Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 267: The Kia Merchants' Crisis

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The wealth carried by each Kia business group can be almost comparable to the income of a medium-sized city in the French Empire. Such a big temptation will naturally attract countless greed. The thieves group is the biggest enemy of the caravan.

Although within the French empire, the power of the royal family can provide some protection to the Kia business group, but even so, there are still many thieves who will harass them from time to time. This is still in the territory of Français, as soon as it enters the Slavic Kingdom, the protection of Français is completely lost. Here, Kia must be alert to attacks from various thieves.

Zayok ’s size and strength are only average among these mad warriors in the Kia Merchants Group, so he was knocked out of the snow after five rounds, which made many people who bet on his win could n’t help it. Thump the chest and make a foot. Zhang Yang knew the strength of Zayoke, so he won a few small coins in the first few bets, so when Zhang Yang handed this won money to the sullen Zayoke, the face of this Slavic man Only a little smile ...

A day passed in a blink of an eye. Zhang Yang went back to the village of Egmaya early in the morning to say goodbye to Emma, ​​but he didn't see Emma's figure, which is somewhat regrettable. However, it was only after Zhang Yang left the village of Aigama and returned to the Kia caravan alone that Emma and her father Aig came out of the big elder's house not far away.

"Emma, ​​Zan Xueyuan likes to go straight to do everything. Are you going to the Wright rare? Why don't you say goodbye to him? I'm pretty good to see him, if you ..."

"Dad! Stop talking!"

"You girl ... hey ..."

Looking at the daughter who was full of contradictions in the previous expression, Iger could only sigh helplessly. In this respect, others cannot persuade.

"Dad, I can feel that he is not an ordinary person as he said. He does not belong to our snowfield. Even if I really want to stay with him, he cannot possibly stay here because of me. It ’s better not to see, at least not to embarrass him ... "

"Silly girl, why are you so ..."

Emma looked at Wright who disappeared in the Kia caravan from afar, and the sour taste in her heart that made Emma bit her lips unconsciously. Touching the necklace that was worn on his neck, Emma could no longer restrain the full tears in her eyes, falling like a broken pearl ...

Zhang Yang and the Kia business group left together, and the Egmayaya village resumed the busy and calm life in the past. Emma did not know whether Zhang Yang would come back again. She now really complains about Wright and left. Why go? Hiding these gold coins in her quilt? ! Isn't it sincere to make people laugh! ? Really ...

At this time, Zhang Yang, like several other archers, was sitting on the top of a carriage and was on alert. The Slavic snow field in autumn has already begun to get a little cold, and the little wind whizzes and the heat that blows on people will soon be consumed.

The team of Kia Merchants Group is very long. After all, the scale is too large. In contrast, the number of guards and mercenaries on alert all around was somewhat less. It happened that someone sent some guardians with hungry and cold meat, and Zhang Yang took the opportunity to ask the person:

"Friends, have we always been the guards of our caravans? How do I feel like they are a bit small?"

The young man who sent the jerky seemed to be in his early twenties. Hearing Zhang Yang's question, he hesitated a little and looked around quietly before answering in a low voice:

"Hey ~! Brother said to you, be more careful when you set your whistle! It seems that the caravan captain has caused people who shouldn't be harassed this time. We were stared by two thieves along the way! Are you new? Look at your face, I tell you, before you came, we had a fight with a small group of more than 300 small thieves! That time, because something happened suddenly, Dozens of us in Kia died! Even the caravan captain was injured! "

"That's it? So there is another band of thieves staring at us?"

While casually following the young man's words, he took a piece of hard jerky that he handed over and did not know what meat. At this time Zhang Yang Tengran remembered the figure he saw in the fir forest in the distance yesterday. Should that be the scout of the bandits? I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I was on the road. Is this just a bit of a back? Still unlucky? !

"There should still be a band of thieves, who knows? But I advise you not to stay on the roof. In the previous attack, the thieves attacked the archers on the roof first. But I did n’t say anything, brother, take care! I have to send the dried meat to the front. "

The youth's words made Zhang Yang suddenly understand why he was assigned to the archer group as a security task when he saw his bow and arrow, and why he saw so few archers in the caravan. Was it regarded as cannon fodder? Zhang Yang chewed a piece of jerky that was as hard as rubber, and couldn't help smiling. It seems that the Slavic snowfields are not as calm as they thought ...

The whole morning was very calm, but just before noon, when the front of Kia's huge team just turned over a fir forest, a scream from the scout ahead and a burst of feather arrows followed immediately Break the calm of the caravan!

"Enemies !!!"


Suddenly, this sudden arrow hit a dozen or so mercenaries who were guarding around the carriage and were shot directly to the ground! The meal delivery youth was right, Zhang Yang's position was indeed taken care of by the other party! If it wasn't for him to dodge fast, the four powerful feather arrows could pin him to the roof!

The Slavs are generally physically strong, so the power of the arrows they shoot is naturally superior to ordinary people. Zhang Yang, who turned over the back of the carriage, saw with his own eyes that all the guards who were shot by arrows, even if they were wearing Lin leather armor, would be shot against each other! There were five scouts looking ahead, and only one of them barely screamed. Is this really the strength of the bandits?

However, within a few breaths, the mercenaries belonging to the Kia Merchants Group were all withdrawn to the rear of the carriage to evade while preparing to fight back. The carriages of the Kia caravan are all manufactured with uniform specifications. These carriages are extremely strong, and the carriages and side walls are lined with steel plates. When encountering a battle, as long as they are urgently linked together, it is a solid barrier. Therefore, after the attack, the Kia caravan guards quickly connected the carriages together to form a defensive circle.

At this time, Zhang Yang discovered that just as Kia guards hid behind the carriage, more than 400 tall, Slavic warriors wearing hoods and leather armor suddenly rushed out of the fir forest tens of meters away! At this time, it is not enough to think about it. As a mercenary of the caravan, Zhang Yang has opened his hunting bow and aimed at a gangster who is struggling to rush forward with a warhammer!

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