Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 258: Jealous Berserker 1

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The wings of this kind of elf can release magical and beautiful magic fluorescence. In a dark place, this light can illuminate a range of about one meter, which makes the elf in the night look really mysterious and beautiful.

At the moment, in the igloo built by Zhang Yang, Kai Neng was used as an energy-saving lighting source. She was sitting on Zhang Yang's shoulder at this time, watching him make a coat for himself to keep out the cold.

"Wright, how do you know the needlework of these women? According to the data, in human society, men basically don't have this kind of skill."

"Long ago, in my hometown, I needed to get everything in the army at that time. There were no women in the army, so I would have a little bit of these skills."

"Such ~! What a strange world ..."

Soon the small leather coat in Zhang Yang's hands was ready. He looked at his craft with satisfaction, and felt that although the dress was smaller, it still looked very beautiful. At this time, Kai Neng could not help flying down and grabbed the small leather jacket and quickly put it on his body.

Careful Zhang Yang also left an opening behind the small leather jacket to let the wings extend, so Kai can still fly freely after wearing the small leather jacket.

"Ah! It's really cold! Wright! Wright! Thank you! I like it!"

Seeing the joy in the small space, the little elves flying around could not stop turning on energy, and Zhang Yang's mouth could not help showing a smile. The pure white snow mouse fur coat without a hair is worn on Kaineng's body, making her extremely petite and cute figure even more beautiful. No wonder the ladies of the past liked fur so much, this thing is really beautiful to wear.

For Zhang Yang, Kai Neng is not an auxiliary computer or a machine. She is a truly independent living body, his partner and friend. For friends, Zhang Yang has always been very concerned.

The heavy snow had been going all night, and after the early morning snow stopped the next day, Zhang Yang dragged the stiff snow worms and set foot on the way back to the village of Agama Maya again. There was already a happy little elf Kaineng beside Zhang Yang.

But this matter is bad for Kai Neng.

Just as Zhang Yang and Kai Neng walked to the fir forest less than ten miles from the village of Aigama, Zhang Yang suddenly encountered a solo Slavic soldier on the roadside road. He didn't care at first, and it's no surprise to meet humans near the village. However, just when the gigantic warrior, who was two meters and thirty meters away, saw the elf beside Zhang Yang turning on power, his face with a bunch of pigtails in his beard even showed a very ecstatic expression. !

"My God! What did I see ?! Isn't this an elf ?! God really opened his eyes! Hahahaha !!!"

This guy first had a meal, and then yelled and ran towards where Kai Neng was. At this time, Zhang Yang had already noticed that he was not right. He felt that the big folio was a little bit bad intentioned, so Zhang Yang quickly pulled down the rope of the snow worm corpse and stepped forward to keep Kai Energy behind.

It wasn't until this time that the big guy noticed the human beside the elf. After nearly a month of running, Zhang Yang has grown hair back on his bare body. This time, the hair he had grown had basically turned back to black. Only by looking closely at it, it was found that there were some scarce gray hairs in his black hair.

The big warrior in front of him is Zayok, and he is a mad warrior from Slavic Western Ice Lake City. In the Slavic kingdom on the snowfield, the mad warrior is the strongest fighting force. Although they have the same hierarchies as those on the mainland, the direction of their practice is completely different from the warriors of other human kingdoms.

The cultivation of the Berserker is closer to the orc warrior of Campas. They pay attention to the tapping of ** potential. When the third-level black iron is at the primary level, the talented warrior can stimulate the fighting spirit in the body through trial, only It was only then that they initially had the ability to go crazy.

However, even with the qualities of the third-order fighters, the first level of madness is a terrible double-edged sword! Slavic warriors after madness can obtain comprehensive enhancements ranging from multiples in a short time, and their strength, reaction, recovery, and magic resistance will be greatly improved. There are many disadvantages of this promotion. The most serious is that the primary madness almost confessed to being completely crazy! They will destroy and kill all visible living things until the time of madness passes, or they will be killed themselves. Even if you are lucky enough to resist the time of low-level madness, the cost of long-term disengagement and a lot of life loss after the madness is lifted is still very high.

The more high-level mad warriors, the stronger the ability to withstand the side effects of madness. Only after reaching the fifth-level gold level will the negative effects of madness be reduced to a tolerable range. This is why they are called Slav Berserkers.

"The dwarf! Hurry up and let me go! I finally found a legendary elf. If you delay me in catching the elf, be careful that I will cut you with an axe !!!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang was really angry and funny! This big man's ability to distort the facts is so powerful that he is obviously with the elf. Who is he trying to fool? ! Looking at the bulk of the huge battle axe that had been removed from behind other than ten steps, Zhang Yang took a step back cautiously and said:

"Who are you ?! Kai Neng is my friend, not because you say you can just grab it. You can recognize her as an elf? Is there any other elf in the Slavic kingdom? ! "

"Fart! You said she was yours? You! I also said it was me! Look at how your little turtle looks like a little elf ?! The elf is the best partner of the mad warrior, this Even a child knows it! Unless you are a foreigner !!!? Say! Are you a spy of the French Empire? "

This rude man was unpleasant to speak, but aside from this, Zhang Yang heard some frowns in his words. According to him, there is still the same existence as Kai Neng in the Slavic kingdom? ! Is it such a coincidence ...

However, before Zhang Yang wanted to understand, the big warrior on the opposite side didn't do it! He watched Kai Neng fly to Zhang Yang's shoulder, and then sat generously there! This move is almost plain proof that what Zhang Yang said is true! This makes Zayoke, who has seen the legendary elf, anxious and angry!

"Tortoise! ​​Why don't you answer me ?! You must be a spy from Fran! Don't you dare to admit your guilty conscience? !!! I saw you with an axe !!!! Drink !!!!!"

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