Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 259: Jealous Berserker 2

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Zhang Yang was just a normal Orion dress at this time, plus his much thinner body than the Slavs, it looked like a very bully look. As for Zayok, who was hacked with an axe, he only wore a cumbersome lock breastplate and a short leather skirt, and the horned helmet on his head also looked a bit older. Although the brown fur of unknown Warcraft is still wrapped around his hands and feet, in this freezing temperature of more than ten degrees, Zhang Yang looked at the reckless man with his arms and thighs rushing in front of him, and he could not help but secretly say that the silly boy is firepower ... …

At the moment, everything is said to be in vain, only the big fist is the last word! Although Zhang Yang does not like to cause trouble, he has never been a fearful one! Therefore, when the big axe was cut off in the hands of Zayoke, the orange warrior in Zhang Yang's hand greeted him from bottom to top!

This move looks right in Zayok's eyes! For a mad warrior like Zayoke, hard hitting is their favorite way of fighting, so Zayoke at the moment is even more exciting, and originally used only seven or eight points of force, which was immediately added to ten! !

At this time, the giant axe in Zayoke's hands had already brought strong wind pressure, and Zhang Yangminrui noticed the slight changes of his opponent. He originally had some confidence in the hard axe, but at this time, he did not dare to care. Too. I saw that Zhang Yang suddenly withdrew most of his strength and relaxed slightly under his feet. At the moment when the axe and hammer intersect, with a violent sound of gold and iron, Zhang Yang holding the hammer turned like a gyro on the spot and attacked Zayok from the opposite direction again!

Zayoke's potential blow didn't achieve the effect he expected. He thought he could blow the opponent's weapon with this blow, but who knew that the turtle in front of him knew how to use force! Zayoke is not stupid though he is arrogant! He doesn't think that an opponent who knows how to leverage is easy, so he was cautious when he waved a huge axe to block again.

However, the axe-hammer fought more than ten times in a row, and Zhang Yang couldn't eat it. After all, his strength is no more than the second-tier bronze intermediate, compared to the big block madman Zayoke who has advanced to the third-tier black iron intermediate level, his physical quality is still inferior. If Zhang Yang was not good at controlling the strength, and his skill in using capacity, otherwise he would have been overwhelmed by Zayok's enormous brute force. But even so, Zhang Yang's hands holding Liu Ding's Warhammer have been numb, but Za York is still alive and well.

The giant axe in Zayok's hands is nearly one and a half meters long. The front end of the thick axe handle is a huge axe that is nearly half a meter wide, **** thick, and the front width is narrow. This thing seems to be made of a whole piece of cast iron, and its weight must be fifty Pakri!

However, this giant axe is in the hands of Zayoke. At this time, it is not a burden to wield it. Zhang Yang can use this to estimate that the combat strength of the mad warrior is indeed higher than that of professionals of the same level. What's more, the mad warrior's housekeeping skills [Crazy] have not been shown yet ...

"Asshole! He also said you are not a spy! Hurry up and let go, I will let you out of a way of life. If not, after I am crazy, you will become a pool of mud!"

Playing, just when Zhang Yang ’s palms were numb, and when he could not hold the Warhammer anymore, Zayoke was already impatient, so he took advantage of Zhang Yang ’s retreat and evaded, he put his tomahawk on the snow all at once. Then he opened his mouth and wowed!

Zhang Yang saw that the rude man suddenly stopped his hand, and he happened to recover his numb hands quietly. Not to mention the rest, the power of this big man is really not covered! At least at this time, Zhang Yang's physical quality is not his opponent, because there is no deep hatred, Zhang Yang does not want to play too heavy hands, otherwise once the power of thunder and lightning is used, this big man must not be Zhang Yang's three-in-one! So Zhang Yang replied:

"You rude man! I said that I am not a spy! I live in the village of Aigmaya, not far in front! You guys have a mischievous attitude towards my friend, and then they slander me as a spy, it is unreasonable to make trouble!"

"Za York never sees the wrong person! You are definitely not my Slavs! Isn't it a spy? What can it be? The elf may be too young and ignorant to be deceived by you, otherwise how about the partner of the Snowfield Berserker Will be with outsiders !!!? "

This time, without waiting for Zhang Yang to answer, Kai Neng couldn't help but scold him.

"You silly big guy full of muscles! Where can I be younger ?! I can be your grandmother at all ages! Wright is my most important friend! If you mess around, be careful I hit you ! "

It would be quite ironic to say this from other people's mouths, but it could be changed to Elf Kai Neng, but it completely changed the taste. Her petite and cute appearance and sweet voice made her angry words suddenly become cute. So when Zayok saw Kai Neng's anger, not only did he not stop, but instead his eyes were shining, and he walked forward with words in his mouth.

"It's really rare to hire people ... the sound is so nice ... I will save you from the bad guys anyway ..."

"Ah !!! ... I'm so angry! Didn't you hear what I said ?! You stupid guy !!!"

Kai Neng is going to be mad, and this human is a stinky stone compared with Wright! She couldn't figure out where she was causing this guy. Why did he always miss him? ! Therefore, the first time since Kai Neng became a creature!

"Wright! Help me get down this silly big man with a 'stone head'! I want to see if there is any brain in his stupid head !!"

Zhang Yang nodded slightly after hearing Kai Neng's words. To be honest, he also felt that the silly big man in front of him was a little annoying, not to mention that he was also ready to start with a folio, which was something Zhang Yang could not tolerate. Therefore, his board had already gotten up, and a kind of murderous and dangerous momentum suddenly began to permeate around Zhang Yang!

"The last time I warned you, if I don't leave right away, I'll be real. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Zhang Yang's words instantly detonated Zayok's reason as if he had lit the explosive barrel! An abominable earth turtle, spy, liar, dare to challenge such pride on the snowfield? ! ! This is really unbearable! ! !

Zayok began to tremble uncontrollably, and a terrifying wild momentum began to emerge from Zayok with his increasingly red eyes! Taking advantage of his own sense of reason, Zayoke shouted at Kai Kai:

"Elf! Please hide away from me !! Go to a place where I can't see it !! I will kill him !!! Ao ~~ !!!"

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