death Demon King will return to the Devil World and will destroy the French Empire” is incorrect and unclear? ”

"That's not important anymore. I just hope now that Wright can live back to Orlando and can take our message to the French Empire! It's almost two thousand years! ... I'm really tired ... and I can't bear it anymore. Live the feeling of eager to go home ... I am afraid that the form of the heroic spirit ca n’t be sustained even with the support of the "world tree seed"? Everything depends on whether Wright can succeed, what we can do Do it, let the fate decide the rest! "

Destiny is so wonderful, if Baird Jones knows that the mission goal they have been waiting for thousands of years and the person who hopes are the same, I wonder how they will feel? With a lot of fate, even if you know what will happen in the future, it does not mean that you can change it. Many things and many things already have its established trajectory. The prophet is often the most painful person ...

As he got closer and closer to the ‘small hill’, Zhang Yang could already feel the huge oppression from the mountain. It felt like he was not facing the magic created by manpower, but the nature of the vast shore!

When Zhang Yang finally reached the foot of ‘Small Hill’, he suddenly realized that his body seemed to be covered with a boulder. That heavy sense of hindrance made his actions that were not so powerful at this moment suddenly slow down by nearly half! When Zhang Yang lifted his feet and climbed up, there was a loud bang, and a light blue almost transparent strange thunderbolt fell from the clouds to Zhang Yang in the blink of an eye!

"Ah !!!"

How fast is lightning? ! It was completely beyond the scope of Zhang Yang's reaction at the moment. He only felt a sudden numbness in his body, and then the force of a direct attack on the soul instantly rushed into his soul world!

However, after bursting into Zhang Yang's soul space, this ray of 'Ming Lei' completely lost its due power! That kind of power that destroys the origin of the soul has no effect in front of the Thunderbolt Nebula! But after a flash, this trace of bright thunder was absorbed by the lightning nebula without traces!

"Admiral Baird! Wright has touched 'Minglei'! Can he resist the past? I already feel that his breath of life has begun to weaken!"

After feeling that ‘Minglei’ had descended, Yadal jumped up from the ground instantly, and at this moment he was nervously standing at the top of the dune like Baird and Alger. Although Zhang Yang's life is still alive, Yadal is still not sure whether Zhang Yang is alive or dead!

Baird Jones ’s nervousness at this moment does not need to be as little as Yadal ’s, but the long-term calm personality made him perfectly control his expression. After hearing Yadale ’s question, Baird responded without trace:

"Should it be alive? As long as" Minglei "drops another track, we can be sure that this Wright can really resist the attack of" Minglei "without dying. Only in this way, he has a chance to reach the eye of thunder penalty. Center, fulfill my wish! "

"But Wright, can he really resist? That's" Minglei "!" Minglei "enough to wipe out the soul !!"

Alger looked at Baird, who said nothing, and patted Yadell's shoulder lightly and said helplessly:

"Don't think about it, old friend. Already at this point, the rest depends on the fate of Wright. The only thing we can do is pray ..."

After convulsing on the ground for a while, Zhang Yang only gradually recovered his consciousness. Was the strange attack just now known as "Ming Lei" in Baird Jones? ! It really hurts! The kind of severe pain that came from the depths of the body made Zhang Yang, who has strong willpower, almost painful fainted! The intensity of that level can be seen!

It seems that there is no big deal, although the painful desire is immortal, but after all, there is no substantial harm. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang slowly struggled to get up, took another step, and rushed to the 100-meter-high 'hill' in front of him!

This time, Zhang Yang was vigorously climbing up, but when he just rushed out less than five meters, ‘Minglei’ came again!

"Master Baird! Look at it!" Minglei "has come down again! Wright is really okay, it seems that our dreams have a chance to be realized!"

Yadal was happy like a child at this time. Although Baird did n’t want to splash his cold water, this ‘Minglei’ was just the beginning, and there were more unknown tests waiting for Zhang Yang ...

"Damn it! I really don't believe it! Wait until I climb to the top of the mountain to see what else you can do!"

This time Zhang Yang was vaguely prepared in his heart, so the effect of 'Ming Lei' was not as great as the first time. Thinking of him, Zhang Yang can also be regarded as a person born of thunder and lightning, and he with the ‘Thunder Nebula’ can almost be regarded as an unprecedented person who has never come before in terms of lightning resistance. Therefore, Zhang Yang, who was stubbornly coming up, began to climb upwards with more and more frequent Ming Lei!

Far away, the sound of ‘Ming Lei’ coming has become increasingly dense, and the hearts of the three Bayerd have been filled with surprise! I didn't expect that this kid who didn't look very powerful could resist such a terrible attack!

At the moment, Zhang Yang's eyes were slightly convex, his teeth clenched, and the increasingly frequent 'Ming Lei' almost made him soft. The pain of pricking his soul made him want to go crazy! But looking at the top of the mountain nearer and nearer, Zhang Yangqiang endured a few dizziness and climbed up tenaciously!

The severe pain accompanied by bursts of paralysis made Zhang Yang almost unable to exert his strength, biting his teeth with red eyes, Zhang Yang made his last effort and leaned over the top of the "hill"! Amazingly, with Zhang Yang's summit, the "Ming Lei" disappeared instantly. But when Zhang Yang had just climbed up and hadn't had time to take a closer look at the appearance of the mountaintop, a strange suction from the twisted space at the top of the mountain suddenly sucked him away!

"Damn !!"

This suction force is so powerful that the tired Zhang Yang could not be resisted and was directly sucked into the distorted space. Correspondingly, Baird's reaction to Zhang Yang's body from the world's tree seeds disappeared at the same time!

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