Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 269: Death Energy and Elixir of Elimination

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"The guy in front! Who are you !? What are you doing!"

Zhang Yang knew that there were two people behind him, but he was just concentrating on absorbing the energy of death, so until one of the people behind him started to ask questions, Zhang Yang absorbed the energy and slowly stood up and turned to look at the two.

The men and women in front of them are snow shadow guards wearing white cloaks. Among them, the woman has an impressive pair of long and narrow eyes, her face is slightly longer and her lips are thin, and a one-handed sword crosses From the waist, at first glance is a mean person who is not easy to get along with. The height of the man standing next to her is only the same as that of the woman, but the height of this man is about seven meters or eight. The man's length is quite strong. A pair of chopping axe is being carried in his hand. It was this man who just spoke.

"Me? An ordinary Kia caravan guard shooter, I don't know what happened to the two?"

Zhang Yangming asked for some reason that his heart was transparent for the origin of the two, but he was not stupid. He told them that he was absorbing energy and had to find an excuse to fool it.

"Caravan guards? Why haven't we seen you ?!"

"I ’m a mercenary who joined yesterday. It ’s normal that the two of you have n’t seen this. This is the contract I signed with the Kia Caravan. Speaking of which, I do n’t know that Kia has such a team called" Snow Shadow Guard ". It's really eye-opening. "

"Strange !? I have followed the Kia Caravan to and from the Slav Snowfield so many times. I haven't really seen the Falan who joined halfway! Let's not mention this for now, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yang had already thought about his speech at this moment, so he did not hesitate, but frowned, saying:

"These thieves are very weird! I had encountered a plague caused by an undead lich while traveling in Ladvia a while ago, and the scene was somewhat similar to these! So I was checking one by one The remains of these people hope to find some clues. "

These words made the two people on the opposite side look at each other in surprise, and then the woman who had not spoken suddenly stared at Zhang Yang's eyes and asked:

"Just because you guys who can't be arrogant can still escape from the lich's hands ?! It's a joke! You can tell the truth honestly!"

"What I said is true. Of course, I can't compete with the powerful undead lich, but I can still do it by hiding my life in the city! I have also seen those undead creatures. After all, I am a Shooter, you do n’t need to go out and fight the zombies directly! As for you, believe it or not, that ’s your business! I just think it ’s a little weird, not to mention that I ’m not your prisoner, you treat yourself like this Comrades ?! "


Although Zhang Yang looked calm, what he said was cold. These two are just the strength of the third-tier black iron senior. If they don't care about their identity and have to return to the **** with the caravan, Zhang Yanglian will not dump them!

"Forget it, let him watch it if he likes it! But it's just a pile of rotten flesh and bones, as long as it's not a spy."

"Humph! Let's go!"

After glaring Zhang Yang angrily, the slender-eyed woman was pulled away by her companion. This time Zhang Yang can finally continue to secretly absorb the death energy in the remaining bones in the name of the inspection of the debris. When there is almost a leak in the busy life, Zhang Yang can finally absorb the death energy in these bones. At this time Zhang Yang was surprised to find that the benefit of these death energies was much higher than his life energy! Although he has absorbed more than 400 parts of the death energy in the bones, the purity of these energy is not only very low, but as more and more death energy is inhaled, a trace of negative emotions also makes Zhang Yang sad. A faint icy, dark breath began to spread from Zhang Yang.

Compared with the death energy Zhang Yang obtained from the half-lich, these newly absorbed death energy can only be equivalent to the difference between clean water and spirits! The gap between the two is more than a hundredfold? ! Although these negative death energies can affect people's emotions, in terms of the harvest that these energies bring to Zhang Yang, the top ten second-order high-level Warcraft can bring him the sum of life energy! This has greatly improved Zhang Yang's physical fitness by nearly one-tenth!

At this time, he found that as his physical quality improved, the energy demand for wanting to advance again turned out to be more and more huge. When this energy was placed in his second-level bronze junior, it was enough to increase Zhang Yang by one third. physical fitness! Does this mean that the more difficult it is to improve physical fitness in the future?

In this raid, Kia ’s guards also killed 43 people, and injured more than 60 people! If it wasn't for Xueying's guards to arrive in time, I am afraid that the ordinary guards of more than 200 people would be damaged here. In the face of mysterious robbers who are tall and intrepid and fearless to death, and their general strength exceeds second-order and can also launch ‘pseudo-crazy’, the next road of Kia Caravan is really worrying ...

Just as the Kia Caravan bury the dead to rescue the wounded and prepare to continue on the road, in the carriage of the Kia Caravan, Li Wei. Kia was watching the secret letter in front of him. He did not expect that the potions promoted by the mysterious man he had rejected in the Slavic city were real! Looking back now, Li Wei still feels terrified afterwards. Although the effect of the "Mad Flower Elixir" is strong, the sequelae are really terrible! As long as the thought of drinking this potion will instantly melt into a dead bone after death, his heart is full of inexplicable chill!

This kind of medicament was unheard of before. Li Wei and Kia had been on the road for 20 years. He has been in the Slavic snow field for more than ten years. Where did this kind of thing appear from this time?

Li Wei couldn't find the answer after thinking for a long time. He was injured when he was fighting with a group of robbers three days ago. He has not recovered completely. Although expensive high-level treatment potions have been used, the strange numbness from the back wound makes Li Wei feel more and more physically weak! This shouldn't be! I was also a fifth-level junior high-level combatant. Although the injury was a little serious this time, the injury should be cured as usual. And the pharmacists tested and said that they were not poisoned. What's the matter?

Just then, the door of the carriage was opened, and an old man in a gray magic robe got in.

"Brother Li Wei, I have an unpredictable hunch, this time we are really in big trouble!"

It's not a day or two since Li Wei and Yuman met. For this year-end friend, Li Wei is extremely trustworthy. As a magician who needs mental power to maintain stability, such anxiety should not appear on Yuman's face.

"Brother Yuman, what happened?"

"Yeah, I have checked the bones of the robbers just now. They should have taken the" Crazy Elixir ". It's just that I just vaguely felt a trace of undying power of death, but I was careful. When searching, it disappeared completely. This is not easy ... "

"The power of death? Undead magic ?! Is this event related to undead?"

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