Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 268: Kia attack

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I do n’t know who was the first to shoot the first arrow at the thieves who rushed and yelled, but Zhang Yang knew that if he could not try to keep them out of the defense, then only the caravan now had only 200 people. The guarding power of the thief, when the thieves rushed forward, they must be unable to resist!

Zhang Yang doesn't like killing people, but many times he has to hurt the killer! I saw that as Zhang Yang loosened the bow string in his hand, a burst of feather arrows shot into the chest of the thief who was rushing forward! However, a scene that surprised Zhang Yang appeared! The thief who was pierced through the middle of his chest did not immediately fall to the ground and died! He looked at the arrows piercing his chest as if in disbelief, and then suddenly spit out a blood foam. He howled and his muscles began to swell quickly!

[Crazy]? !

How can it be? ! How can a mad warrior appear in such a rogue group? ! However, Zhang Yang's astonishment had just begun. I saw that in the gang of thieves opposite, those who did not hurt their heads and heart had all gone one after another [Crazy] and stood up! This scene is really terrifying. If everyone in the other party is a mad warrior who can be [crazed], then can they be comparable to the Slavic trump card `` Crazy Warrior Legion '' in the Eastern Royal City? !

This perception almost scared all Kia businessmen guards who saw this scene, but Zhang Yang was keenly aware that these people, regardless of the degree of muscle bulge compared to when they saw Zayok [Crazy] Or the abnormal red in the eyes, far from Zayok, who can just [Mad]! So is there a possibility that some kind of medicine or something used by these guys can achieve this similar effect? !

However, even if Zhang Yang's guess is correct, but more than 400 strong thieves who can use "quasi-crazy" are not something that the Kia caravan can deal with at this stage!

Zhang Yang couldn't think too much. The "Pseudo Berserker" who was shot through the chest with arrows had screamed and rushed towards him like a beast! When he rushed to a place less than twenty meters away from Zhang Yang's carriage, an arrow stronger than before suddenly shot through his head from his eye socket!

The "pseudo-crazy warrior" suddenly died completely, but in the next scene, Zhang Yang looked up and frowned tightly! !

After losing his life, the 'pseudo-mad warrior' first cramped for a long time, and then looked at Zhang Yang frowning, like a melting candle, in just a few breaths, the whole body of flesh turned into a stink Bloody water! ! In a blink of an eye, a tall, strong Slavic man was left with only a pale white skeleton! ! !

"Monsters !!! They are all monsters !!!"

"Don't let them approach the caravan !!!"

"Gosh! What curse is this? Merciful light, save me!"


As more and more wounded thieves turned into ‘pseudo-crazy warriors’, the Kia **** after the carriage suddenly began to fend off! Looking at the mysterious thieves who started the mass destruction, the merchants of the Kia Merchants shouted in horror!

In a hurry, Zhang Yang found that the strength of Kia's guards was not very strong, and even few soldiers who would use grudges were few! This is really inconsistent with the reputation of the Kia Merchants in the extreme northern snow field! However, just as Kia's defense line was about to collapse, a group of mysterious warriors wearing white cloaks suddenly rushed from behind the caravan!

"Great!" Snow Shadow Guard "is coming! Everyone hold on!"

There are various professionals among these mysterious people in white cloaks! After a quick glance, Zhang Yang made a rough estimate, and there are nearly fifty people in this group called "Snow Shadow Guards". Most of them are third-order black iron warriors who can use grudge to strengthen weapons! Among them, Zhang Yang also found five magicians and five third-level shooters!

Each of these people is a veteran on the battlefield, and they are quite adept at fighting against each other or cooperating with each other. Their entry made Kia's defense quickly stabilized. Although the casualties of Kia's guards still appeared from time to time, it was obvious that the speed of casualties on the thieves side was much faster than that of Kia!

Since Zhang Yang's achievements in Ere's body, his perception of other elements has dropped to a level close to nothing. However, in contrast, in terms of the four energy types of life, death, thunder and demon, he has unparalleled Perception! At this time, Zhang Yang had clearly felt that the life energy of these thieves who turned into ‘false warriors’ was rapidly consuming! At the same time, a little bit of death energy condensed on the bones after their death!

Are these people related to undead? ! Is it possible for an undead creature of this degree to fail? !

Zhang Yang's thoughts are a bit confused, what kind of existence is a lich, he knows better than anyone! If it were really a lich, then how far should he run now! At his present level, he is not even qualified to escape in front of the lich!

Zhang Yang has shot and killed six thieves at this moment. When he knew the weaknesses of these guys, he only needs two or three arrows to kill a thief completely. When the mysterious thieves had fewer than 100 people left, they started to retreat quickly! This made Zhang Yang feel a little unclear about their intentions.

These nerve-wracking questions do not require Zhang Yang to think at this moment. After the short and fierce battle, Zhang Yang quickly rushed out of the defensive circle formed by the carriage and came to squat in front of the bones left by the thieves in front.

The closer you get to these bones, the more clearly Zhang Yang can feel the dead energy hidden in these bones! This thing may be extremely harmful to the creatures, but it is a great supplement to Zhang Yang!

Pretending to look at these corpses, Zhang Yang reached out his right hand and quickly touched a bone, and quietly sucked that point of death energy into his body. For Zhang Yang who cannot improve his strength by absorbing elemental energy through meditation, although these death energies are not many, they still seem very valuable, not to mention that if left unattended, they may still leave scourge.

Zhang Yang's one by one action to check the wreckage of the enemy quickly attracted the attention of others. Compared with the previous Kia's guards, Zhang Yang's face-giving approach was really suspicious enough, so he contacted more than 50 wreckages. At that time, two 'Snow Shadow Guards' wearing white cloaks approached him.

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